Wii U doubts
Posted 18 June 2011 - 02:53 PM
Posted 18 June 2011 - 03:09 PM
In the end its up to you whether you want it or not, watch the tech demo's, read developers views, IGN has a lot of nice articles and make up your own mind about the machine.
I am completely sold on the machine, the tech demo's we saw were amazing and beyond everything we've seen on a console so far, even though they were all made on early development kits. The controller has so much potential as well, already seen in the multiplayer demo of killer freaks and the GRO demo.
Other than being a 100% sony or microsoft fanboy I dont really understand how you can not be excited about the Wii U (besides the name maybe

So what I'm trying to say behind all this jibberish, don't look at the numbers, they are next to meaningless at this stage, look at what the console can do, let your mind run wild and see the potential it has.
(on a side note, anymore news on the Japanese street tech demo?)
Edited by TheSparrow87, 18 June 2011 - 03:10 PM.
Posted 18 June 2011 - 03:11 PM
I recommend not buying any console at launch. Wait and see what happens. That's what I've done with the 3DS. I haven't bought one yet and I'm not sure I ever will.
Posted 18 June 2011 - 03:23 PM
This is the 360 community's problem...When i was 12... but i started becoming more interested in FPS and M rated games
Anyway, if you want M rated games, then the Wii U might disappoint you. It's beyond me why you would only play a game for the sole reason of it being rated too graphic for you, though.
Posted 18 June 2011 - 03:26 PM
It's beyond me why you would only play a game for the sole reason of it being rated too graphic for you, though.
Agreed, in the end a game is about having fun, not about how realistic or gory it is.
Posted 18 June 2011 - 04:01 PM

Posted 18 June 2011 - 04:35 PM
Posted 18 June 2011 - 04:48 PM
As far as the question goes, I agree with the other posters. Nintendo is explicitly uninterested in being "edgy"... "hardcore", yes, but edgy no. However, you will all-but-certainly see CoD games on the new console (and from the early reports, Battlefield and Crysis too)... but I wouldn't hold my breath for stuff like Dante's Inferno, if that's your cup of tea. Watch the news for Dead Space announcements. Supposedly EA's bringing over everything, and if they bring that over, it's a pretty good indication that the door's wide open.
I wouldn't worry about the "50% more powerful" talk, personally. There is a lot of that rubbish going around in PS/Xbox circles. Even if it was just "as powerful" and not more, the fact is that game designers are (and will be for the next three or four years at least) designing games with the current level of console technology in mind.
Watch the video trailers on IGN for Battlefield 3, and compare the PC version to the PS3 version. The PC version is pretty much the cutting edge. If you're not disappointed by the difference, then you have nothing to worry about... in two or three years, when PS and MS put out their new consoles, they will be using that tech *at best*, unless they plan on charging you $1000 for a console.
At the end of the day, what matters is that all the developers say that the WiiU is a very capable, exciting system. The buzz is good from major third parties, and with the new controller and it's possibilities, you can just do cooler stuff with the WiiU than with the other guys. Unless you're desperately in love with inFamous or Gears of War, I think you'll be decently happy sticking with the big N.
Of course, if you really are one of those annoying kids that mostly just worry about how their console makes them look - and you really do just want that one game because it has an M on it, "and it's cool to like blood, don't you know" - then you are already well aware that Nintendo is not "cool", and you already know that you need to run out RIGHT NOW and buy something PS or MS, whether it's fun or not.
Hope that helps.
P.S. There are some well-built games that I do not find fun. People tell me that God of War is fun... I see their arguments for the quality of its design, but I don't like it. Similarly, people tell me that Yoshi's Story is fun. I see their arguments for the quality of its design, but I don't like it. It's true that the M rating doesn't make a game fun... but it's equally true that a game's inherent quality will not make it fun for all people.
Posted 18 June 2011 - 05:04 PM
Graphics are not going to be an issue. Personally, I think that graphics in general are coming to a sort of plateau. While things like bumping, textures, dynamic lighting, etc. can always be improved with increasing graphics card and hardware capabilities, the overall generation of graphics doesn't have too much room to grow in respect to imitating the realism of things like human expression, etc. That's going to take technology that's not invented yet, but I hope it will be in the future. Anyway, we're not going to see a gap in generations like we have in the past for a long time. That's why MS and Sony are concentrating so much on Kinect and Move. Consoles whose only feature of having the generation's highest graphics are not acceptable anymore and need an X-Factor. Nintendo has realized and acted on this since the Wii (which was a failure to me, cause of lack of me wanting to play it much), but now have fixed their mistakes with the Wii U. Now that the graphics are high end, we will not see a lack of third party anymore based upon it not being able to handle it.
It's also silly to just toss aside the integrity of the Wii U by just thinking, "Oh, well when ps4 and xbox720 come out, the wii u is raped". What makes so many make this assumption? MS and Sony are not coming out with anything until at least 2014, and like I said, they know that graphics will not make much of a jump and that's why they are in no rush and are concentrating on trying to innovate motion controls.
On a slight tangent, I think it's time to consider that 3rd party developers have SO MUCH on their plates these days, now having demand to make up full fledge games for PS3/360, PSVita, 3DS, and Wii U. That's 5 systems, each capable and requiring full length "console worthy" games. In the past, all portable system's games did not take near as much work to produce and with quality. You can see what I'm talking about today with the lag in releases with the 3DS. Remember the SEVERAL awesome games revealed in development since LAST e3??? And most are still not even out! You can probably expect similar issues with the PSVita and Wii U. But remember, I've been talking about 3rd party games (because I think those play a very vital roll for a system's long term survival). Now if we consider first party, Nintendo clearly has the upper hand, being that they supply content that is of general better quality, attention, and in much higher quantity with many different franchises.
SO, in conclusion, I am very impressed with the Wii U because it's controller can perfectly be used for hardcore, casual, and anything in between. Because graphical specifications will not be an issue, do expect that 3rd party releases will surge once again to Nintendo, just as it was with the Gamecube. We should see all of your major 3rd's, such as COD, Assassin's Creed, GTA, etc. This alone will encourage many to not be hesitant to buy, plus this is Nintendo with all of its own franchises. The Wii U will truly be the best of both worlds.
(some of this is more or less copied and pasted from my intro thread btw

Edited by Kenshin0011, 18 June 2011 - 05:11 PM.
Posted 18 June 2011 - 05:49 PM
Posted 18 June 2011 - 06:15 PM
It's also silly to just toss aside the integrity of the Wii U by just thinking, "Oh, well when ps4 and xbox720 come out, the wii u is raped". What makes so many make this assumption? MS and Sony are not coming out with anything until at least 2014, and like I said, they know that graphics will not make much of a jump and that's why they are in no rush and are concentrating on trying to innovate motion controls.
And adding to that (according to the anonymous source stating that 2014 target), Microsoft would only release something in 2013 at the earliest. However, that would simply be a 360 with Kinect built-in.
I'm also sure that Sony aren't too encouraged by their last effort to be super-advanced, the PS3. While the system has been profitable as of 2009 (maybe late 2008), it can't be denied that those first 2 years hurt Sony. I'd expect them to aim a bit lower this time which would put them at a more even level with Wii U. They would most likely still be more advanced, but they wouldn't be leaps and bounds beyond Wii U either. Just don't expect a Wii-sized hardware gap or anything.
As Microsoft didn't make the same error and had a more established base on Live at launch, however, they very well could repeat Sony's move this time. Maybe the established userbase would allow that move to pay off, but that has yet to be seen.
Posted 19 June 2011 - 12:59 AM
Posted 19 June 2011 - 01:35 AM
Posted 19 June 2011 - 04:59 AM
Posted 19 June 2011 - 07:41 AM
Although that sounds like an excuse in the form of a rumor, I hope it's true. If there is a reliable source for this I'd like to see it...Not sure too much about the source, because I probably read it on NeoGaf, and threads there can die and be sent back about 5 pages in a day. But apparently it was confirmed the first dev kits used underclocked hardware, I don't know why, but perhaps it was easier for ports? It has been comfirmed that they've now sent out more powerful dev kits.
Posted 19 June 2011 - 08:34 AM
Although that sounds like an excuse in the form of a rumor, I hope it's true. If there is a reliable source for this I'd like to see it...
Hell, it was posted on the official blog of these forums, it's not a rumor

Edited by Dementis, 19 June 2011 - 08:36 AM.
Posted 19 June 2011 - 09:21 AM
When i say M rated games i just use that as an example for most of the games I like, and i could care less about bieng cool cause everyone told me not a Wii but i bought it cause i loved the smash series and i played smash since i was 3.
Just like everyone has said, you just going to have to get more informed. There are obvious FPS on the Wii even though they look different than the other consoles. So you can expect to see those games on the Wii U as they are very popular right now. My nephew is an all around gamer but he too likes FPS. It is just going to be a gut feeling for you. All 3 next gen consoles could be successful or some of them could fail. It is not bad decision on which you choose to buy as long as you can play games that you like and be happy.
Posted 19 June 2011 - 04:07 PM
When i say M rated games i just use that as an example for most of the games I like, and i could care less about bieng cool cause everyone told me not a Wii but i bought it cause i loved the smash series and i played smash since i was 3.
Ha! Nice to feel vindicated! In that case, good for you, and you are definitely not alone in either your taste (I like many M-rated games too) or your worries about WiiU. Nintendo has a lot to prove... but I think that they will prove it. It will be HARD for them to mess up. Again, though, if you are falling in love with some exclusives on another system, there's no substitute for games you really like. Go with the system that has the games you like!
Posted 19 June 2011 - 04:34 PM
Posted 19 June 2011 - 08:39 PM
Regular members cannot lock threads. But I'm more than happy to do it for you.Thanks I'm definitley getting A Wii U if I can get all the games the other consoles get (not interested in halo, uncharted, Etc.) Now this thread is kinda useless so how do I close it i'm new to forum stuff.

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