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Gam3&Watch Game Analyzation

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#1 Foot


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Posted 24 August 2012 - 03:00 PM

Time for my first edition of my weekly series (Hopefully) called Gam3&Watch (Play off of Game & Watch cuz I watch for Gaming news.


Wii U:

Opinion: I think it's in Nintendo's best interest to save it until after Black Friday to make enough profit. If you have too many sold at a discount, then Nintendo won't be making a profit or at least very minimal, and we wouldn't wan Nintendo to be selling them at a loss like with the 3DS, and especially with how many their planning to sell.


Opinion: BEST IDEA EVER. Social Gaming is taking over so communication, whether in Single Player seeing others ideas, or together with friends, Miiverse's Message Boards truly makes Nintendo at the Top in Gaming.


Opinion: Considering they've been preparing for a 2012 Launch since they announced it in 2011, probably even before. They'll be ready.

PS Vita

Opinion: It's not that impressive considering the 3DS's 19 Million, however they are doing better than anyone expected (Verge of Collapsing), and with games like AC3: Liberation, Black Ops Declassified on the Horizon, sales will at least hit 4.5 Million before the end of the fiscal year, or Possibly even before the end of Calendar 2012! And even if the titles are Bad, people are still going to buy them because they are big name. I can't see the 12 and Under age range finding a purpose to buy it though.
Xbox 360:

Opinion: It's funny how This happened so shortly after the Wii U Press Event announcement so it's Pretty obvious why. I can imagine that they'll cut the Xbox 360 price too shortly after the Press Event for the Wii U. In terms of Kinect sales for the Holiday, don't expect them to be too impressive, as the Kinect Craze is gone, and i'm not favoring but the new craze will be Wii U.

Opinion: $249.99 and $299.99 seem pretty good considering all of the amazing New games, they'll do pretty fine without a price cut, after all, Software sells, not price, just look at the 3DS launch!

Opinion: If it gives it a reason to sell then that sounds pretty good! And signs seem to point to this! Mark Rein of Epic Games said Next-Generation would be like Batman going from Adam West to Dark Knight Rises. Since this is a Wii U topic I just gotta say that I hope Wii U can keep up.


Opinion: I did some research, and to render a 4K picture you'll need 2 High end graphics cards. I doubt Sony wants to sell their console for over $600 again with prices to support this output. So, sad to say, I doubt it.

Special Topic: Console Wars for the Next Generation

Opinion: So remember how rumors were going around about how the Wii U was more powerful than the Xbox Durango, and Playstation Orbis. Well, why is Epic not supporting it if it is more powerful? That would be stupid, and why yes, Unreal 4 can run on Wii U, it's not Epic's intent. Based on all of the factual info lately, I think The other Next-Gen consoles will be very more powerful than Wii U. If it was only slightly, I'm pretty sure Epic would want to bring it to he platform then. But it's okay, it will get 3rd Party Support due to the Modern Tech.

Alright, post your Comments and Questions down below and maybe they'll be answered or featured as your opinion next week. Happy Friday!

New Posts every Friday @ 7:00 pm EST.
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#2 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 24 August 2012 - 04:03 PM


Just a suggestion: you should call your little segment thingy "Heyheyharold's Hypotheses" or something with the word opinion. Second, while it's a pretty good post, if you wanted to go for Ponkotsu status, that is sadly not near his caliber of writing.

Edited by StreetPassWanter, 24 August 2012 - 04:04 PM.

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#3 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 04:28 PM

wii u will be about the same power as atleast one of the next gen systems besides wii u. wii u is using extremely new tech so its gonna be hard to beat.


#4 Foot


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Posted 24 August 2012 - 05:12 PM

Just a suggestion: you should call your little segment thingy "Heyheyharold's Hypotheses" or something with the word opinion. Second, while it's a pretty good post, if you wanted to go for Ponkotsu status, that is sadly not near his caliber of writing.

Well, I'll probably never make that skill, but I am taking Senior English this year, so it WILL improve, I assure you that.

Oh, and I like Heyheyharold's Hypothesis, but I feel that it should be more of everyone's (or at least the randomly selected) comments and questions about the current status of the gaming world, so I named it Gam3&Watch just so that it wasn't all about my analysis'

wii u will be about the same power as atleast one of the next gen systems besides wii u. wii u is using extremely new tech so its gonna be hard to beat.

Unfortunately, I have to disagree with you there. It will be undoubtfully powerful, just not as much as the others, otherwise we'd here about more developers supporting it by now, unless Nintendo was holding back on us, and if they were, they'd be saying that they will, instead of just considering (like iD Software, Bethesda Softworks, or Take-Two).

Edited by Heyheyharold, 24 August 2012 - 05:17 PM.

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#5 Mitch



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Posted 24 August 2012 - 05:28 PM

Well, I'll probably never make that skill, but I am taking Senior English this year, so it WILL improve, I assure you that.

Oh, and I like Heyheyharold's Hypothesis, but I feel that it should be more of everyone's (or at least the randomly selected) comments and questions about the current status of the gaming world, so I named it Gam3&Watch just so that it wasn't all about my analysis'

Unfortunately, I have to disagree with you there. It will be undoubtfully powerful, just not as much as the others, otherwise we'd here about more developers supporting it by now, unless Nintendo was holding back on us, and if they were, they'd be saying that they will, instead of just considering (like iD Software, Bethesda Softworks, or Take-Two).

First off I like your name, 2nd I think your right about the power but since the wii u can stream full 1080p seamlessly it doesnt seem like the other consoles extra power and beef will even be relevant until the next wave of TV's sweeps the nation, but for now the wii u should be safe...

The reason Bethesda may have not shown support yet is because their game (Dishonored) is already slated for an October release date and they may have not wanted to go back and do a wii u port over with new controls and then their other project (Elder scrolls MMO) is PC. I bet we will see their next console game (hopefully Fallout 4) on Wii U... Or if thats not the case i guess it could be that they are just Nintendo haters :P

Edited by Mitch13pavel, 24 August 2012 - 05:29 PM.

#6 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 24 August 2012 - 07:21 PM

Well, I'll probably never make that skill, but I am taking Senior English this year, so it WILL improve, I assure you that.

Oh, and I like Heyheyharold's Hypothesis, but I feel that it should be more of everyone's (or at least the randomly selected) comments and questions about the current status of the gaming world, so I named it Gam3&Watch just so that it wasn't all about my analysis

Opinion Corner? LOL. :P You can still do like: Opinion Corner: Gam3&Watch, but for some reason I feel like this needs name.
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#7 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 05:00 AM

Second, while it's a pretty good post, if you wanted to go for Ponkotsu status, that is sadly not near his caliber of writing.

yooooooooooooouuuuu..... smartarse

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