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What 3rd party publisher/developer is in it for the long run.....

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 15 November 2012 - 04:20 AM

yes there have been some publishers/developers (Ubisoft) that have supported Wii U big time during launch. ive said before i have to see things to believe them when it comes to nintendo getting consistent 3rd party support. Anyone who believes the Wii U is going to get the bulk of multiplats next gen is kidding themselves. it has nothing to do with power because of current architecture the Wii U should be fine. it has to do with publishers/developers not believing Wii U is "HARDCORE" enough or the audience is not going to be there. so my question is what publisher/developer if you had to bet on now you believe is going to support Wii U long term and bring quailty (push system tech with good graphics) to the nintendo faithful? here are my top 5 (not in any order)

1. Capcom- After seeing the monster hunter games and revelations on 3ds i believe Capcom will not only bring content throughout its life cycle but they will do their best to push the sstem tech (again looks at revelations).
2. Ubisoft- im not sure because i see the launch games as tester. the fact they havent announced that Watchdogs is in development for Wii U...scares me a little. i need watchdog from them their FIRST IP for next generation consoles.
3. Crytek- YES.... i just said crytek. im going on a limb and say they either have a exclusive IP in the works for Wii U or nintendo is going to use Cryengine 3 on one of their more eye candy 1st party games( Zelda, Metroid, Starfox).
4.Gearbox Software- they have only praised Wii U since the beginning. we know they are bringing Alien Colonial marines to Wii U and praised the controller and the graphical capabilities. they also have said how the Wii U would be perfect for their borderlands IP. so i think we will see something more from them in the future.
5. Platinum games- this is a given... Wonderful 101 is looking amazing. we also know Bayonetta 2 is on its way and could be a Jaw dropper. might be the first Wii U game to show its confirmed better graphical than this gen. but im sure more good stuff is coming from them and they will push the system.

So what do you guys think... who do you think will be around for the long run? did i miss anyone?

#2 Dragon



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Posted 15 November 2012 - 04:24 AM


JK But you basically state all I can think of atm.

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#3 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 15 November 2012 - 04:26 AM


JK But you basically state all I can think of atm.

yeah thats funny as i dont see rockstar coming close to Wii U with the game we ALL know they should bring. like i said they are proud of bringing Carnival games to the Wii. they dont have any faith in their baby (GTA) on nintendo console. they have no excuses from a tech standpoint as they have claimed with the Wii and Gamecube. lets see what they have to say this time around.

Edited by TRON, 15 November 2012 - 04:27 AM.

#4 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 15 November 2012 - 05:12 AM

It's all opinions and speculation this early on. I'd say It's impossible to tell since so many developers haven't even boarded the train yet. Next year at this time we should have a better idea.
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#5 Portal



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Posted 15 November 2012 - 05:23 AM

I don't really pay attention to developers, but I think Ubisoft will have some great content for the next year or 2 atleast. They're using the Gamepad better than Nintendo!

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#6 ianh05



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Posted 15 November 2012 - 05:48 AM

Gamefreak *fingers crossed* they keep getting plenty of cash from handheld games and their other console games turned out fine (some were even awesome) so I think it's time for a new console game and what better console to do it as the wii u gamepad screams out to be a pokedex.
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#7 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 15 November 2012 - 08:58 AM

I hope Rockstar jump in on the Wii U fun, a man can dream can't he?

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