Where is product code for Wii U - Club Nintendo
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:26 PM
When I try the code on the barcode thing on the back of the Club Nintendo booklet, it gives me a 404 error on the website.
I have sold my Wii U, so if I deleted you from NN before I sold it, or haven't accepted your friend request since, this is why.
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:28 PM
- YoshiGamer9 and SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums like this
Add Mii on miiverse:
^ dayum what a creative name
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:31 PM
You mean the serial number on the console itself? If so it is on the white sticker on your console. You include the number or letter in the square. [X]I'm probably being really stupid, but I'm not very well, coming down with something, so please excuse me xD I've tried all sorts of codes that's with this, and nothing.
When I try the code on the barcode thing on the back of the Club Nintendo booklet, it gives me a 404 error on the website.
If you mean a game Club Nintendo code from a game. Nintendo Land has none if bundled & other Nintendo games should have a red and white booklet in them. It should look something like this and have the code listed in the top square.

Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:31 PM
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:36 PM
You mean the serial number on the console itself? If so it is on the white sticker on your console. You include the number or letter in the square. [X]
If you mean a game Club Nintendo code from a game. Nintendo Land has none if bundled & other Nintendo games should have a red and white booklet in them. It should look something like this and have the code listed in the top square.
I am the hero this forum needs, but not the one it deserves.
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:38 PM
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:38 PM
Try it, it is not even mine. Source the image link. Not to mention you can only register one of said games on a single Club Nintendo account. Hope you don't have the game & good luck. XDFREE CODE!!!
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:40 PM
Try it, it is not even mine. Source the image link. Not to mention you can only register one of said games on a single Club Nintendo account. Hope you don't have the game & good luck. XD
Yeah I know I was just joking
I am the hero this forum needs, but not the one it deserves.
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:44 PM
We don't get anything like that here. In the EU they look like this...You mean the serial number on the console itself? If so it is on the white sticker on your console. You include the number or letter in the square. [X]
If you mean a game Club Nintendo code from a game. Nintendo Land has none if bundled & other Nintendo games should have a red and white booklet in them. It should look something like this and have the code listed in the top square.

But the one I got with the Wii U, it has no scratchable pin code on it and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to put in the box.
I have sold my Wii U, so if I deleted you from NN before I sold it, or haven't accepted your friend request since, this is why.
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:48 PM
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Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:53 PM
XDYeah I know I was just joking
Don't have a clue what joking is right now. Tired, actually a bit sick like the OP, insomnia, cracking headache, and add in some stupidity that sounded like a person was not serious but really was (Another forum). Oh well, nothing I can really do about any of it. Other than overdose with medication, pain killers & muscle relaxers state!! *drool*
Another free code, attack random people!We don't get anything like that here. In the EU they look like this...
But the one I got with the Wii U, it has no scratchable pin code on it and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to put in the box.
Hmm, well if it works anything like how I registered my Wii U then you can just bloody insert the serial number ([X] letter or number in box at the end of the code) on the console. That or turn your console on, go to the eShop, press menu, select Settings/Other, hit Club Nintendo Account, and just follow the setup process.
Edit: If you're just trying to register your console.
Edited by UnholyVision, 29 November 2012 - 05:54 PM.
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:56 PM
I have sold my Wii U, so if I deleted you from NN before I sold it, or haven't accepted your friend request since, this is why.
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:59 PM
Posted 29 November 2012 - 06:11 PM
I have sold my Wii U, so if I deleted you from NN before I sold it, or haven't accepted your friend request since, this is why.
Posted 29 November 2012 - 06:14 PM
Posted 29 November 2012 - 06:23 PM
Don't have a clue what joking is right now. Tired, actually a bit sick like the OP, insomnia, cracking headache, and add in some stupidity that sounded like a person was not serious but really was (Another forum). Oh well, nothing I can really do about any of it. Other than overdose with medication, pain killers & muscle relaxers state!! *drool*
Another free code, attack random people!
Hmm, well if it works anything like how I registered my Wii U then you can just bloody insert the serial number ([X] letter or number in box at the end of the code) on the console. That or turn your console on, go to the eShop, press menu, select Settings/Other, hit Club Nintendo Account, and just follow the setup process.
Edit: If you're just trying to register your console.
Does that give me my points? I tried entering that code into the box online, with that number at the end in a little box of its own, that's the first code I tried, and it kept giving me a 404 error.
I went on my account on the website and it says I got 250 points for "registration" and 250 for NSMBU. Nothing for Wii U, and this code that came with Zombi U just isn't working. It definitely came in the Zombi U game box. I'm not that ill xD
Edited by x-SourApple-x, 29 November 2012 - 06:20 PM.
I have sold my Wii U, so if I deleted you from NN before I sold it, or haven't accepted your friend request since, this is why.
Posted 29 November 2012 - 06:40 PM
Barcode? There should be a serial number...
YOU'RE A BOB-OMB!!!!!!!!!
Congrats bro!
Add me on Wii U if you want to settle it in Smash
Posted 29 November 2012 - 06:45 PM
Hmm, well did it go through successfully or did the Club Nintendo account get activated on your console? If yes to either of these is could take a little while for the console to register on Club Nintendo. My console after it accepted the code did not award me the points until about five hours later. (Shrugs) Figured it would go right through similar to my Wii at launch, but nope, took a while.Does that give me my points? I tried entering that code into the box online, with that number at the end in a little box of its own, that's the first code I tried, and it kept giving me a 404 error.
I went on my account on the website and it says I got 250 points for "registration" and 250 for NSMBU. Nothing for Wii U, and this code that came with Zombi U just isn't working. It definitely came in the Zombi U game box. I'm not that ill xD
Edit: Yes apparently if you register a Club Nintendo account to your eShop one it instantly registers. Yet it could possibly still have a wait period if I was similar to me.
As for the ZombiU well that is interesting then if it comes with a Nintendo code. Where is mine & Nintendo Lands code, I feel ripped off now. No code for my game in the bundle.

Edited by UnholyVision, 29 November 2012 - 06:48 PM.
Posted 30 November 2012 - 01:09 AM
Posted 30 November 2012 - 07:30 AM
My club ninty book for my Wii U didn't have a serial number, I got worried, but when I linked my eShop account to my club ninty account my console registered itself.
Mine hasn't given me any points though by doing that. My account only has 750 points. 250 for Mario, 250 for Zombi U and 250 for actually registering an account with Club Nintendo. Nothing for Wii U, and I did this last night, and I still don't have any points for it.
- SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums likes this
I have sold my Wii U, so if I deleted you from NN before I sold it, or haven't accepted your friend request since, this is why.
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