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GAME expects to sell out of Wii U hardware prior to launch day (EU)

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#21 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 06 November 2012 - 01:33 PM

Wow could you write ANY more?!



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#22 Rubix87


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Posted 06 November 2012 - 03:31 PM

The case for third party publishers is relative, as well as the silly dust gathering theory lol. Third parties could have chosen to take advantage of the unique interface of the Wii, or simply gone the route they did, PS360. With the inflated costs of HD gaming back then (2006-2009) many publishers had to close down and jump ship (if you don't believe me do some research). Some titles had the budget of movies, and needed to sell at least three million copies or more just to break even. If they weren't so narrowed minded in their approach (third parties) they could have created a unique one of a kind Wii title with lower production costs and a different way of playing the game. They chose not to do this. Laziness, lack of motivation, or just down right cynicism has led many third parties to be unsuccessful on the Wii. It's their own choice, not Nintendo's. I'm not saying the big N doesn't have a stake in any of this, but it baffles me how 'out of the know' so many people are about simple financial matters and informatics regarding Nintendo's budgets in 2004-2005 lol. They COULDN'T come out with an HD system six years ago. It would have been suicide to do so. They would be in the same spot Sony is in right now, in fact they were, that's why they came out with the Wii. I don't want any of the big three to drop, but I'm not blind to what has gone on with the industry erosion, and the back pedaling of what people consider 'blockbuster' or 'casual.' Facts are more concrete than truncated hopes.

As for dust gathering that is also implied. Just because one small aspect of an audience doesn't use the Wii, doesn't mean that millions more don't. It's been a known fact (look this up as well) that more people use the Wii on a daily basis than any other system (PS360) due other uses of the media (1.5 million for Netflix alone to be exact). The Wii is played every day in hospitals around the world, not collecting dust for therapeutic purposes lol (I'm a nurse so I can attest to that). By the way, that's another silly myth perpetuated by the biased media. I don't know what they have against Nintendo (oh well).

Once upon a time in 80's and 90's gaming was just about gaming. Now, the social quagmire has pitted 'fanboys' and 'zealots' from reasonable individuals lol. As I have said before, if PS360 were sitting at 100 million each and Wii was 65 million this conversation would be very different lol. Anyway, everyone is entitled to their opinion but facts are facts, and I put the links below if anyone wants to check them out.


Edited by Rubix87, 06 November 2012 - 03:35 PM.

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