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Foxconn kids helped build Wii U consoles

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#21 nintendo3DS


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 09:40 AM

Lol, hey it's not like China wouldn't do this anyway. xD

#22 angelo07stang



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 09:41 AM

I feel bad and all but I hope the build quality will be good. I am a little worried that my wii u is being built bye a little underage kid.

Edited by angelo07stang, 21 October 2012 - 09:41 AM.

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#23 xile6



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 12:04 PM

what else is new? A ton of companies have little kids man items for them. Alot of the big companies like money and dont care about how they get it.
So idk what to say about that. Maybe the kids should stop going to work?

Idk it just nothing new to me so i dont make a big deal out of it. Also note that same plant made the iphone 5.

I feel bad and all but I hope the build quality will be good. I am a little worried that my wii u is being built bye a little underage kid.

What else to you own?
I am willing to bet that 80% of the items you own where made by little kids.
Also i have seen the work flow line for this. (assembly line idk why i didnt just say that.) The one i seen was for a tablet. Looks like 16 year olds working there. Each person has one job. Pop in this or hook up that. Then at the end you have someone test every thing. Then it all goes into a box .
found the link a13 tablet

and iphone 4.

Its just the way they do stuff.

Edited by xile6, 21 October 2012 - 12:08 PM.

youtube ch. http://www.youtube.com/user/xile2010/
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#24 alan123


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 12:16 PM

which will be bought for spoiled brats in the west by their guilt ridden parents. And no, it’s not ironic, it’s nothing short of disgusting.

So are you going to cancel your pre-order then (or never buy a Wii U) ?

I have read this a week or so ago, is it bad that children are making these items, yes, however it does give people jobs.

Am i bothered that children make the Wii U no, not really.

Reasoning, someone has to make it & it has to be made at a price, if Foxconn didn't build it someone else would & so on, so where does it stop, having the console costing $1000/£1000/€1000/¥80,000 ?

#25 angelo07stang



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 12:35 PM

omg this thread is so depressing apple products too. Someone needs to take care of these kids pay them decent wages but they shouldnt even be working at that age and just enjoying there child hood so depressing.
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