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How do you want Zelda Wii U to be storywise?

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#1 Alianjaro



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 08:41 AM

You may have heard of that false rumor claiming that a game called Zelda: Valley of the Flood was in development. It basically takes place between Majora's Mask and the Wind Waker, when, as said in The Wind Waker's prologue, Hyrule was flooded to end the foolish war for the Triforce. It's interesting to know that the prologue said clearly, Hyrule was hoping to see his savior (hero of time), but nobody came. So it would be really amazing to know what happened.

Gameplay-wise, Mr WisdomPowerCourage had an amazing idea to satisfy both people that want Motion controls and those that don't. Here's the quote:
"But there is a solution, there is a way to have Skyward Sword accurate sword controls without motion controls. Look at the Wii U Gamepad for a second, with the 2 joysticks instead of one being camera and the other being able to move, how about the one on the left is used for Link to move but the stick on the right is your sword. If your confused look at the joysticks they can move 360 degrees around so let's say wherever you move the stick you also move your sword, which means that your sword also has accurate 360 degree motion. So could do a soft roll on the joystick to move your sword or a flick to slash. This leaves the L, R, ZL, and ZR buttons open for options like the camera and shield. Then the touch screen could be your inventory, a first person view, a copy of what's on the screen, or something completely different."

So basically, since Zelda has never been a game where you have to toy with the camera a lot, the right stick would be used as your sword. Plus this would be REALLY accurate. And I guess that clicking the analog stick would make Link stab.

Story-wise, I want the game to be darker, more depressing than usual, maybe even more than Majora's Mask. (If you didn't get the whole meaning of Majora's Mask, then you probably don't realize how dark this game is. To help you understand, read this article http://www.zeldauniv...hood/#more-5822 while listening to

I want a more mature Link (maybe older). It would totally make sense to have the same Link as Majora's Mask/Ocarina of Time, since his past adventures would have made him more mature, maybe even sad and negative. (Put now the song linked above while reading the next paragraph...)

It would be a game where you would not be the winner and where you would feel the Gods' power as you feel that you're not holding the world's destiny. It won't necessarly have a bad ending, but this time you won't be "the Savior". I was thinking of an end where you would see Link on Epona on a hill, staring at the Hylians climbing on the Mountain tops, crying and praying for the Hero of Time to come. Then Link would turn around and walk away, while tears start to roll down his cheeks. (All this during the craziest thunderstorm ever.)

The End.

What is your version?

Edited by Alianjaro, 27 August 2012 - 08:43 AM.

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#2 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 27 August 2012 - 08:51 AM

I love the dark Zelda games, they are the most fun. And I've always wanted to know how hyrule was flooded, so I'm all in on this idea.
On a side note majoras mask was better than ocarina IMO. Better storyline and more interesting characters. Also BENS STORY WAS CREEPY AS SHIZ


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#3 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 08:52 AM

best post on wii u forums, EVER.
why dont you work for nintendo? lol


#4 Alianjaro



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 09:06 AM

best post on wii u forums, EVER.
why dont you work for nintendo? lol

Thank you this made my day! You know that I'm looking for information about developing video games as a full time job? Next step, learn Japanese :P
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#5 Press



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 09:08 AM

That might be a bit too brooding. This is how we ended up with Skyward Sword after Twilight Princess. I like dark themes, but it should only affect specific aspects of the game, and not the whole. At least for a Zelda. People want to feel like a hero playing Zelda games.

#6 Alianjaro



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 09:08 AM

I love the dark Zelda games, they are the most fun. And I've always wanted to know how hyrule was flooded, so I'm all in on this idea.
On a side note majoras mask was better than ocarina IMO. Better storyline and more interesting characters. Also BENS STORY WAS CREEPY AS SHIZ

I totally agree with you on this, every time I think of how Majora's Mask is underrated, I want to cry. Such a good game!
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#7 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 27 August 2012 - 09:48 AM

That might be a bit too brooding. This is how we ended up with Skyward Sword after Twilight Princess. I like dark themes, but it should only affect specific aspects of the game, and not the whole. At least for a Zelda. People want to feel like a hero playing Zelda games.

I don't understand Wat you mean by "this is how we ended up with SS after TP" And if anything dark themes make you feel more like a hero. In WW it was too happy go lucky and it didn't bring forth a sense of danger. Without danger I didn't feel like a hero. MM all the way, best Zelda ever... Also Tp and SS were both great, but SS was better IMO.In MM you felt like such a champ rescuing everyone and it still brought forth a dark theme and story that has gone unmatched in Zelda since.

Edited by KillerMario, 27 August 2012 - 09:50 AM.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#8 Keviin



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 09:54 AM

Look at this:

OOT: not dark
MM: dark
WW: not dark
TP: dark
SS: not dark
???: dark?

Though I like darkness in the series, it's not required. WW still beats most games.
No sig.

#9 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 27 August 2012 - 11:04 AM

Look at this:

OOT: not dark
MM: dark
WW: not dark
TP: dark
SS: not dark
???: dark?

Though I like darkness in the series, it's not required. WW still beats most games.

WW does beat most games but it is the worst 3d game in the series. Although that is just my opinion. I guess whether a dark game is good or not is merely a matter of preference.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#10 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 11:24 AM

Thank you this made my day! You know that I'm looking for information about developing video games as a full time job? Next step, learn Japanese :P

you really should


#11 Soul



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 11:24 AM

best post on wii u forums, EVER.
why dont you work for nintendo? lol

No, it's obviously Ponkotsu's Miitropolis.

#12 Hermii



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 11:44 AM

I really like the idea for the controls. I am one of those who loved the skyward sword controls and would hate to see them go so I would stick with the Wiimote, but this would also satisfied those who hate the motion + controls. I dont care about the story as long as the gameplay is great.

#13 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 11:51 AM

i have been reading this story about the zelda games, and its so engrossing. i really enjoy it. i really understand what majoras mask is all about now.


#14 Crackkat



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 12:18 PM

i dont want it to be "depressing" but i still want it to be intense and deep, u can have both at the same time. i would like a story that involved some form of conspiracy within hyrule castle, that would be epic, something like Full Metal Alchemist in style but of course taking place in the world of zelda, so no alchemy and transmutation and stuff :P
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#15 gregoryorizal



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:30 PM

i dont want it to be "depressing" but i still want it to be intense and deep, u can have both at the same time. i would like a story that involved some form of conspiracy within hyrule castle, that would be epic, something like Full Metal Alchemist in style but of course taking place in the world of zelda, so no alchemy and transmutation and stuff :P

:o That would be the ultimate Zelda game !
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#16 jono



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:34 PM

You may have heard of that false rumor claiming that a game called Zelda: Valley of the Flood was in development. It basically takes place between Majora's Mask and the Wind Waker, when, as said in The Wind Waker's prologue, Hyrule was flooded to end the foolish war for the Triforce. It's interesting to know that the prologue said clearly, Hyrule was hoping to see his savior (hero of time), but nobody came. So it would be really amazing to know what happened.

Gameplay-wise, Mr WisdomPowerCourage had an amazing idea to satisfy both people that want Motion controls and those that don't. Here's the quote:
"But there is a solution, there is a way to have Skyward Sword accurate sword controls without motion controls. Look at the Wii U Gamepad for a second, with the 2 joysticks instead of one being camera and the other being able to move, how about the one on the left is used for Link to move but the stick on the right is your sword. If your confused look at the joysticks they can move 360 degrees around so let's say wherever you move the stick you also move your sword, which means that your sword also has accurate 360 degree motion. So could do a soft roll on the joystick to move your sword or a flick to slash. This leaves the L, R, ZL, and ZR buttons open for options like the camera and shield. Then the touch screen could be your inventory, a first person view, a copy of what's on the screen, or something completely different."

So basically, since Zelda has never been a game where you have to toy with the camera a lot, the right stick would be used as your sword. Plus this would be REALLY accurate. And I guess that clicking the analog stick would make Link stab.

Story-wise, I want the game to be darker, more depressing than usual, maybe even more than Majora's Mask. (If you didn't get the whole meaning of Majora's Mask, then you probably don't realize how dark this game is. To help you understand, read this article http://www.zeldauniv...hood/#more-5822 while listening to

I want a more mature Link (maybe older). It would totally make sense to have the same Link as Majora's Mask/Ocarina of Time, since his past adventures would have made him more mature, maybe even sad and negative. (Put now the song linked above while reading the next paragraph...)

It would be a game where you would not be the winner and where you would feel the Gods' power as you feel that you're not holding the world's destiny. It won't necessarly have a bad ending, but this time you won't be "the Savior". I was thinking of an end where you would see Link on Epona on a hill, staring at the Hylians climbing on the Mountain tops, crying and praying for the Hero of Time to come. Then Link would turn around and walk away, while tears start to roll down his cheeks. (All this during the craziest thunderstorm ever.)

The End.

What is your version?

First off, WW and MM take place in different timelines.

However, I think they should use everything else. I actually came up with fan fiction inside my head about how Majora escapes from the destroyed termina and forces the gods to flood hyrule (since Link wasn't there to stop her from killing termina in that timeline). I'd love a Link about the same age as TP.

#17 Alianjaro



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:51 PM

First off, WW and MM take place in different timelines.

However, I think they should use everything else. I actually came up with fan fiction inside my head about how Majora escapes from the destroyed termina and forces the gods to flood hyrule (since Link wasn't there to stop her from killing termina in that timeline). I'd love a Link about the same age as TP.

As far as I know, there's only one timeline to the Zelda series. The different art style doesn't mean it's on a different timeline. The toony ones happen after the flood, that's all.
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#18 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:56 PM

Hey cool, you actually mentioned my idea, thanks. Anyway I thought it would be kind of cool if somehow Zant regenerated in the Darkness and escaped into Hyrule but to avoid sight he went to the Sky and found a ruined Skyloft that he made his Kingdom and attacked Hyrule from above. An ancestor of Midna, a princess of the Twilight realm, comes to find an ancestor of Link and tells him about Zant. To aid in the quest she would then assign a Twilight thief to assist Link during his journey. This twilight thief could have powers like turning into a shadow or pulling link into the shadows.

#19 Alianjaro



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 03:08 PM

Hey cool, you actually mentioned my idea, thanks. Anyway I thought it would be kind of cool if somehow Zant regenerated in the Darkness and escaped into Hyrule but to avoid sight he went to the Sky and found a ruined Skyloft that he made his Kingdom and attacked Hyrule from above. An ancestor of Midna, a princess of the Twilight realm, comes to find an ancestor of Link and tells him about Zant. To aid in the quest she would then assign a Twilight thief to assist Link during his journey. This twilight thief could have powers like turning into a shadow or pulling link into the shadows.

No need to thank me, you got the amazing idea!

And your idea would be so epic that I would be crying and vomiting rainbows while tiny leperchauns (I dunno for the spelling) would sing the Zelda main theme :P.
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#20 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 03:09 PM

No need to thank me, you got the amazing idea!

And your idea would be so epic that I would be crying and vomiting rainbows while tiny leperchauns (I dunno for the spelling) would sing the Zelda main theme :P.


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