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Ancel (ubisoft) jokes about Beyond good & Evil 2 could be on WiiU

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#21 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 22 October 2012 - 08:26 AM

Liked the first one playd it all the time, hopefully they do this.

#22 3Dude



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Posted 23 October 2012 - 09:10 PM

kinda.... yeah... Zombi U might be a very atmospheric game but graphically its not that great compared to AAA games last gen you could really tell it in Zombi U sewer level and how polygon starve the environments looked but it does get away with it do the dark nature of the environments as well as adding lots of debris. https://www.youtube....h?v=xm6GmLsPFlk

No, this isnt very good at all.

First off, you completely contradict yourself, how can zombi u be polygon sparse if you admit the game is slathered with debris? Particularly comparing me3 screen of a tiny COMPLETELY barren sterile environment compared to an outside shot of a to scale london littered with debris.

Posted Image

Your choice of using the sewers, which arent a level, but sewers the player can use as shortcuts between areas is, well, its stupid because its a freaking sewer, what do you expect to be in there? the taj mahal?

What you are talking about is the PRODUCTION VALUES of last gen AAA games that zombi u doesnt have. Because Zombi u isnt a AAA game. (you people DO know what AAA actually means, and not the bs brainwashing publishers paid the gaming media to spread, right?)

Graphically, games like zombi u and even nintendo land are pimp slapping last gen pretty handidly.

Zombi u's models destroy any ps360 zombie models brutally, making them look like low poly low articulation point texture stretching for animation jokes. And thats not even considering in motion where its clear an animation system taking into account facial muscles/skin sliding over bone, or the constant stream of coagulated blood pouring out of orifices and down the zombies face with liquid physics.



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