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Nintendo and the 8th gen....Pressure?

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 02:27 AM

this is going to be a long post. i hope you guys have patience to read it and give your responses. I want to look at what different things will factor into the failure or success of the Wii U?

3rd party support(or lack of)- I dont expect Wii U to get every 3rd party title this gen or next. anyone expecting that is going to be in for a big letdown. even Iwata said that he doesnt expect that. i expect Wii U to get your COD, battiefield , military shooter type games. but when you start talking GTA, MGS, i start to worry. the big question is next gen when the more powerful console come out will developers still care enough to port games to Wii U. the answer will be the result of one of two things.

how the market views nintendo- we all know nintendo is viewed as a family friendly company. there will always be concern from (most) 3rd party developers about how their games will be received(on a nintendo console) and will a market (gamers with nintendo consoles willing to buy their game) be present. there will never (IMO) be anything nintendo can do to change the way people view them as a company. so they are gonna have to do a lot of convincing 3rd parties that Wii U is the right platform and their games will sell. only time will tell but to be honest im not expecting much from 3rd parties. becuase of nintendo family fiendly image and our next factor

hardware/specs- this has been the biggest topic of debate since the Wii U was announced. its been so much back and forth devs saying it next gen power then others saying its caparable to this gen. lets all agree to wait until its released and let someone tear it open and see whats inside. even then isnt everything custom so they still wouldnt know the true power? but i dont think nintendo needs a ultra power console as that has never really worked(check out those 21 million units sold for gamecube) even ps3 is lagging in 3rd place. they do need to find a good balance of cost and power. also make SURE they are able to compete if not in raw power (which i think we all know they wont) in modern architecture and feature set in their CPU/GPU which will ensure they can receive next gen ports.

old characters/new IP's- nintendo fans have heard this for a long time now about their beloved plumper. i now have to totally agree... its time for us to see new faces in the nintendo family of franchises. mario has had a good run but with the release of NSMB2, NSMBU, and the 3d mario for Wii U coming next year (guessing) i dont want to see mario again until maybe a launch game for the next home console. im expecting and hoping we see a minimum of two new IP's from nintendo this gen. im talking a new gaming character that nintendo actually supports(maybe a triolgy a la uncharted on PS3). i know when nintendo thinks of gaming they think of innovation and doing things kinda different than whats available on the market. even look back at project hammer(which a lot of us were disappointed it got canned) but it was very different. a robot smashing things with a big hammer.... all in all looking forward to what new ip's they bring to the table and seeing old and familar faces(starfox, f-zero, metroid, zelda, donkey kong) giving us hours of fun gameplay experiences (which is the core of what gaming is all about).

Online/Social networking- lets face it when you release an electronic device in todays mrket it has to be able to do everything. i find the interner browser on the 3ds terrible i dont even use it. we all seem to love the idea behind miiverse and what it can hopefully become(gaming version of facebook). i just hope nintendo gives us a browser worth using that is user friendly. as far as their online store, e-shop or whatever its going to be called we have to wait and see. but the little tidbits we have so far from developers say it can exceed what xbox live already has. online multiplayer is a big part of gaming these days. so nintendo cant afford to screw this up (trying to go the affordable route) they need to finance this console so it can have the features to extend its lifecycle long enough to say relevant throughout the length of next gen.

all in all i respect nintendo as a gaming company and a business. i also believe they are under the most pressure they ever have been to deliver a successful home console. im not one of those doomsday thinkers saying they are in trouble and can soon become a software only company. if they survived the gamecube era they can survive anything. i know they truly care about gaming and want to promote gaming for all. they just have to look outside of their box and decide they have to improve on certain things like 3rd party relationships, actually funding their console for the long term (not trying to make a big profit out the gate on every console), and actually taking chances on new ip's. im looking forward to their first hd console and truly believe it will be a success (minimum 50 million consoles sold). what do you guys think? also thanks for reading my long a$$ post.

#2 Hinkik


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Posted 02 September 2012 - 02:41 AM

You pretty much summed everything up. Good job.

Nintendo needs to get a new image. Right now it's "kiddy", that won't work.

Edited by Hinkik, 02 September 2012 - 02:42 AM.


#3 Foot


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Posted 02 September 2012 - 04:05 AM

Well the Online / Social Networking Nintendo has ACHIEVED!!!

3rd Party Support will take A LOT of Developer convincing, and where does that come from? Sales! If the Wii U sells AMAZING this Holiday, then big developers will get on board! Nintendo fans, buy the console! Then more developers will help, lol!!!
I am the foot. I do not like you. You smother me with socks and shoes, then step on me thousands of times a day.

We foot will rebel one day.

#4 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 05:05 AM

I really don't think Nintendo is under a lot of pressure. That's just my opinion. Nintendo has danced to the beat of its own drum since the days of the N64 and has done just fine and the Wii is the 3rd best selling home console next to the PS2 and PSone. Nintendo has never really catered to hardcore gamer's...ever. They always catered to Nintendo fans. Yeah the "kiddy" image can spoil it for the people who only play GTA and Madden. I don't really give a damn about half the crap that comes out on other systems. Most my favorite franchises are Nintendo based anyways. So I will agree that they need to dig deep into their IP pool and really give some great games, much much more than what we saw on the Wii. Also if the Wii U doesn't get every 3rd party game the 360 or PS3 gets doesn't spell doom and gloom. There will be lots of exclusive 3rd party games thanks to the GamePad. The Wii U will have at least a year or 2 head start on the 720 and who knows how long on the PS4. I don't foresee those being the generational leap in difference like we see between the 360/PS3/Wii - I can see it being a little more subtle like the GC/PS2/XBOX. I think in next gen both Microsoft and Sony are going to step back and say they need something that's not a graphic power house, but something to offer people a great way to play games.

In the end we will have to wait and see. Generally I've always bought a Nintendo system to play Nintendo games...not the others so much..they are just added bonuses and lessens the chance of having to own a 2nd console. Before Nintendo I bought all the Sega Consoles...because I wanted to play all the Sega games. Honestly can you say people buy the PS3 or 360 because they are die hard fans like Nintendo fans are? I never heard someone say they love Microsoft games....so I'm buying an xbox...face it...they don't have 1st party like Nintendo does. Give Nintendo even 1/3rd of the same 3rd party games and some exclusives...and they will do great. So far if the launch is any indicator...I think they will do just fine.
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#5 Crackkat



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Posted 02 September 2012 - 06:20 AM

I really don't think Nintendo is under a lot of pressure. That's just my opinion. Nintendo has danced to the beat of its own drum since the days of the N64 and has done just fine and the Wii is the 3rd best selling home console next to the PS2 and PSone. Nintendo has never really catered to hardcore gamer's...ever. They always catered to Nintendo fans. Yeah the "kiddy" image can spoil it for the people who only play GTA and Madden. I don't really give a damn about half the crap that comes out on other systems. Most my favorite franchises are Nintendo based anyways. So I will agree that they need to dig deep into their IP pool and really give some great games, much much more than what we saw on the Wii. Also if the Wii U doesn't get every 3rd party game the 360 or PS3 gets doesn't spell doom and gloom. There will be lots of exclusive 3rd party games thanks to the GamePad. The Wii U will have at least a year or 2 head start on the 720 and who knows how long on the PS4. I don't foresee those being the generational leap in difference like we see between the 360/PS3/Wii - I can see it being a little more subtle like the GC/PS2/XBOX. I think in next gen both Microsoft and Sony are going to step back and say they need something that's not a graphic power house, but something to offer people a great way to play games.

In the end we will have to wait and see. Generally I've always bought a Nintendo system to play Nintendo games...not the others so much..they are just added bonuses and lessens the chance of having to own a 2nd console. Before Nintendo I bought all the Sega Consoles...because I wanted to play all the Sega games. Honestly can you say people buy the PS3 or 360 because they are die hard fans like Nintendo fans are? I never heard someone say they love Microsoft games....so I'm buying an xbox...face it...they don't have 1st party like Nintendo does. Give Nintendo even 1/3rd of the same 3rd party games and some exclusives...and they will do great. So far if the launch is any indicator...I think they will do just fine.

well played, saved me from having to write an essay :P in the wise words of reggie fils aime "we don't care what our competitors are doing." its that simple, that DOESNT mean the wii u will be underpowered, it means that the power in the wii u will be made for third party devs to make use of, not to overtake competitors
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#6 -JJ-



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Posted 02 September 2012 - 07:47 AM

yeah i really hope online communication is better. when i go online to brawl, you can only type like 20 characters at a time and nobody knows what the hell is going on lol!

Edited by -JJ-, 02 September 2012 - 05:29 PM.

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#7 Nintendoes



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Posted 02 September 2012 - 08:06 AM

Nintendo: We don't care what you are doing.

Sony and Microsoft: Well we don't care either.


Sony: What do the satellites say Iwata is doing now?

Microsoft: Eating a sandwich.

Sony: Write that down!

#8 thehappening



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Posted 02 September 2012 - 08:41 AM

what pressure psvita sold 2.2 million at a loss so far and 3DS is killing it i dont see failure and debt and no money to spend as presure i dont see kinect as pressure and ios devices seem confused to what gaminmg is and what it requires wiiu will get far better 3rd party support but total no and it doesnt need it its the industry under pressure as a whole and the economy

#9 JD2995



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Posted 02 September 2012 - 09:11 AM

I only know if the Wii U have the same "Wii situation", then I will leave Nintendo. I only have the Wii and I don't want to live that again. I going to buy the Wii U, but if the Wii situation happens again, I would sell the Wii U and I'm going to buy a PS4.
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Sorry for my bad english

#10 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 09:37 AM

I only know if the Wii U have the same "Wii situation", then I will leave Nintendo. I only have the Wii and I don't want to live that again. I going to buy the Wii U, but if the Wii situation happens again, I would sell the Wii U and I'm going to buy a PS4.

Exactly and that's what I mean. Nintendo over the past two gens has pushed away more gamers that were loyal to their console than anyone other gaming company. Their will always be diehard fans but nintendo can't keep having the attitude we are nintendo we don't change you should change. They need to step out their box a little and create more mature (I'm not just talking blood and guts) ip's and mend or create better relationship with 3rd party (the big one). I will always only buy one console per gen and my choice will always be nintendo. But if I do want to venture out and play a 3rd party title I would hope it would be available for my nintendo hoe console. Nintendo please don't bottleneck this system you have the money where you can make it last and be a viable option not only 3 years but throughout the life of next gen (without breaking the bank). Still a day one purchase and I wish the success.

#11 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 09:39 AM

I only know if the Wii U have the same "Wii situation", then I will leave Nintendo. I only have the Wii and I don't want to live that again. I going to buy the Wii U, but if the Wii situation happens again, I would sell the Wii U and I'm going to buy a PS4.

I'd say that's your fault for only owning a Wii...not Nintendo's....my Wii got tons of play on it..but I also own other systems to fill the gaps....face it..the days of owning one system and having every game you can ever want at your finger tips is over..these aren't the Sega/Nintendo days anymore.
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Check out my video game collection blog at http://genesaturn.blogspot.com/
Feel free to add me as a friend on your 3DS and Wii U as well - Friend Code = 1289-9502-7134 / Nintendo ID - Tricky

#12 JD2995



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Posted 02 September 2012 - 09:51 AM

I'd say that's your fault for only owning a Wii...not Nintendo's....my Wii got tons of play on it..but I also own other systems to fill the gaps....face it..the days of owning one system and having every game you can ever want at your finger tips is over..these aren't the Sega/Nintendo days anymore.

I'm poor and I live in a third world country, is not that easy. I have to save money all the year if I want to buy a new system and I can't buy new games because of that. I buy the 3DS the last year and only have 4 games because all the money is for the Wii U. I'm not rich, I only can afford one console per generation.
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Sorry for my bad english

#13 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 09:54 AM

I'd say that's your fault for only owning a Wii...not Nintendo's....my Wii got tons of play on it..but I also own other systems to fill the gaps....face it..the days of owning one system and having every game you can ever want at your finger tips is over..these aren't the Sega/Nintendo days anymore.

Its not that black and white. I'ts Nintendo fault as well as a example no matter if you like them or not Sony has a nice supply of First Party and Third Party games so you can own one console and get all your first and third party needs yet with Nintendo you get a nice supply of First party games but have to buy another console or pc to get the third party games literally having to pay twice as much as a person with just a ps3 to get the same thing.

#14 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 10:17 AM

how is it even debatable that wii u isnt next gen. that argument is weak because if u actually go by confirmed things about the console like it runnning a dx11 equivalent in open gl form. thats easily next gen and almost all devs are backing up wii u for next gen because its like the new xbox 360 of next gen (for third parties) . It IS the developers system.

i will be competely shocked if ps4 and xbox 720 come out next year and even get close to doubling the wii u's power it just wont happen. the console is using almost brand new tech and components

Edited by hardcoreUfan, 02 September 2012 - 10:18 AM.


#15 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 10:26 AM

I'm poor and I live in a third world country, is not that easy. I have to save money all the year if I want to buy a new system and I can't buy new games because of that. I buy the 3DS the last year and only have 4 games because all the money is for the Wii U. I'm not rich, I only can afford one console per generation.

I'm not trying to sound mean here. I understand everyone has different financial situations and cannot afford every new system...I get that and I also hope Nintendo gets great 3rd party support...but I'm just saying...if your not happy with it and you can only afford one system...do some research before jumping into a console so your not angry later. If you care more about 3rd party games than Nintendo's 1st party IP's then maybe you should be looking elsewhere. Lets hope the Wii U will fill the gaps left by the Wii.
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Check out my video game collection blog at http://genesaturn.blogspot.com/
Feel free to add me as a friend on your 3DS and Wii U as well - Friend Code = 1289-9502-7134 / Nintendo ID - Tricky

#16 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 03:00 PM

how is it even debatable that wii u isnt next gen. that argument is weak because if u actually go by confirmed things about the console like it runnning a dx11 equivalent in open gl form. thats easily next gen and almost all devs are backing up wii u for next gen because its like the new xbox 360 of next gen (for third parties) . It IS the developers system.

i will be competely shocked if ps4 and xbox 720 come out next year and even get close to doubling the wii u's power it just wont happen. the console is using almost brand new tech and components

I'm going to hold you to that. Obviously you know something we don't. Nothing has been confirmed about specs. For someone to say they know what the specs are I say BS. We will have to wait and see. Can only hope you are right about third party support.

#17 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 04:20 PM

I'm going to hold you to that. Obviously you know something we don't. Nothing has been confirmed about specs. For someone to say they know what the specs are I say BS. We will have to wait and see. Can only hope you are right about third party support.


or else i wouldnt have said what i said


#18 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 05:07 PM


or else i wouldnt have said what i said

dont mean nothing really. its funny how many journalist are getting their information as fact from random people on neogaf. its sad that this is what has come to be with the Wii U. likei said im going to wait until console is released and torn apart... even then everything is custom so no way to have a defenitive power guage.

#19 TheBob



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Posted 03 September 2012 - 06:12 PM

how is it even debatable that wii u isnt next gen. that argument is weak  because if u actually go by confirmed things about the console like it runnning a dx11 equivalent in open gl form. thats easily next gen and almost all devs are backing up wii u for next gen because its like the new xbox 360 of next gen (for third parties) . It IS the developers system.

i will be competely shocked if ps4 and xbox 720 come out next year and even get close to doubling the wii u's power it just wont happen. the console is using almost brand new tech and components

No, this argument is weak. Are you serious? I could talk for days about why none of this is true, but I’ll keep it short.
Firstly, the Wii U is far from the developers system. Nintendo makes it incredibly difficult and expensive to get your hands on a Wii U dev kit, far more than their competitors do with their current and future consoles. If you don’t work for a big name developer, you’re not making a Wii U game. Additionally, the rest of the dev’s that focus on AAA multiplat titles will simply not be able to make the same games for the Wii U. The best analogy I can give is Battlefield 3. When Battlefield 4 releases, presumably for next gen consoles, the Wii U will get a port, and Durango and Orbis will likely get the same game that PC does. The full game. Just as now, BF3 on console has mediocre graphics, and is capped at 24 players.
Secondly, yes, the Wii U is technically next gen. As of now, it’s the first of the next generation of consoles. From any other viewpoint, the Wii U is a dinosaur. It’s already been surpassed by average PC hardware. Is it more powerful than the PS3 and Xbox 360? Yes, it undoubtedly is. It’s about 2x as powerful as seven year old hardware. How can you say you’ll be shocked if Durango or Orbis double the Wii U in terms of power? Microsoft plans on the next Xbox being 7-8 times as powerful as the Xbox 360, making it minimum 5 times as powerful as the Wii U. I doubt Sony plans on doing differently. Not only this, but the Wii U’s processor is being handicapped by Nintendo to keep it running nice and quietly for the casuals. The console is not using “brand new tech and components”. It’s the equivalent of a gaming PC from 3-4 years ago. It’s old.
Words cannot express how horribly disappointing it is to me that Nintendo no longer cares about core gamers and graphical prowess, but they don’t. I don’t know what has changed since the days of the SNES and N64, but Nintendo has decided to give their business to casuals, and I fear that it may not work for them this generation. The Wii U is lacking a strong gimmick like the Wii had with motion controls, and that was all that saved it. Without the boom it experienced with the general public, it would have died a year after launch.

#20 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 06:54 PM

No, this argument is weak. Are you serious? I could talk for days about why none of this is true, but I’ll keep it short.
Firstly, the Wii U is far from the developers system. Nintendo makes it incredibly difficult and expensive to get your hands on a Wii U dev kit, far more than their competitors do with their current and future consoles. If you don’t work for a big name developer, you’re not making a Wii U game. Additionally, the rest of the dev’s that focus on AAA multiplat titles will simply not be able to make the same games for the Wii U. The best analogy I can give is Battlefield 3. When Battlefield 4 releases, presumably for next gen consoles, the Wii U will get a port, and Durango and Orbis will likely get the same game that PC does. The full game. Just as now, BF3 on console has mediocre graphics, and is capped at 24 players.
Secondly, yes, the Wii U is technically next gen. As of now, it’s the first of the next generation of consoles. From any other viewpoint, the Wii U is a dinosaur. It’s already been surpassed by average PC hardware. Is it more powerful than the PS3 and Xbox 360? Yes, it undoubtedly is. It’s about 2x as powerful as seven year old hardware. How can you say you’ll be shocked if Durango or Orbis double the Wii U in terms of power? Microsoft plans on the next Xbox being 7-8 times as powerful as the Xbox 360, making it minimum 5 times as powerful as the Wii U. I doubt Sony plans on doing differently. Not only this, but the Wii U’s processor is being handicapped by Nintendo to keep it running nice and quietly for the casuals. The console is not using “brand new tech and components”. It’s the equivalent of a gaming PC from 3-4 years ago. It’s old.
Words cannot express how horribly disappointing it is to me that Nintendo no longer cares about core gamers and graphical prowess, but they don’t. I don’t know what has changed since the days of the SNES and N64, but Nintendo has decided to give their business to casuals, and I fear that it may not work for them this generation. The Wii U is lacking a strong gimmick like the Wii had with motion controls, and that was all that saved it. Without the boom it experienced with the general public, it would have died a year after launch.

look up the facts as i have


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