If it's not for gaming, then I could just get a ~$400 netbook, which is more than capable of using Microsoft Office and the Adobe Suite.sorry about that i forgot the pro was that expensive but you know all the extra programs you have to buy to get the equivalent you would get on a mac computer on a windows based computer? atleast 100 dollars for each individual program ( which comes in the equivalent or better form on a mac).
do you know how many pc's i have had with extremely "reliable" virus protection programs that have gotten viruses after just a few years??( which is also a pretty penny to upgrade every couple years) according to almost everybody which is whooped by apple's protection by miles.
i have said this to many of my friends, if you want to game MAKE YOUR OWN PC, but for everything else just buy a damn mac it has everything you need and is much cheaper in the long run especially if you have no clue how to purchase and repair pc's. so the power factor almost doesnt even matter thier .
Your opinion about the virus protection is all just what i have said " your opinion".
Overall Macs are usually better quality than market pc's and last much longer because of the protection. the programs that come with them are worth all of the money. have you even owned a mac and experienced how much easier it is to deal with?
Also, every Mac that I've ever used only came with Trials for Garage Band and Photoshop Elements, and I couldn't necessarily say that the interface for Mac OSX Mountain Lion was all that intuitive. I mean sure, switching my desktop background was a breeze, but how often do I really need to do that?
Viruses? Yeah, I guess that really is my opinion. IMO, people should feel shameful that they actually let themselves get a virus. You're not going to get Free Microsoft Points or Free Nintendo Points if you use that point generator you downloaded from that stranger on YouTube- just sayian'. Download Adblock and have a ball, I say. If anything, antiviruses are a waste of money because they're such a resource hog when running in the background 24/7.
I do agree though that plenty of Macs are well built in comparison to something you'd find at Best Buy or something. Though, it doesn't necessarily justify the fact that they cost quadruple-digits more.