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The future of Sony?

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#1 LaserSWE



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Posted 19 September 2012 - 01:55 AM

Im not sure if thewiiu forum is the best way for a topic such as this but as a gamer who have enjoyed three generation of Playstation awesomeness, to put it simple, it is kinda sad to see and hear where the company seems to be going.

Playstation Vita is a commercial failure that lacks not only attention from third-party publishers but even from Sony themselves.
The platform is basicly already considered to be dead. What did Sony announce for the platform during their Tokyo Game Show Press Conference today? God Eater 2 (also coming on PSP), Valhalla Knights 3, Senran Kagura and a port of Muramasa: The Demon Blade.
And that was it. That was everything they had to announce on their PsVita Press Conference. What the?

And its not only Playstation Vita.

What is Sonys strategy this fall to meet up with Wii U? They are re-launching Playstation 3 with a new slimmer version of the console with either 500, 250 or 12GB HDD space. Thats okay, i guess, right? Why not? Well, they are not only bringing PS3 back in new style. They are also taking the opportunity to raise the pricetag to 229 euro for the cheapest and 299 for the 500GB version.
What the?

As if these new Sony announcements wasnt mindblowing enough they also took some well-needed TGS time to announce that they will be changing the Playstation Store. Making more space for commercials. Yay!

What is Sony thinking? Shouldnt they be bringing everything they possibly can in a time like this when they are suffering from severe financial difficulties? Or maybe this is just a result of that very same?

What are your thoughts? How do you think Sony will approach Playstation 4?

Edited by LaserSWE, 19 September 2012 - 02:00 AM.

#2 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 02:16 AM

I agree, Its pretty depressing seein Sony failing at video games. I think they will come out with a more powerful system, but at the same price point as the wii u. They will never switch their dualshocks, but maybe they will give it some needed upgrades like analog triggers not an awkward analogue thingy that they had with PS3. Hopefully we will se some steady improvement from them and Microsoft will flop and just leave the gaming industry where they do not belong.


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#3 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 19 September 2012 - 03:23 AM

It is sad, I really only played my PS3 for a few 3rd party games, and once I get a Wii U I will have no need for my PS3. There's not enough exclusive games I want to keep me hooked.

#4 Hinkik


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 05:36 AM

This is true, they are going to have to step out of the video game industry soon if they don't do anything about it.

What they need to do now is to make sure Vita gets some games and that the PS4 has best specs of all three. They doesn't need to be monster specs, just a tad better than XBOX 720 and Wii U. Then have a completely regular controller and basically aim for a more mature audience.

Edited by Hinkik, 19 September 2012 - 05:36 AM.


#5 LeagueMaker


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 06:34 AM

I see no need for 3 big consoles, let's just leave it to nintendo and Microsoft. What's a XBOX 720?

#6 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 06:40 AM

I think Sony is in the hole as an entire company. Not just the PS brand. The already reshuffled the TV and computer sectors. The PSP is a great Handheld, but people who would call it a success are sorely mistaken. Next to the DS it sold horrifically. The Vita needed a better showing and thus far it has done worse. As great as the PS3 is...It's by far the lowest selling system of It's generation. They have a lot of work to do
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#7 jono



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Posted 19 September 2012 - 06:54 AM

Everyone should read this: http://www.notenough...ecline-of-sony/

#8 Deadly Virus

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 07:28 AM

It'd debatable, but I don't think Sony is entirely screwed yet. Remember that the PS3 is pretty much doing better than ever since around 2009, Sony made an absolutely dramatic recovery after what many viewed as a horrible launch. The Vita is a brilliant system, and it's a real shame that it's not selling well in any region really, but a good few games can always change things. The Vita needs it's own equivalent of what MGS4 was for the PS3 is what I'm saying, another hard-hitting anticipated exclusive that could drive a lot of gamers to purchase a Vita solely to play it. But it's questionable whether Sony can be bothered to put that much attention into handhelds or not.

As for the PS4, we'll wait and see. Sony has the problem of being far too ambitious with new consoles, and they end up letting people down in the end. If they try to pull what they did last time and feed us a bunch of pre-rendered crap trying to make us believe it's the real deal, I can see them getting in some deep trouble with the gaming world. If they play their cards right, make things reasonable, and have a whole range of impressive new IPs and new installments of old IPs from launch, then they'll probably do fine.

The one thing I can see is Sony permanently discontinuing their handheld branch if the Vita doesn't pick up speed soon. Unfortunately I just don't think they have the same passion for handhelds that Nintendo does to make it work, so I can see them making an easy retreat to the smartphone space in the next few years.

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#9 LeagueMaker


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 07:46 AM

I think the biggest problem for Sony and the handhelds is that Sony is looked at as a CORE or Hardcore gaming company. Most adults are not intrested in owning a handheld gaming system, if they want to play games they will download something onto their smartphone or tablet. They don't want to haul around another object. Sony's best move in the handheld department would be to make it play games on a cartridge or disc but it's also a phone and compact in size, but they have already been beaten to the punch by apple. Sony should move on from the handhelds. The reason Nintendo is successful in the handhelds is b/c they target the right audience 8+ year olds. Sure they may put some hardcore games on it but most of the first party games are kid friendly and enjoyable to all ages. I believe Nintendo will always be on top of the handheld fight.

#10 dagwood dang

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 08:09 AM

Everyone should read this: http://www.notenough...ecline-of-sony/

Thank you for the link.

Man, Sony is hurting more than I thought. Pretty sad, really.
To think, the PSX and the PS2 did extremely well in their time. Now this? I'm sure it's also due, in part, to the weak economy right now.
Sony likes to push high end, latest tech, when a lot of people aren't buying that kind of thing right now.

#11 Press



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Posted 19 September 2012 - 08:43 AM

Personally, I believe all THREE console companies have stuff they need to work on, but thanks to fanboyism, they'll always get some praise for certain movements.

Just because I'm a Nintendo fan doesn't mean I'm gonna shoot down the other companies. They have their strengths and weaknesses as well.

On topic, I believe Sony will gain a new strength with Gaikai, which they haven't spoken on that much. That's their next movement. I just think most people just want PS4 to release instead of worrying about Sony releasing another remodel of their current system.

#12 Nollog


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 09:12 AM

Sony need money. That explains the commercialisation and pricetags on new models.

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#13 LaserSWE



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Posted 20 September 2012 - 11:59 PM

"We were discussing the potential crossover between Vita and PS3 -- the obvious comparison to Nintendo's latest offering, the Wii U, and its tablet controller. The Vita and the PS3 are capable of producing similar functionality, and, if anything, with higher fidelity, as the Vita is a standalone console.
Koller says Sony invites the comparison. "We tell our PlayStation fans all the time that what the Wii U is offering is something that Vita and PS3 can do quite easily," he says. It's not just about the functionality, however, it's about whether implementing that functionality makes any sense. "It's dependent on the content. So we need to make sure the content isn't force fed. And, to us, making sure that the gamer receives the right type of experience is what's most important. So we're gonna pick our spots, but that technology does certainly exist here"


Sony seems to be wanting some of the Wii U-attention, and sadly are problably taking some due to the consumers of poorer knowledge.
I own both PS3 and PsVita and the functionality is not at all comparable to the Wii U, although they share some features in theory.
Wii U is designed for this and the games will be as well and with Vita the connectivity isnt built-in into the platform but one has to connect through wireless network and most of the times there are plenty of lag. Not to mention the Remote Play which is basicly unplayable.

At Tokyo Game Show Sony also showcased the new Super Slim-model of PS3 with a Playstation Vita infront of it.
After the obvious rip-of with Playstation Move and several Nintendo-franchises such as the upcoming LittleBigPlanet Karting and All-Stars Battle Royale one starts to wonder if Sony is really this desperate that they cant even come up with something of their own anymore.
I love Sony for their first-party games and have loved all of their home-video consoles but this is just bad manners.

Edited by LaserSWE, 21 September 2012 - 12:02 AM.

#14 Press



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 06:49 AM

Wow? Thanks for linking that. That kinda pissed me off reading that. My opinion of Sony constantly changes.

#15 Mushlikeahusky



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 06:51 AM

Sony should come out with the next console bundled with Half Life 3 then everyone would buy it!
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#16 Occult Satanist

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Posted 13 November 2012 - 06:52 PM

personally It is my belief that nintendo and microsoft will put sony's gaming industry in the ground


#17 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 13 November 2012 - 07:19 PM

Sony is obviously out of ideas. If you want evidence just look at them trying to copy Nintendo. I think I made my point.


#18 Dark Link

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Posted 13 November 2012 - 07:24 PM

Well I am not here to say doom & gloom to the Vita and I give it best wishes to succeed. However the Vita isn't selling to Sony's expectations for a few primary reasons:

Marketing- Sony is marketing this device as a "PS3 in your pocket" which is a very bad decision that spells immediate failure. Less people own a PS3 than a PSP, but Sony is clearly marketing this device to PS3 owners, thus making the Vita a niche within a niche. The same mistake was made with the PSP, a PS2 in your pocket. That didn't go as well as Sony wanted and like the Vita less people own a PSP than a PS2.

Memory Cards- This isn't 1990s anymore. The console games industry have come a long way from the dark ages of selling a console and a memory card SEPARATELY forcing you to buy not only a game but an accessory to really use your console. The PSP even included a 32MB memory stick duo when it first released, why couldn't Sony do the same for the Vita? By this logic you might as well sell your PSVita without a power charger as well. Is there really a major difference?

The games are open for debate. The 3DS had a terrible launch lineup and many agreed the Vita had a better launch lineup, but Nintendo released some heavy system sellers alongside a much needed price drop, something Sony has yet to do.

Edited by Dark Link, 13 November 2012 - 07:26 PM.

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