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Super Smash Bros 4 Wishlist

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#1 WiiFan


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Posted 24 October 2012 - 12:21 PM

So, I am a huge Super Smash Bros fan. I mean come on, who isnt? When they announced they were making a new Smash Bros title, I jumped for joy, also hitting my head on a brick, on the bright side I found a coin. Any whumbo, they also said it will be on Wii U AND 3DS, THE FIRST EVER PORTABLE SSB GAME :D. There is ALOT of stuff I want them to do so here is my SSB4 Wishlist.

1. Characters.
I would really love to see PLAYABLE characters like
-Paper Mario
-Little Mac
-Professor Layton

2. Online Features.
It would be awesome if the Next Super Smash Bros has online multiplayer... let me rephrase that. It would be awesome if the Next Super Smash Bros has online multiplayer that DOESNT LAG LIKE HELL!  Also voice chat would be awesome, so you could talk while playing. But something is missing... OH YEAH, DLC! It would be awesome if you could buy SSB4 maps and players!

3. Cross Play.
So there is 2 player, and one player doesnt have is own controller but brought his 3ds. I think you should be able to use your 3ds as a 2nd controller, that would be pretty cool.

So thats my short/long/both/medium/im using so many slashes/ awesome SSB4 wishlist, i hope you enjoyed :D. BYE BYE NOW!

#2 angelo07stang



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Posted 24 October 2012 - 12:29 PM

I def want little mac in the game.
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#3 Foot


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Posted 24 October 2012 - 12:31 PM

There's kinda already a topic about this


You should postyour ideas there though, their really great!
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#4 Mignaga



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Posted 24 October 2012 - 02:27 PM

I want online, and more 3rd party characters. I think we are good where we are at in terms of first party ones.

Sorry, but I really don't agree with the 3DS controller thing. I would hate using that tiny thing as my controller. GAME CUBE CUNTRULLERZ FUREVA.


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#5 Goom


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Posted 24 October 2012 - 02:37 PM

i wouldn't mine third party characters but if it's a third party fighting games such as (tekkan, street fighter, or mortal kombat) then i would think it's a bad idea

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#6 xile6



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Posted 24 October 2012 - 03:27 PM

Off Tv play for the whole game.
Single player game with the tv and game pad for extra stuff like power ups and moves.
Cross game play with the 3ds.
5 player multilayer. With any controller and the wii u pad.
Love the adventure missions of the other one so do that up good.
Add a few more people. Not sure who just yet but needs more people.
Online rating
Some moving levels from other games such as mario.
It would be cool to fight across a super mario level with back ground things happening like things attacking you.

Thats about all i an think of for now. But we will see what Nintendo comes out with.
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#7 darkrai-two



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Posted 09 May 2013 - 05:26 PM

I just hope they add Darkrai and bring back mewtwo but with both forms and i hope the way you change forms is the same way as zelda/sheik did it

#8 Gamejunkie



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Posted 10 May 2013 - 10:56 AM

I'm not sure why we need another thread for this when we already have a stickied major thread on the game that is impossible to miss.


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