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Gamesmaster mag wiiU launch special. pretty positive.

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#1 backudog



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Posted 03 November 2012 - 10:10 PM

I just received my xmas 2012 issue of Gamesmaster magazine, which contains a wiiu launch special, with reviews of the console & gamepad and previews of alll the launch / launch window titles, ( I would have scanned the pages for you guys, but dont have a scanner lol, so will type an overview for you), overall they seem pretty positive about the U and its controller ( the gamepad holds endless possibilities and at only " a gentle 500g in weIght - about half a guinea pig - DON'T ASK, enables 10 hour gaming marathons without your wrists falling off") and the games. they do voice concerns that once sony and microsoft launch thier new consoles the U might get left behind a bit,

"As for the threat of a brutish new playstation or xbox steamrolling Wii U into the ground? well, yes, that could happen. On the tech front, its 98% guaranteed that rival boxes will humiliate the wiiU. Our question is, does it matter? Wii U will likely occupy the same position the wii held this gen: not as shiny, but a safe haven for devs lacking the AAA budgets needed to step up to a power hungry next gen."

They also voice concern over AAA suport, suggesting that "studios with the cash to embrace the new machines from sony microsoft - the ubisofts,EAs, and Rockstars of the world, may have no need of the U, much like they largely had no need for the wii". although they do state that the U's "rich launch catalogue shows the healing has begun, but all it would take is a shiny new ps4 or 720 to unpick the scabs, hey, at least we can dab on some first party savlon".

They jokingly claim that 16 months after its initial reveal, the U is still a nightmare to write about, largely because it doesnt behave like any other console (which they do say is a good thing), and that "the more we learn, the madder it seems: a console that doesnt need a tv to work, a social network to rival twitter, a universal remote for your telly...someone at nintendo has been overdoing the dairylea before bedtime"

they end the console review thing by saying despite all of that if you put a U under your tv on the 30th you'll find it a dream to play.

Games reviews / previews are positive overall, (Nintendo Land gets 82%, with each of the mini games in it recieving between 3 and 5 out of 5 stars, NSMBU gets 82%, they also rate the intergration of the gamepad into the multi format titles, and out of the 12 listed
there are :
3x 5out of 5,(Batman, Darksiders 2 andTrine 2)
2x 4 out of 5, (AC3 and Mass Effect 3)
3x 3 out of 5, (FIFA 13 Sonic all star racing, COD; BOPS2 )
3x 2 out of 5, (Skylanders, Ninja Gaiden 3 Epic mickey 2)
and a 1 out of 5 (NBA 2K13)

ZombieU (my preciousssss lol) gets a 4 out of 5 on thier "Thrill-o-meter" with the only negative being that "the touch screen isnt as reliable as it could be. Is this endemic of its general quality?"
Aliens colonial marines also gets a 4 out of 5 on the Thrill-o-meter, the negative being "the guns are a tad quiet. we want them so loud it almost bursts our eardrums".
They have a few concerns over Lego City Undercover (another game im looking forward to and 3 out of 5 on the thrill-o-meter) saying that at the moment driving in the game is a tad tame "TT has recreated Lego's weightless plastic vehicles a little too accurately, the poor little things pootle along slowly, with all the handling of a sports car engineered from plastic rectangles. Accurate,maybe, but not terribly exciting". also at the moment they say there is some horrible pop-in throughout the game).they admit Its still early and there is time to iron out those niggles and if TT do then the game could be huge.

If you're in the u.k. then pick up the xmas issue when it hits the stores on the 6th, its woth a read. im posting this for u.s. and other forumites who maybe cant get the mag where they..erm..be at?


Edited by backudog, 03 November 2012 - 10:22 PM.

I hear voices in my head all the time, telling me what to do. But I just ignore them and carry on killing.

#2 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 03 November 2012 - 11:52 PM

that dosnt sound to good!! Its going to get left behind when the next xbox and ps4 come out makes me not want to buy it. for the fact im going to need to purchase a second console.this has been playing on my mind abit lately coming up to the launch and as a result i wont be purchasing it untill i know what microsony are planning first . its like when u were a kid and you had 20 dollars to spend on a toy you always grabbed the first one you seen and then 2 days later you see something way better i feel this is goin to happen to me. so im sorry to say but wii u is definatly only a maybe for me not a must buy which sux because i would rather give nintendo my buisness but if someone else is waving something better in my face ill be taking it .

#3 Wonder Blue

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:02 AM

"On the tech front, its 98% guaranteed that rival boxes will humiliate the wiiU"
i love when people uses speculation as facts


#4 scotty79



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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:16 AM

Speculation panther works 98% of the time every time.
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#5 korgamer


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 03:58 AM

that dosnt sound to good!! Its going to get left behind when the next xbox and ps4 come out makes me not want to buy it. for the fact im going to need to purchase a second console.this has been playing on my mind abit lately coming up to the launch and as a result i wont be purchasing it untill i know what microsony are planning first . its like when u were a kid and you had 20 dollars to spend on a toy you always grabbed the first one you seen and then 2 days later you see something way better i feel this is goin to happen to me. so im sorry to say but wii u is definatly only a maybe for me not a must buy which sux because i would rather give nintendo my buisness but if someone else is waving something better in my face ill be taking it .

I think people should use their own heads and make the decision. Speculations honestly does not mean anything. I for one know this Wii U is gonna rock. And even when the PS4/NewXbox come out , i know for a fact you won't get the same experience as the Wii U and games. Im not worry about The WIi U at all. Im worried about which system i should get when it comes to the Xbox and the PS4.

that dosnt sound to good!! Its going to get left behind when the next xbox and ps4 come out makes me not want to buy it. for the fact im going to need to purchase a second console.this has been playing on my mind abit lately coming up to the launch and as a result i wont be purchasing it untill i know what microsony are planning first . its like when u were a kid and you had 20 dollars to spend on a toy you always grabbed the first one you seen and then 2 days later you see something way better i feel this is goin to happen to me. so im sorry to say but wii u is definatly only a maybe for me not a must buy which sux because i would rather give nintendo my buisness but if someone else is waving something better in my face ill be taking it .

I think people should use their own heads and make the decision. Speculations honestly does not mean anything. I for one know this Wii U is gonna rock. And even when the PS4/NewXbox coming out , i know for a fact you won't get the same experience as the Wii U and games. Im not worry about The WIi U at all. Im worried about which system i should get when it comes to the Xbox and the PS4.

#6 Gamejunkie



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Posted 04 November 2012 - 04:42 AM

Anyone who thinks the Wii U is going to rival the next generation of consoles from Sony and Microsoft need to think again. Whilst we don't know anything about them going by what has happened in the past historically it's more likely then not that their new offerings will leave the Wii U behind and third party support may not be as good on the Wii U as people expect and hope for. This is being realistic. That's not to say the Wii U isn't worth getting but I've come to the conclusion that ever since the GameCube Nintendo consoles cannot be relied upon to be ones one and only console for all ones videogame needs.

If you really want the best of everything then more then likely you will need to buy a Wii U and either Sony or Microsoft's next console offering. Personally I tend to get Nintendo's consoles mainly for the first party exclusives and the few third party exclusives. For everything else I get Sony's and Microsoft's consoles. Fortunately I can afford to own all of them although I appreciate not everyone can. That's probably going to be the reality though. Whilst Nintendo is moving in the right direction they haven't yet caught up to what their competitors tend to offer.

#7 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 05:03 AM

Sounds really goodish

#8 backudog



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Posted 04 November 2012 - 06:05 AM

Sounds really goodish

I realise i haven't made the article sound all that positive, lol, but after reading it, my overall feeling was that it WAS positive and that any worries they brought up were only ones we've all probably had too. am in the process of getting the article uploaded so y'all can read it for yourselves.

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Edited by backudog, 04 November 2012 - 06:59 AM.

I hear voices in my head all the time, telling me what to do. But I just ignore them and carry on killing.

#9 Spleenzorio



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Posted 04 November 2012 - 06:32 AM

By the time the other two release their next consoles, Wii U will already have solid ground and if it really does sell like the Wii did, third party developers would be dumb not to bring games to it because it's already established. People just need to look beyond the power of a machine and look at its innovations and what new things it can do. Sony and Microsoft are gunna be rinse and repeat, make better graphics and redesign the controller ever so slightly while Nintendo really does define the term next generation.
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#10 backudog



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Posted 04 November 2012 - 06:59 AM

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I hear voices in my head all the time, telling me what to do. But I just ignore them and carry on killing.

#11 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 07:13 AM




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Posted 04 November 2012 - 07:20 AM

So, they complimented Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge but said it's "too little too late", so they gave it a 2 instead of at least a 3,..huh. From reading the review however, it does sound like fans of the series are gonna have a much better NG3 to play.


#13 Stormage09


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 07:24 AM

Anyone who thinks the Wii U is going to rival the next generation of consoles from Sony and Microsoft need to think again. Whilst we don't know anything about them going by what has happened in the past historically it's more likely then not that their new offerings will leave the Wii U behind and third party support may not be as good on the Wii U as people expect and hope for. This is being realistic. That's not to say the Wii U isn't worth getting but I've come to the conclusion that ever since the GameCube Nintendo consoles cannot be relied upon to be ones one and only console for all ones videogame needs.

thats whats really concerns me, i was expecting a nintendo console that gets every multiplat game ( even if its heavily downscaled i dont care i just want the damn game ) along with all exclusives and first party titles this could be the heaven for me

but every time i see more cleary that this is going to be a wii 2.0 all over again ( in third party support therms ) and im seriously thinking about using the saved money for the wii u for the next xbox instead, not because of the graphics or anything like that only because of the third party support... and thats very sad, reggie back in 2011 promised the that with the wii u there will be no more missed great games, now we are just starting and games that actually will launch several month after the wii u launch are not coming like: GTA 5, Bioshock Infinite, Metal Gear Rising, Metro Last Light, dont know if BF4... etc...

i never owned a xbox of any gen or any playstation of any gen in my entire life, and this current gen ive spend most of my time playing on my mid-low range pc because the lack of games on the wii and i just dont want to be in the same situation all over again for the next 6-8 years, i like to play on consoles too.
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#14 xile6



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Posted 04 November 2012 - 07:36 AM

Idk about this, i still think the Wii u will do great. It will be about a year ahead of the ps4 and x720. Also you got nintendo only games that will probably hit when the other systems come out.
Either way all i know is I got my wii u preorder, paid in full and im awaiting launch day.
I'll probablypick a ps4 up after its launch depending on its price tag.
youtube ch. http://www.youtube.com/user/xile2010/
xile06 "N" ID
Cod bo2, AC3, Zombiu, NSMB, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, Smash Bro wiiu,
Preorders : ..
Plan to buy : -

#15 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:33 AM

The Wii U will be fine. Either Way, I buy every system at launch anyways.
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#16 Occult Satanist

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Posted 13 November 2012 - 09:48 PM

What isn't there to be positive about I mean come on it's THE WII U :D


#17 Dragon



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Posted 13 November 2012 - 11:44 PM

I usually don't care what magazine's say, but I do like that this is positive.

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