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Help, I need a case! (3DS)

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#1 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:22 PM

Hello people how's it going? I need a case that can do these things:
1. Protect it (same material as the nerf case or just as durable)
2. charge it (there are many 3DS cases that charge it, but none appeal to me)
3. cool design mario style (the 3DS is going to be two years old in a couple months, there should be some out there)
4. looks nice (slim, a little bulky, nice comfy grip)
5. needs to fit the club nintendo 3DS pouch (everyone knows what this is)
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks, Yoshigamer 9. By the way one or two of these things don't have to be absolutely on there, like number 3 and number 3.

Edited by yoshigamer9, 27 October 2012 - 02:24 PM.



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#2 Blake



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Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:02 PM

I honestly have no idea.

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