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THQ clarifies 4A's comment on CPU

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#1 Foot


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 07:20 AM


Basically, they said that the CPU is the main weakness, though it's possible to get around that struggle, and that Metro Last Lit wasn't being developed because the team is too small...

Edited by Heyheyharold, 22 November 2012 - 07:24 AM.

I am the foot. I do not like you. You smother me with socks and shoes, then step on me thousands of times a day.

We foot will rebel one day.

#2 Goose


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 07:30 AM

Figured as much. THQ is low on money and can't afford another version of their game. The dev was using the slow processor as an excuse. Although I will admit that it seems like the processor is a bottleneck for the console.

#3 mayhem13


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 07:31 AM

THQ is bleeding money and they fund the developers the cash to make the game.  If Zombi U, Black Ops 2, Creed III, etc etc.  Sell well on the Wii U.  You'll see THQ take the risk and fund a Metro Last Light port.  It'll probably be released late.  But it will be released, especially if Metro Last Light sells well in its own right.  No point in releasing a Wii U port if the game bombs.  The team excuse doesn't work because you can always lend out the game to another team to handle the port.  Like I say, it falls on two main fronts.  THQ is suffering and Nintendo has a history of poor third party sales, especially mature titles.  So THQ isn't going to waste money making a port to a system that hasn't proven anyone would even buy it.  They'll lose money if they do.  They don't have anymore money to lose.

Edited by mayhem13, 22 November 2012 - 07:31 AM.

#4 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 22 November 2012 - 07:57 AM

THQ is a shadow of its former self during the PSOne days. I'm not to bummed - I will be picking Metro up for my PC anyways.
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#5 3Dude



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Posted 22 November 2012 - 11:17 AM

What? Eurogamer changed the words from a dev to.increase traffic?

'Huw Beynon, a global communications
executive at THQ, told Eurogamer that the
media coverage surrounding the quote has
"spun" the truth of the matter for the purpose
of bolstering website traffic numbers. '

WHAT? Eurogamer would NEVER do that.... Four times in a row.

I mean the first time they did it with Harad and tekken, and ge got super pissed and raged all over his twitter feed about his words being changed and forcing eurogamer To issue an apology.... I mean, thats just one situation. Doesnt matter right?

Then they did it again with the dynasty warriors interview, but thats only twice.

Then they did it AGAIN with sonic racing transformed and were forced to issue ANOTHER apology.

But that was only three times. SURELY they wouldnt do it FOUR TIMES right?

Of course they would.

Everybody already knows the cpu is clocked slower than the ps360's. Clock speed is a non issue today. Hell everybody knows a short pipelined cpu can whip the crap out of a deep pipelined cpu at half the clock speed.

I mean the only way it would even be an issue is if you were just trying to port the same exact code from the deep pipelined system... Oh wait.



#6 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 11:46 AM

Well this clears things up a little bit, phew *sigh's reliefe*

#7 Ravyu


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 06:05 PM

I think THQ might wanna see how well Darksiders does on the console. I hope they don't expect much cos most of them would have it on other consoles. I am buying though
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#8 esrever



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Posted 23 November 2012 - 12:15 AM

You can pretty much deduced the same thing from yesterday's comment. This is just with the PR fluff added.

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