Though Rockstar's game is currently only slated for release on Xbox 360 and PS3 in Spring 2013, Fils-Aime revealed to MTV the he believes there's every chance the game will come to Nintendo's console.
"The folks there have said very nice public comments about the Wii U," he explained.
"In the end, it is Nintendo's responsibility to have a large installed base, to have development tools that help the developers and publishers create great content, and essentially create an environment where teams like Rockstar can bring their very best content to our platform, and if we do that hopefully the very best content throughout the entire industry will show up on Wii U."
When we recently interviewed Rockstar vice president Dan Houser, he revealed that the company hadn't made any firm decisions about other potential platforms, but wouldn't rule anything out.
"Everything else is up for consideration," Houser revealed. "That's all I can give you. The main thing is we are not... we are a third-party publisher. We're not Nintendo, we're not Sony, we're not Microsoft. We love all of them in different ways. But we can do what we want wherever there's the appropriate business opportunity and chance to find a market."
We've already had a muse about whether the game would be coming to PC, and came to the conclusion that it likely will though not for a some time after its console debut.
Last week was IGN's GTA V week, where we offered a massive blowout of information about the upcoming game. So whether you're looking for how the title changes the rules for open world games, want to meet the new faces or just rediscover Los Santos, make sure you have a look at all our articles"
Oh God, I so hope this happens, Reggie your AWESOME!

Edited by UnchainedGoku, 19 November 2012 - 09:40 AM.