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#7361 Hank Hill

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Posted 03 June 2012 - 05:19 AM

Banned cause I put alot of new stuff up on eBay, mostly strategy guides for various games.

Double Banned cause I'll be giving coverage of the Nintendo Direct conference on Brian's website, n00bpwners.com. :P Come check it out, maybe?



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#7362 SuperSaiyanGohan


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 05:38 AM

Banned because you know me i will always check stuff out :)
Pokemon black and white two is going to be awesome! Cannot wait at all to buy them!
Bronies Unite! Yay the world!
Gravity it is not just a good idea it is the law!
Is the proof really in the pudding? Really?
Aliens are real! Just ask the leprechauns!

#7363 Hank Hill

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Posted 03 June 2012 - 01:10 PM

Banned cause awesome. o3o



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#7364 eha081



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Posted 04 June 2012 - 10:43 AM

Banned because I've never banned you.

#7365 Andy


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 10:44 AM

Banned because you've never banned anyone... (before now of course)

Edited by Andy, 04 June 2012 - 11:25 AM.

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#7366 Hank Hill

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Posted 04 June 2012 - 11:08 AM

Banned cause non-specific action figure to the max.



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#7367 Andy


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 11:26 AM

Banned because I'd love for him to be Nintendo's running gag.
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#7368 eha081



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Posted 04 June 2012 - 11:47 AM

Banned because he's scary...

#7369 Andy


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 11:50 AM

Banned because I thought it was hilarious.
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#7370 Jubei



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Posted 04 June 2012 - 01:50 PM

Banned because you though it was Hilarious. :3
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#7371 MiSoRamen


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 01:53 PM

Banned for having too much fandoms!
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#7372 Hank Hill

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Posted 04 June 2012 - 02:17 PM

Banned cause Ubisoft's line of thinking is, quite frankly, not good.

"Hey, let's make our E3 conference so that you don't need a birth date to get into it, but the first video we show has a naked lady blatantly on screen! No way that could go wrong!"

Mark my words, they're going to get some backlash for this.



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#7373 SuperSaiyanGohan


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:11 AM

Banned cause Ubisoft's line of thinking is, quite frankly, not good.

"Hey, let's make our E3 conference so that you don't need a birth date to get into it, but the first video we show has a naked lady blatantly on screen! No way that could go wrong!"

Mark my words, they're going to get some backlash for this.

Banned because i was at baseball practice when this came on and my mom saw it and banned me from watching E3. So SCREW YOU ubisoft i am going to try my hardest to not buy any of their products ever again. The worst thing is my little sis was in the room when they showed it. I felt soooooo embarassed when my mom told me :( . Im going to see if she will give me an exception for nintendo's E3 because she knows nintendo doesn't do that garbage.
Pokemon black and white two is going to be awesome! Cannot wait at all to buy them!
Bronies Unite! Yay the world!
Gravity it is not just a good idea it is the law!
Is the proof really in the pudding? Really?
Aliens are real! Just ask the leprechauns!

#7374 Hank Hill

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Posted 05 June 2012 - 10:02 AM

Banned cause wow.

Tell me about it, Ubisoft screwed up hard. -.-



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#7375 SuperSaiyanGohan


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 12:41 PM

Banned because they basically just showed pornographic images to minors. Way to go Ubisoft >.<
Pokemon black and white two is going to be awesome! Cannot wait at all to buy them!
Bronies Unite! Yay the world!
Gravity it is not just a good idea it is the law!
Is the proof really in the pudding? Really?
Aliens are real! Just ask the leprechauns!

#7376 Hank Hill

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Posted 05 June 2012 - 07:11 PM

Banned cause yup.

Double Banned because people on here are ridiculous whenever it comes to Nintendo's E3. We're sorry they couldn't meet your expectations of showing off Zelda/SSB4/Metroid/F-Zero/Mario all in one show, folks!

Yeesh. Get over yourselves people. -.-



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#7377 SuperSaiyanGohan


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 10:47 AM

Banned because i really wish i could have watched it. Do you know any place i could watch it? Youtube maybe? I thoughtthe name of this website was TheWiiU.com why wouldn't you be excited for what they said? Heck i wish I could have seen the new Zelda, SSB4, and F-Zero
Pokemon black and white two is going to be awesome! Cannot wait at all to buy them!
Bronies Unite! Yay the world!
Gravity it is not just a good idea it is the law!
Is the proof really in the pudding? Really?
Aliens are real! Just ask the leprechauns!

#7378 Hank Hill

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Posted 06 June 2012 - 12:49 PM

Banned cause they didn't say that. People on thewiiu.com were saying that. Instead, Nintendo talked New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo Land, and Pikmin 3 as their first party offerings. People's expectations were just waaaay too high. :P



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#7379 SuperSaiyanGohan


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 01:11 PM

Banned because quite frankly my expectations were probably to high as well. I though they did a decient job. In my mind I thought Sony won the E3 this year. I know it's not over but still i doubt that anyone will beat Sony. Nintendo did a good job, although i think they could have put an end to some of the rumors (whether it be confirming or invalidizing) for the wiiu and its power. So I was kind of dissapointed when i heard they will not be talking about the WiiU at E3. I just hope that they will leak more and more as the release date for the WiiU draws nearer. In the future I will try to lower my expectations :P

Edited by SuperSaiyanGohan, 06 June 2012 - 01:11 PM.

Pokemon black and white two is going to be awesome! Cannot wait at all to buy them!
Bronies Unite! Yay the world!
Gravity it is not just a good idea it is the law!
Is the proof really in the pudding? Really?
Aliens are real! Just ask the leprechauns!

#7380 Hank Hill

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 05:50 AM

Banned cause I've been playing the Jak and Daxter HD Collection...and am going to Chattanooga, Tennessee this Wednesday. :D



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