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RUMOUR: Nintendo looking to buy back Rare + franchises, Retro making Banjo Wii U

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#1 Deadly Virus

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Posted 19 July 2012 - 06:12 PM


RARE, oh how we remember you fondly. We remember the days of Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, and naturally the original Banjo and Kazooie. I remember even after being bought by Microsoft how you still had one last trick up your sleeve known as Viva Pinata, an extremely under-appreciated gem from last generation. Now you are a shadow of your former self making silly casual Kinect games that no one is buying. Banjo and Kazooie has always been viewed a very Nintendo like franchise, one which died with Nutz and Bolts. Nintendo, according to this anonymous tipster, is looking to correct the great disservice in the killing off of this once beloved franchise.
According to the tipster, Nintendo is in direct negotiations with Microsoft to buy RARE, though the purpose of buying them seems to be all based around getting the rights to Banjo and Kazooie. Of course, we can’t forget the other key franchises Nintendo gets with the acquisition. Conker’s Bad Fur Day may have been shunned by Nintendo, but a sequel to that game should be embraced by the Nintendo brass if they want the Wii U to really be for everyone. Of course, this rumor doesn’t stop there - it goes as far as to suggest that Retro Studios is actually deep into development on a Banjo and Kazooie title, and that the talks with Microsoft have been ongoing for some time.
Every fiber of my body wants this rumor to come true, but I know better. You might as well take this rumor with 3 giant semi-trucks of salt because if I was a betting man (and I am), I would throw my life savings in the corner of falsehood here. But we can dream can’t we? RARE and Nintendo back together? Banjo and Kazooie back where they belong (and likely in a Smash game to boot?). For once can one of these anonymous tips be right? Doubtful, but God willing we will get our way.

Now I have absolutely no idea where they got this from, but it is VERY interesting. Let's hope this is true, because if it is, the next few years are going to be heaven for us long-time Nintendo fans.. :o

Edited by Deadly Virus, 19 July 2012 - 06:12 PM.

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#2 Soul



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Posted 19 July 2012 - 06:15 PM

I would be so pissed if Retro was making Banjo. It's a good game and all but that's is not what I wanted Retro to make.

#3 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 19 July 2012 - 06:28 PM

well if nintendo isnt going to spend money on buying exclusives they need to buy more development studios. ive always said they need to buy HVS (conduit) and award them for what they were trying to do on the wii. nintendo need to get developers that can make the exclusive FPS and sci-fi shooters etc that they aren't known for bringing from their 1st party selection.

#4 starraters


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Posted 19 July 2012 - 06:30 PM

I would be so pissed if Retro was making Banjo. It's a good game and all but that's is not what I wanted Retro to make.

agree i want the game but not from retro i want retro to be making metroid or fzero or star fox how awesome would it be to have all three of these games in one console genteration

#5 Blake



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Posted 19 July 2012 - 06:30 PM


But the rumor suggests that Retro has been working on a Banjo Kazooie game. That I SERIOUSLY doubt that.

But then again, didn't Retro say that they are "working on what Nintendo fans want"?

#6 Hank Hill

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Posted 19 July 2012 - 06:55 PM


If it was real, I'd plotz. I hate speaking death into things but...this seems about as likely as me winning the lottery tomorrow.



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#7 Expansion Pak

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Posted 19 July 2012 - 06:56 PM

I would just want this for Donkey Kong 64 on Virtual Console. i really want it.

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#8 Blake



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Posted 19 July 2012 - 11:33 PM

GoNintendo claims that this is "10000000000% bogus". Sadly, they are probably correct.

Edited by Blake, 19 July 2012 - 11:34 PM.

#9 Waller


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 12:41 AM


I don't WANT this to be true. There isn't any talent left in Rare, the only good thing they have left is their franchises, which are being forgotten or ruined. Nintendo buying Rare back won't just magically return Rare to it's former glory.

I do want them to buy the franchises, though.

Edited by Waller, 20 July 2012 - 12:41 AM.


#10 AndyG


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 12:49 AM

We did state in one of the previous threads i made that it would be better just to buy the IP rather than the studio itself.

But don't assume that their aren't any talented people left at Rare, while most of the key designers that lead to the studios success have left, that doesn't mean that they aren't worth buying. Plus the value of the studio would be far less than what Microsoft paid for it.

Man it makes you wander what would have happened if Rare had refused and continued to work for Nintendo, would they have fell to the same fate as they have or have continued to make more amazing inspirational titles as they have done in the past. -_-
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#11 kris1206



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Posted 20 July 2012 - 03:52 AM

I think that Nintendo should just buy the IP because the BK series and pretty much every other pre xbox IP is just picking up dust.
I doubt this because how would Retro be allready making the game. Although this would make sence why retro didn't show anything because the deal hadn't been finalised.
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#12 NinjaU


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 09:17 AM

I actually liked Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts.

But Banjo would be even better on a Wii U or a 3DS!

#13 kris1206



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Posted 20 July 2012 - 12:24 PM

I did like Nuts and bolts but I can't help thinking that it only has banjo and kazooie in it too sell the game
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#14 Guy Fieri

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 03:24 PM

They should just buy back the IP's. Since Rare has done nothing with their own franchises recently. Don't know what would happen if they bought Rare as a whole.

#15 Penguin101


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 03:28 PM

NO, NO, NOOOOO! Don't do it Retro, don't make a Banjo Kazooie game, make a Metroid Prime game, it's what you're good at....Plus Nintendo have too many platformers.....

Plus just because you buy a company back, doesn't mean you have automatically fixed its problems. Rare need to be bought, dismantled, and then re-hire everyone who used to work for them.....

#16 Hank Hill

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 02:49 PM

NO, NO, NOOOOO! Don't do it Retro, don't make a Banjo Kazooie game, make a Metroid Prime game, it's what you're good at....Plus Nintendo have too many platformers.....

Plus just because you buy a company back, doesn't mean you have automatically fixed its problems. Rare need to be bought, dismantled, and then re-hire everyone who used to work for them.....

I'd rather have Retro make a sequel to Banjo Kazooie rather than make a fourth game to a series that's supposed to stay a trilogy. But I digress.

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This is how I felt whenever I saw this topic go live. :P



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#17 Alph


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Posted 22 July 2012 - 03:55 AM

Seems fake. Proberly some desperate fan made it to get everybodies hopes up. We can only dream, though.

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#18 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 22 July 2012 - 04:32 AM

NO, NO, NOOOOO! Don't do it Retro, don't make a Banjo Kazooie game, make a Metroid Prime game, it's what you're good at....Plus Nintendo have too many platformers.....

Plus just because you buy a company back, doesn't mean you have automatically fixed its problems. Rare need to be bought, dismantled, and then re-hire everyone who used to work for them.....

There is no such thing as to many Platformers especially when it's Banjo Kazooie, also Retro is good at Platformers too remember Donkey Kong Country returns.

#19 Ridley's Revenge

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Posted 22 July 2012 - 06:49 PM

First of all, hasn't this rumor already been confirmed to be bogus??? Even if this was true, I would rather Nintendo just buy back the IP's, as Rare has fallen far since their glory days with Nintendo.

#20 AwesomeAustin


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Posted 22 July 2012 - 08:00 PM

The rumors are just rumors. o.o"

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