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Wii u next Gen

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#1 Adders


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:24 AM

Hi all

My first post and have to say loving this forum :D

OK I got me a wii u last week and have to say I am loving it, I have noticed that there are some youtube videos saying that they dont think the wii u is next gen :angry:

Now I do think it is next gen but not in terms of power but in terms of being able to do things on the wii U that you can not do on other platforms ?

What a lot of critics are saying that the next Xbox and ps4 will have better graphics than the wii u . That might be true but how many people brought black ops 2 for the xbox and ps3 ?

If they real want power why buy the game for a 6 year old system when they could of got it for a PC

and if the next xbox is way more powerful than the wii u it will still be behind the PC ..

the big N knows this and to me is offering something different it knows that the power game can not be won unless you have a PC..

Well that's my thoughts what do you guys and girls think

#2 Nollog


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:33 AM

If you say that to them they'll say PC's are too expensive.
They don't realise that that isn't an argument against buying something more powerful, as when the PS3 launched it was 600 USD, and still not as powerful as a PC.

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#3 Adders


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:55 AM

If you say that to them they'll say PC's are too expensive.
They don't realise that that isn't an argument against buying something more powerful, as when the PS3 launched it was 600 USD, and still not as powerful as a PC.

You have hit the nail on the head there son, I have been looking at Unreal engine 4 on the PC and unreal engine 3 witch is supposed to be able to play on the wii u and I have to say although there is a difference its not that a bigger Jump :mellow:

Edited by Adders, 06 December 2012 - 10:11 AM.

#4 Nollog


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:56 AM

You have hit the nail on the head there son, I have been looking at Unreal engine 4 on the PC and nreal engine 3 witch is supposed to be able to play on the wii u and I have to say although there is a difference its not that a bigger Jump :mellow:

ikr, cryengine 3's had particles and whatnot for ages, and looks better.

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#5 backudog



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Posted 06 December 2012 - 10:01 AM

Agreed, if you want your games to look really pretty, buy a decent pc, if you just want great fun with GOOD graphics buy a wiiU...or 360...or ps3. i HAVE got a decent pc, (i7 2600k @3.4ghz, 8gb ddr3 ram, nvidia 560ti graphics card) but rarely use it for games, it just doesn't feel right gaming on pc i have no idea why, just prefer consoles for gaming. i have fallout 3, skyrim, mass effect 2, and aliens vs predator for my pc and i have played the xbox360 versions MUCH more than the pc ones. i do like the fact you can mod most pc games though, Skyrim can look REALLY pretty with mods. if the next consoles would allow that, then my pc would hardly ever get used!
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#6 Hitomi


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:27 AM

I agree with u guys

#7 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:35 AM

Hi all

My first post and have to say loving this forum :D

OK I got me a wii u last week and have to say I am loving it, I have noticed that there are some youtube videos saying that they dont think the wii u is next gen :angry:

Now I do think it is next gen but not in terms of power but in terms of being able to do things on the wii U that you can not do on other platforms ?

What a lot of critics are saying that the next Xbox and ps4 will have better graphics than the wii u . That might be true but how many people brought black ops 2 for the xbox and ps3 ?

If they real want power why buy the game for a 6 year old system when they could of got it for a PC

and if the next xbox is way more powerful than the wii u it will still be behind the PC ..

the big N knows this and to me is offering something different it knows that the power game can not be won unless you have a PC..

Well that's my thoughts what do you guys and girls think

Your my new favorite new member lol

Well said Adder. I been PC gaming for a long time, not quite as long as console gaming..but needless to say. Back in the day playing new PC games was a completely different experience..which I didn't expect to have on a console..and frankly..didn't and still don't want. PC's are great because of their scalability and great power output. I've never been a graphic person...while yes some games are nice to look at...I will take excellent controls, amazing stories, and an experience generally only consoles can give you (please don't take that as PC games have no stories lol).

The Wii U is an evolution of the Wii which I will always love for what it brought to the gaming table. The entire concept behind a 2 screen gaming system which is also a gamers social hub is great. They do know what they are doing. As for people who heckled me about certain games being so beautiful on their PS3 or 360 compared to the Wii, I usually said..yeah..look at my PC version! lol

Bottom line is that great graphics and leaps in great graphics isn't what constitutes as next gen...if it was then PC gaming would always be next gen like every 4-6 months.
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#8 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:49 AM

people will nwver get blown away by graphics in consoles now

#9 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 02:06 PM

I completely agree, I haven't posted in awhile but I have been on frequently, but this is a topic I needed to post on. I have an Asus G73 which has an i7 CPU and a ATI radeon 5870 GPU and 12 GB ram and I play all multiplats on it now, which is why I'm getting wii u because no matter what, Mario and Zelda will never be on pc. Xbox and PS need to change their strategy if they want to survive. Because you can get a good pc at low price points, especially if you custom build and I don't expect modding on a console anytime soon.
Ps. I got my PC at a yard sale for $130, some old guy who said he didn't understand computers but his grandson got him it. I would never be able to offers the normal $1200 price point.


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#10 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 07:06 PM

My Wii U is next gen, I'm really looking forward to the next few years :D




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Posted 06 December 2012 - 08:31 PM

I'm just happy I have the next Nintendo console to last at least 5 years, and all the games that come with it.


#12 PedanticGamer


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 06:13 AM

The issue (or possible issue) with the wiiU is a lack of power compared to what the ps4 and 360-2 may have, and more power does not just mean better graphics. It opens up more opportunities for what one can do with a game. More obviously people are cautious as third party support in recent years for the wii has been nearly non existent, largely as companies seemed reluctant to downport to the wii despite it being by far the best selling/most owned console at the time.

So yes the wiiU is next gen, but I do understand what people claiming it is not next gen are worried about (discounting the trolls who are saying it of course).

Edited by PedanticGamer, 09 December 2012 - 06:14 AM.

#13 Bunkei


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 12:46 PM

The issue (or possible issue) with the wiiU is a lack of power compared to what the ps4 and 360-2 may have, and more power does not just mean better graphics. It opens up more opportunities for what one can do with a game. More obviously people are cautious as third party support in recent years for the wii has been nearly non existent, largely as companies seemed reluctant to downport to the wii despite it being by far the best selling/most owned console at the time.

So yes the wiiU is next gen, but I do understand what people claiming it is not next gen are worried about (discounting the trolls who are saying it of course).

Time will tell all. So far, 3rd party support for the Wii U does not seem to be an issue. Nintendo is looking to make amends for the lackluster support for the Wii due to arrogant, and frankly, appalling decisions that were made.

I think people expecting the PS4/Xbox Durango to blow us away with graphical realism will be in for a disappointment. I have little doubt that it will be more powerful than the Wii U, but I don't think it's going to be that great of a difference. It's also worth mentioning that by the time they come out, the developers will have 1-2 years experience with the Wii U. Most developers praised the console for the straightforwardness of its design and that Nintendo went through great lengths to minimize the bottlenecks developers typically find. Because of these factors, it's also possible that you may not see any noticeable degradation between the Wii U and its "next-gen" competitors in terms of gameplay/eye candy.

#14 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 09 December 2012 - 12:56 PM

I just want us to get the third party support I don't even care if the games are in 480p as long as we them next generation.

#15 PedanticGamer


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:14 PM

Time will tell all. So far, 3rd party support for the Wii U does not seem to be an issue. Nintendo is looking to make amends for the lackluster support for the Wii due to arrogant, and frankly, appalling decisions that were made.

I think people expecting the PS4/Xbox Durango to blow us away with graphical realism will be in for a disappointment. I have little doubt that it will be more powerful than the Wii U, but I don't think it's going to be that great of a difference. It's also worth mentioning that by the time they come out, the developers will have 1-2 years experience with the Wii U. Most developers praised the console for the straightforwardness of its design and that Nintendo went through great lengths to minimize the bottlenecks developers typically find. Because of these factors, it's also possible that you may not see any noticeable degradation between the Wii U and its "next-gen" competitors in terms of gameplay/eye candy.

I sincerely hope we see a big jump as there is already a massive jump between current gen consoles and games on pc. If next gen isn't even able to match what is on pc atm we are going to see game stagnate, which is bad for both the consumer and those making the hardware and software.

To give you an idea, this is what can be done with of the shelf hardware in real time on a pc at the moment (not in the future, this is what can be done now, also this barely shows of how good this look, if you like I can try and find you a 1080p link with better compression but it would be a file you have to download).

Also Unreal Engine 4's tech demo:

Edited by PedanticGamer, 09 December 2012 - 02:15 PM.

#16 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 09 December 2012 - 02:30 PM

I sincerely hope we see a big jump as there is already a massive jump between current gen consoles and games on pc. If next gen isn't even able to match what is on pc atm we are going to see game stagnate, which is bad for both the consumer and those making the hardware and software.

To give you an idea, this is what can be done with of the shelf hardware in real time on a pc at the moment (not in the future, this is what can be done now, also this barely shows of how good this look, if you like I can try and find you a 1080p link with better compression but it would be a file you have to download).

Also Unreal Engine 4's tech demo:

Can you link me the file I never seen the Unreal Engine 4 demo out of youtube .

But I feel the Wiiu Can run Unreal Engine 4 the only thing it will struggle on I believe is the Particle Count which is extra crazy high especially in that demo it is so high most people don't even know. But I also hear that the particles in Unreal Engine 4 may be GPU based instead of CPU base and if that is so the wiiU may do a bit better than I would originally think.

Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 09 December 2012 - 02:30 PM.

#17 Scumbag



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Posted 09 December 2012 - 03:34 PM

The Wii U is next gen. Not just in terms of launch timing or innovation but the specs are too.

The Wii U has a GPGPU which is much more advanced than the PS360's GPU. Then there's the 2GB of RAM, a lot of eDram that the CPU and GPU can share, 25GB capacity discs with a much higher read speed than current gen etc. The Wii U simply can do "next gen" things such as innovative new gameplay with the GamePad along with producing new graphical effects we have never seen on current gen consoles.

Whatever way you look at it, the Wii U is next gen and it may not be 5 or 6 times more powerful than PS360 but it has more than enough cool new ideas and the modern technology found in the Wii U certainly has the potential to produce games much better looking.

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