Official Wii U specs and technical discussions thread
Posted 12 December 2012 - 05:37 PM
Here are some of the things we know about the Wii U:
- Supposedly has a 1.2GHz CPU of an advanced architecture.
- Supposedly has a 550MHz GPU, probably of an advanced/more powerful architecture compared to the 360's and PS3's GPUs.
- Apparently has 2GB RAM, 1GB for OS and 1GB for games.
Try to keep arguments as civilized debates and not fighting.
Posted 12 December 2012 - 05:57 PM
The Ram I feel is fine because 1 gig of game ram is still twice as much as last gen and I'm sure they will be a way to take OS ram to game Ram if it ever needed.
GPU so far seems great its clocked higher than the 360 and ps3 GPU and its much more modern,
Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 12 December 2012 - 05:57 PM.
Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:06 PM
Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:09 PM
I feel that might be about right I'm thinking 33-50% more powerful in specs but its modern architecture will allow it to do things more efficiently hopefully making it seem larger than that by a year from now.I've given multiple theories about the power of the Wii U but based on what I know right now, I'd go with my theory that it's about 33-50% more powerful than the 360/PS3 overall.
Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:29 PM
RAM, 2 GB, 4 GBit chips (512 MB), @ 12.8 GB/s, with 1 Gb for OS, and 1 GB for Games (CPU, GPU)
GPGPU: Customized Radeon HD e6760 (AMD confirmed this to me in an email, actual specs customized by Nintendo) however the base specs include 480 stream shader processors, and DirectX 11 capabilities (which would me amazing detail levels even though it can't be used on a Non-Microsoft system, i.e. PC, Xbox) 550 MHz is pretty good I guess.
CPU: 3 Customized PowerPC 750 cores clocked @ 1.24 GHz. IBM has obviously upgraded the cores so yeah.
EDIT: About 4x more powerful than PS360
Edited by Heyheyharold, 12 December 2012 - 06:30 PM.
We foot will rebel one day.
Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:34 PM
I feel the gaming industry for the most part won't be able to handle 3 consoles and pc being developed at once so one of these is going to get the short end of the stick and I feel its going to be the wii U even if it launched first.
Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 12 December 2012 - 06:37 PM.
Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:34 PM
When it comes to GPU and RAM, that's where the Wii U will probably shine the most. We hardly know anything about the GPU, but one of the few things we know for a fact is that the system has 2 Gigabytes of RAM to work with, half of which will be available to developers. That's at least DOUBLE the amount the 360 has to work with, and it's possible that more RAM will be freed up for developers to use as the system matures. It's hard to believe the Wii U actually requires a whole Gigabyte to handle whatever it's doing behind the scenes, so it might be a placeholder amount until Nintendo solidifies their ideas for the system.
Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:37 PM

Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:49 PM
We know that the CPU has Watson-like architecture, so that should be pretty great once developers begin to unlock it, and it combination with the GPGPU, the GPGPU should be able to handle some physics of its own, creating perfect gameplay mechanics...like I said, once developers unlock it...
RAM, 2 GB, 4 GBit chips (512 MB), @ 12.8 GB/s, with 1 Gb for OS, and 1 GB for Games (CPU, GPU)
GPGPU: Customized Radeon HD e6760 (AMD confirmed this to me in an email, actual specs customized by Nintendo) however the base specs include 480 stream shader processors, and DirectX 11 capabilities (which would me amazing detail levels even though it can't be used on a Non-Microsoft system, i.e. PC, Xbox) 550 MHz is pretty good I guess.
CPU: 3 Customized PowerPC 750 cores clocked @ 1.24 GHz. IBM has obviously upgraded the cores so yeah.
EDIT: About 4x more powerful than PS360
First off, GPGPU is not a piece of hardware; it's a name given to the act of running code traditionally meant for the CPU on a GPU. Second, Havok already confirmed that their physics engine included in the Wii U dev kit will be running on the CPU and not the GPU, presumably because advanced GPU-accelerated physics would suck too much performance away from the GPU and not leave enough resources left to produce graphics that can compete with or surpass current generation systems. And third, Wii U will be using OpenGL instead of DirectX, like all non-Microsoft hardware/operating systems, which can still handle most of the technologies that DirectX can, such as tessellation.
Posted 12 December 2012 - 10:21 PM
Potato, dude, your creating a new specs thread everyday man, half of them had All In One in the title, STOP
I plan on this and that XBox 720/PS Omni one being my last one. What good would official threads be if I didn't follow them myself?
Posted 13 December 2012 - 04:48 AM
Ugh, can a mod please pin this thread and lock the other million specs/technical discussion threads? Im sick to death of them (and i think majority of other forum users are too).

Posted 13 December 2012 - 05:31 AM
First off, GPGPU is not a piece of hardware; it's a name given to the act of running code traditionally meant for the CPU on a GPU. Second, Havok already confirmed that their physics engine included in the Wii U dev kit will be running on the CPU and not the GPU, presumably because advanced GPU-accelerated physics would suck too much performance away from the GPU and not leave enough resources left to produce graphics that can compete with or surpass current generation systems. And third, Wii U will be using OpenGL instead of DirectX, like all non-Microsoft hardware/operating systems, which can still handle most of the technologies that DirectX can, such as tessellation.
Havok sure did confirm that. Though a lot of official sources confirmed a lot of false things this gen...
Looking at the wii u's cpu, one things very apparrant, it has strong grneral purpose and ipc, because its instriction pipelines are so short , and weak simd and low clockspeed (because its instruction pipes are so short).
I dont know WHAT 750 this is, but people like hector are murmuring things like fx, (broadway was cle) which compared to broadway, would have twice the transistors per core X 3 for tricore, and clocked nearly twice as high, with a huge edram cache, and a blazing fast interconnect to the gpu with access to the gpu's 32Mb edram.
The system would be capable of strong ai and ai systems, but 'weak' in large amounts of simultaneous ai.
Same with physics. strong in in depth physics, 'weak' in large amounts of simultaneous physics.
The gpu would be more than capable of covering simpler simplified physics and ai jobs for background masses, what with the easily prefictable paths used today, while the cpu handles things the player has its attention on.
Nintendo is already doing nutso stuff with this.
Posted 13 December 2012 - 12:45 PM
First off, GPGPU is not a piece of hardware; it's a name given to the act of running code traditionally meant for the CPU on a GPU. Second, Havok already confirmed that their physics engine included in the Wii U dev kit will be running on the CPU and not the GPU, presumably because advanced GPU-accelerated physics would suck too much performance away from the GPU and not leave enough resources left to produce graphics that can compete with or surpass current generation systems. And third, Wii U will be using OpenGL instead of DirectX, like all non-Microsoft hardware/operating systems, which can still handle most of the technologies that DirectX can, such as tessellation.
First off, GPGPU is a piece of hardware. It can handle some aspects to pull of some of the CPU payload.
Second, the presence of a GPGPU wasnt announced before Havok said it will be implemented. AND there are other physics engines that can be used, which the GPGPU can prob pull off some of the CPU's payload. The power split among the coding for the game can be decided by the developers for that stuff. And third, i am aware that DirectX is a Microsft-strict program. Wii U will use OpenGL, which can match DirectX performance. If the e6760 at its base can pull off DirectX 11, than OpenGl should be able to perform to that level as well, as long as Nintendo hadnt had the GPU downscaled.
You just got served

Havok sure did confirm that. Though a lot of official sources confirmed a lot of false things this gen...
Looking at the wii u's cpu, one things very apparrant, it has strong grneral purpose and ipc, because its instriction pipelines are so short , and weak simd and low clockspeed (because its instruction pipes are so short).
I dont know WHAT 750 this is, but people like hector are murmuring things like fx, (broadway was cle) which compared to broadway, would have twice the transistors per core X 3 for tricore, and clocked nearly twice as high, with a huge edram cache, and a blazing fast interconnect to the gpu with access to the gpu's 32Mb edram.
The system would be capable of strong ai and ai systems, but 'weak' in large amounts of simultaneous ai.
Same with physics. strong in in depth physics, 'weak' in large amounts of simultaneous physics.
The gpu would be more than capable of covering simpler simplified physics and ai jobs for background masses, what with the easily prefictable paths used today, while the cpu handles things the player has its attention on.
Nintendo is already doing nutso stuff with this.
750 is an earlier Powerpc core system from the 90's. Obviously IBM has upgraded it to Watson like capabilities, meaning our slow speed (1.24 GHz) is irrelevant when it comes to the instuctions of the cylces of the system. AMAZING!!!!!!!
In combonation with the GPGPU, well, the system can handle more power, and show off great graphics.
It will be next gen because of the capabilities of the combo
Edited by Heyheyharold, 13 December 2012 - 12:49 PM.
We foot will rebel one day.
Posted 20 December 2012 - 06:52 PM
wiiU should hold fine if people actualy develope and optimmize it. GPGPU can help if the game is held bacck by weak CPU. but i expect the CPU to get ruffly double the xbox's CPU power by the end of its lifecycle. but if you want to guess optimization, look at xbox/PS3 release games, most were ports from teh generation before, and a few solos. like quake4, that ran worse than metriod prime 3, on wii. and wiiU runs top end xbox games worse on launche. add ruff amount of estimation from optimization and you should easily get double the xbox's power, if not more.
as for next gen, i see a similar approch to wiiU most likly, with CPU's that are closer to the gamecube=wii upgrade, if nto a little above, but buff GPU's. as very few games legit need that much power to run, and it looks next gen. if tehy go raw power again then they will probly hurt themself alot. heck microsoft is starting to fail enough that teh xbox is the fallback money instead of the rest of the company.
Posted 23 December 2012 - 12:43 AM
Posted 17 January 2013 - 08:29 PM
I think Nintendo is just ahead on this , if the others want to blow them out of the water with high tech gfx ect, their units I think would cost too much for the average joe..
Thats not to say they wont out perform, they are still in development and will have more options and slightly cheaper prices, but I dont think it will be the 2x to 4x better thats beings rumored.
Its possible wii u will be treated like the WII, thats unfortunate but I did enjoy the wii, and ill enjoy the wii u. Nintendo exclusives are always a lot of fun anyway. By the time the next consoles come up ill be able to get one of those too if I want to.. I had the ps3 and wii. So all the comparison stuff is a non issue for me.. I like wii u because I like nintendo games, hainvg games like ZombieU and BO2 are just icing on the cake.
Edited by CoffeeBuzz, 17 January 2013 - 08:32 PM.
Posted 20 January 2013 - 10:20 PM
I agree...I see the Wii U's CPU more than just a boosted Broadway CPU. In fact, the way it's designed and stated it seems like it's a new CPU (since Freescale and IBM doesn't even produce the chip anyore) that's a hybrid of both Broadway and POWER7. The fact that the system incorporates GPGPU along with MCM architecture makes the system very efficient and flexible. The only hitch is how powerful is the GPU and which rumored GPU is the system using? The Wii U had been rumored to be anywhere from an R7xxx (highly unlikely due to power draw constraints) to the more feasible e6760 (for power consumption, HDMI 1.4, etc) which gives the GPU a huge variance depending on which GPU is used.First off, GPGPU is a piece of hardware. It can handle some aspects to pull of some of the CPU payload.
Second, the presence of a GPGPU wasnt announced before Havok said it will be implemented. AND there are other physics engines that can be used, which the GPGPU can prob pull off some of the CPU's payload. The power split among the coding for the game can be decided by the developers for that stuff. And third, i am aware that DirectX is a Microsft-strict program. Wii U will use OpenGL, which can match DirectX performance. If the e6760 at its base can pull off DirectX 11, than OpenGl should be able to perform to that level as well, as long as Nintendo hadnt had the GPU downscaled.
You just got served
750 is an earlier Powerpc core system from the 90's. Obviously IBM has upgraded it to Watson like capabilities, meaning our slow speed (1.24 GHz) is irrelevant when it comes to the instuctions of the cylces of the system. AMAZING!!!!!!!
In combonation with the GPGPU, well, the system can handle more power, and show off great graphics.
It will be next gen because of the capabilities of the combo
In conclusion the Wii U is most definitely around 2.5x-3x more powerful than an X360, the rendering of two screens alone give proof to that credence.
Posted 20 January 2013 - 11:50 PM
I agree...I see the Wii U's CPU more than just a boosted Broadway CPU. In fact, the way it's designed and stated it seems like it's a new CPU (since Freescale and IBM doesn't even produce the chip anyore) that's a hybrid of both Broadway and POWER7. The fact that the system incorporates GPGPU along with MCM architecture makes the system very efficient and flexible. The only hitch is how powerful is the GPU and which rumored GPU is the system using? The Wii U had been rumored to be anywhere from an R7xxx (highly unlikely due to power draw constraints) to the more feasible e6760 (for power consumption, HDMI 1.4, etc) which gives the GPU a huge variance depending on which GPU is used.
In conclusion the Wii U is most definitely around 2.5x-3x more powerful than an X360, the rendering of two screens alone give proof to that credence.
Yeah never got the whole its broadway x3 thing. if you look at Nintendo own admission its a new CPU they just had the right people their to make it BC. Wii U will be fine its just gonna need developers who are willing to push it.
Posted 21 January 2013 - 02:29 AM
If they just look at it even by CPU speed then the Espresso is technically 5.4x the peak power of the broadway chip. Along with it's ability to do OOE, ability to off load to the GPU via GPGPU, while having more cache; the Espresso is more than capable of keeping up with the Xenon CPU.Yeah never got the whole its broadway x3 thing. if you look at Nintendo own admission its a new CPU they just had the right people their to make it BC. Wii U will be fine its just gonna need developers who are willing to push it.
Edited by ElderKnight77, 21 January 2013 - 02:44 AM.
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