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Nintendo's New IP... what should it be?

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 02:38 AM

We all know nintnedo always gets flack(usually from Sony and microsoft gamers) about their lack of new ip's. I have always said the lack on new (core traditional)ip's on Wii was because of the lack of power(which nintendo did on purpose). i would say the last true new IP nintendo created was pikmin back on the gamecube. there was a (what i call tech demo) called project hammer that was shown in 2006 for the Wii. i do expect to see project hammer on the Wii U in some fashion but maybe not exactly how we saw it here in 2006.

nintendo usually compete with themselves. but should they? can they bring content the like of skyrim, uncharted, and the last of us? i love playing smash brothers, and new super mario brothers with my kids. but can nintendo give me and my wife somthing more mature we can enjoy together when the kids go down for sleep. so gamers i ask what kind of new ip's should(or whatever you think) nintendo bring to the market with Wii U?

Edited by TRON, 07 August 2012 - 02:45 AM.

#2 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 07 August 2012 - 03:08 AM

The wii u was made to attract the hardcore, and still keep the casuals for the ultimate selling machine. But in order to attract more hardcores I think it would be wise (and kind of cool) to have a good first person shooter. The last true great FPS on a Nintendo system was perfect dark( I could be missing something, but that's the last good one I've played)


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#3 Alph


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Posted 07 August 2012 - 03:09 AM

We don't need a new shooter, we've got Metroid. We need something like Skyrim I think.

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#4 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 03:21 AM

It does need a new shooter. Metroid hardly classifies, as it gets more appraisal as a Metroidvania over being a Retro FPA.

For years, Nintendo has been wanting to do an FPS. And for years, they've never gotten around to it.

Nintendo makes good ****. People keep saying "Nintendo doesn't need to make a FPS, it's overrated and doesn't do them justice!"

Well count on Nintendo to make the most of the overrated genre, and to make the best of it...

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#5 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 03:24 AM

im not doubting what you guys are saying. nintendo is great at making games... but if i saw a nintnedo developed fps i would be hesitant just at the thought. now knowing nintendo they would make the stroy, and art worth buying the game.

#6 Keviin



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Posted 07 August 2012 - 04:31 AM

Miyamoto said the wanted to do an FPS right? That'd be interesting, because for 99% sure they won't do a typical generic COD clone but actually something cool, new, and unique, like Time Splitters.
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#7 MorbidGod


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Posted 07 August 2012 - 06:22 AM

I don't care what the new game is, as long as it rocks my socks off.
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#8 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 07 August 2012 - 07:01 AM

Miyamoto said the wanted to do an FPS right? That'd be interesting, because for 99% sure they won't do a typical generic COD clone but actually something cool, new, and unique, like Time Splitters.

And that exact reason is why I want th to make one, they would do something that would either blow us away, or completely fail. But even if it does fail which I doubt it would, at least they attempted to do it.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#9 Mitch



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Posted 08 August 2012 - 04:49 PM


Nintendo needs to make something so ridiculously disturbing and graphic that it gets banned in like 9 European countries (but it cant be an FPS cuz thatd be gay) and then they can say suck on that to all the annoying (insert expletive here) who dis on the Big N saying that all they make is little kid games

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Edited by Mitch13pavel, 08 August 2012 - 04:59 PM.

#10 coolsarahkry



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Posted 08 August 2012 - 05:32 PM

I've tried google, but I CAN'T figure it out. Can someone please tell me what an ip is?
Posted Imageby cerberuz

#11 Soul



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Posted 08 August 2012 - 05:41 PM

Nintendo needs to make something so ridiculously disturbing and graphic that it gets banned in like 9 European countries (but it cant be an FPS cuz thatd be gay) and then they can say suck on that to all the annoying (insert expletive here) who dis on the Big N saying that all they make is little kid games

Posted Image

I know you didn't say that on purpose that has to be a coincidence.

I've tried google, but I CAN'T figure it out. Can someone please tell me what an ip is?

Intellectual Property

It's basically, a new series.
Example: If Nintendo creates a new I.P it they would make a whole new game with whole new characters. They can make a game that's bloody and has more "manly" action, like Gears of War.

Edited by Emblem, 08 August 2012 - 05:42 PM.

#12 Mitch



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Posted 08 August 2012 - 05:45 PM

I know you didn't say that on purpose that has to be a coincidence.

Nah i dont want another FPS, they are all way too similar, (although Nintendo could be just what that genre needs to break the mold) i dont even want them to go near it... the last time they attempted a FPS they came out with this :P --->

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#13 eugoreez


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Posted 08 August 2012 - 06:09 PM

I've tried google, but I CAN'T figure it out. Can someone please tell me what an ip is?

Intellectual property

anyway, some games rated between teen and mature could be nice. maybe an action adventure game with current time frame? so far we have seen futuristic and sort of medieval fantasy game from nintendo.
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#14 Soul



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Posted 08 August 2012 - 06:31 PM

Nah i dont want another FPS, they are all way too similar, (although Nintendo could be just what that genre needs to break the mold) i dont even want them to go near it... the last time they attempted a FPS they came out with this :P --->

Posted Image

That's not even near what I meant.

"Nintendo needs to make something so ridiculously disturbing and graphic that it gets banned in like 9 European countries" then you mention "(but it cant be an FPS cuz thatd be gay)" That's why I laughed.

#15 Ixchel


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Posted 08 August 2012 - 07:35 PM

Nah i dont want another FPS, they are all way too similar, (although Nintendo could be just what that genre needs to break the mold) i dont even want them to go near it... the last time they attempted a FPS they came out with this :P --->

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Never understood all the hate Sunshine gets. Was one of the only Mario games I enjoyed.
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#16 Mitch



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Posted 08 August 2012 - 09:04 PM

Never understood all the hate Sunshine gets. Was one of the only Mario games I enjoyed.

I loved Sunshine too

#17 Dwarphkin


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Posted 09 August 2012 - 10:29 AM

That disturbing game would be like manhunt on the xbox and ps2. but with mario characters as cameos. -drools-
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#18 Colinx



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Posted 09 August 2012 - 10:35 AM

Some sort of Alien shooter would be really cool. I think Nintendo should definitely make a hardcore shooter but keep it Nintendo-ish.


#19 Hyrule's Samurai

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 10:41 AM

Read it and be happy because yours truly wrote something this mad:

A New Pokemon RPG:

Though Bethesda doesn't have to help, it could be another company. You know, someone from Japan that can also have good games, juat saying (though, many Japanese companies are like that).

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#20 coolsarahkry



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Posted 11 August 2012 - 12:37 PM

OH. So a whole new series, hmm? Well, I don't know if I can come up with an idea for a whole new series myself.
For games, though, I would love to see a pokemon game with live action fighting (is that what it's called O.o?), like super smash bros, but a 3d world and with all the pokemon. Although, I guess if you were a trainer and could catch the pokemon and assuming you would be playing AS the pokemon while you fight that would mean nintendo would have to make different actions for EVERY pokemon which would take SO long.

So, maybe instead it could be like Mystery Dungeon? You can run through dungeons and defeat enemies in an expansive 3d world! You would play as one of say, 3 pokemon each of a different type? Or maybe choose from 9 pokemon like in mystery dungeon? You would gain experience by fighting pokemon that attack you in the dungeons. Grass pokemon could use vines to swing across gaps. Water pokemon can swim for a long time under water. Your rescue team members could follow behind you, and battle with you, like in Kingdom Hearts. How about, instead of a rescue team you are trying to save the world? That would be cool. Except this idea is too much like Zelda. Hmm.

Posted Imageby cerberuz

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