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Zelda U?

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#1 m3gaman81



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Posted 15 December 2012 - 03:17 PM

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Ok so I guess this will be pretty high, if not on the top of their list for the Wii U?

What do you guys think will make this the best Zelda yet, in 10 points?

Also the rumours that are flying about it being the biggest and maybe the Retro development team as part of the franchise, also Skyward Sword style?

Do you think they should make 2 Zeldas for the Wii U or just one and maybe a Link to the past or Majoras Mask remake?

Let the discussion commence :D
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#2 Colinx



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Posted 15 December 2012 - 03:21 PM

I think 1 good one is good enough. I don't think retro is working on anything Zelda related because Myiamoto confirmed they weren't. As for an art-style, I really don't know. Many people want a realistic one, for me I think it would be cool if they went like a Borderland 2-cellshade kinda look.


#3 Blake



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Posted 15 December 2012 - 06:02 PM

I hope the game is fantastic. We can only hope that they take their time making it.
I would assume there will be 2 Zelda games for Wii U, there is 2 for every other console. (Except SNES.)

#4 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 15 December 2012 - 07:19 PM

I want a extremely realistic detailed game that show off everything the wiiu has


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#5 Riceman


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Posted 15 December 2012 - 08:55 PM

A link to the past is easily my favorite zelda game, close second would be ocarina of time.

Anything that compares to those has my vote.

#6 AndyG


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Posted 15 December 2012 - 09:13 PM

I think it would be great if they made a realistic Zelda as they did for the tech demo just so they can shut up some WiiU haters.
Still im not to fussed whatever art style they pick, except that Borderlands art style (my opinion)
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#7 xile6



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Posted 15 December 2012 - 09:15 PM

Well majorsa mask is coming. No release date but I did hear n see a video on it.

Now a new Zelda would be great.
youtube ch. http://www.youtube.com/user/xile2010/
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#8 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 15 December 2012 - 09:16 PM

It'll be good, but not as good as it's expected to be by the time it's released.

#9 Keviin



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Posted 16 December 2012 - 01:18 AM

Well majorsa mask is coming. No release date but I did hear n see a video on it.

Now a new Zelda would be great.

Must be fake.

I want a Zelda in the demo style we all love. And they already confirmed to not use SS style again.
No sig.

#10 xile6



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Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:50 AM

Must be fake.
I want a Zelda in the demo style we all love. And they already confirmed to not use SS style again.

youtube ch. http://www.youtube.com/user/xile2010/
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#11 Gamejunkie



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Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:00 AM

Well majorsa mask is coming. No release date but I did hear n see a video on it.
Now a new Zelda would be great.

If its the video I think you're referring to then it was confirmed it was fake.


That has been confirmed to be fake.

#12 dyatir


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Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:02 AM


It's just a fake video to show how it will look on the wii u

#13 Legend_Killa7



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Posted 17 December 2012 - 11:06 AM

Well majorsa mask is coming. No release date but I did hear n see a video on it.

Now a new Zelda would be great.

oh God, I hope not! easily my LEAST favorite Zelda game of all time. When I got my Wii, first thing I did was download OoT and MM from virtual console. I played OoT all the way through to the end, and loved it as much as I did back in '98! Majora's mask? Probably played for about a half hour. Haven't touched it since. Just a bad game. Nothing to do with Zelda continuity. Just did not feel like a "Zelda game".

I would rather them concentrate on an all new Zelda game. If they are going to remake one, then let it be the greatest of them all: Ocarina of Time!!

#14 m3gaman81



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Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:06 PM

oh God, I hope not! easily my LEAST favorite Zelda game of all time. When I got my Wii, first thing I did was download OoT and MM from virtual console. I played OoT all the way through to the end, and loved it as much as I did back in '98! Majora's mask? Probably played for about a half hour. Haven't touched it since. Just a bad game. Nothing to do with Zelda continuity. Just did not feel like a "Zelda game".

I would rather them concentrate on an all new Zelda game. If they are going to remake one, then let it be the greatest of them all: Ocarina of Time!!

Haha touche my friend! although I gave it a little more than 30mins, but hated and I mean hated the time limit! The game has massive potential but ruined by the fact that if I'm not quick enough of finding what I need to find, then I have to start again!.....pffft... pffft righty then. I know you can slow down time yada yada, but honesty it felt like groundhog day with Bill Murray....was not a happy chappy, I think thats when I started drinking....:P

Haha anyway yeah a new Zelda is my vote, open world, some new tunics and weapons, epona, and a sidekick like Midna from TP, also some magic wouldn't go a miss, and that dominion rod and spinner from TP were great to use.

Please o please the next time we pick up bugs or whatever it doesn't pause the game and tell you what it is....that was annoying!....ok I think it's time for me to go to bed, I'm getting grumpy....lol
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#15 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 18 December 2012 - 12:57 AM

I'd love to see a Majora's Mask remake for Wii U although that will probably happen for 3DS

#16 Legend_Killa7



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Posted 18 December 2012 - 11:17 AM

Haha touche my friend! although I gave it a little more than 30mins, but hated and I mean hated the time limit! The game has massive potential but ruined by the fact that if I'm not quick enough of finding what I need to find, then I have to start again!.....pffft... pffft righty then. I know you can slow down time yada yada, but honesty it felt like groundhog day with Bill Murray....was not a happy chappy, I think thats when I started drinking.... :P

Haha anyway yeah a new Zelda is my vote, open world, some new tunics and weapons, epona, and a sidekick like Midna from TP, also some magic wouldn't go a miss, and that dominion rod and spinner from TP were great to use.

Please o please the next time we pick up bugs or whatever it doesn't pause the game and tell you what it is....that was annoying!....ok I think it's time for me to go to bed, I'm getting grumpy....lol

Listen, it's an "ok" game. I mean back in 2000, I played it with as much enthusiasm as any other Zelda game. But at that point, I didn't know what I know now about it. It was just a little annoying, and no Ganon, no typical Zelda stuff. i don't know. It just did not hold my interest.

For me, I am the type of guy who plays a game once...and that's it. I NEVER go back and replay games, yet I have played OoT AT LEAST four times! I started to replay Skyward Sword (which I loved!) because I worked my tail off to get that damned hero shield and wanted to replay with it, but at the age of 37 and having two kids, it's really not one of my priorities right now! But i will say this: after I give my kids "their" Wii U for Christmas, and the early 24-7 excitement dies down for them, I am dying to replay SS on the U! Just hope this data transfer stuff I keep hearing about from the Wii to the U works!!

I just saw over on IGN that their was some "tech demo" for Zelda U (I know - it was last January, I guess I have been living under a rock!) and my gosh it looks amazing! I really hope the final game takes advantage of the U's power and has graphics liek that! I mean just wow!!! And I hope they stick with the adult Link. I just like him better than the Link in diapers.... ;-)

#17 m3gaman81



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Posted 18 December 2012 - 01:34 PM

Listen, it's an "ok" game. I mean back in 2000, I played it with as much enthusiasm as any other Zelda game. But at that point, I didn't know what I know now about it. It was just a little annoying, and no Ganon, no typical Zelda stuff. i don't know. It just did not hold my interest.

For me, I am the type of guy who plays a game once...and that's it. I NEVER go back and replay games, yet I have played OoT AT LEAST four times! I started to replay Skyward Sword (which I loved!) because I worked my tail off to get that damned hero shield and wanted to replay with it, but at the age of 37 and having two kids, it's really not one of my priorities right now! But i will say this: after I give my kids "their" Wii U for Christmas, and the early 24-7 excitement dies down for them, I am dying to replay SS on the U! Just hope this data transfer stuff I keep hearing about from the Wii to the U works!!

I just saw over on IGN that their was some "tech demo" for Zelda U (I know - it was last January, I guess I have been living under a rock!) and my gosh it looks amazing! I really hope the final game takes advantage of the U's power and has graphics liek that! I mean just wow!!! And I hope they stick with the adult Link. I just like him better than the Link in diapers.... ;-)

I would say I'm quite similar to yourself games wise, I'm a little younger, and have no kids(nearly 10 years ago though!) I play games once maybe twice at a push, but the zelda series I've payed multiple times? with Twilight Princess being the most at around 4/5 times, and that's a lot for me! I still have to play wind waker, yes I know, I know. I'm hoping that they have a VC gamecube download on the U.

As for Zelda, yeah stick to adult link for the main console, and throw in a young link adventure for the 3DS or summin. Although OOT is probably my fav, he's young in that so I wouldn't have a problem with time travel again or something like that? I mean the possibilities are endless with the wii U controller and there's nothing wrong with a little colour, I just don't want it looking like a bag of skittles.
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#18 tboss



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Posted 19 December 2012 - 05:15 PM

want: realistic art
gameplay closer to twilite
creativity of skward.
have the enemies keep the twilight mean look.
feature a hard mode with extra enemies and rearagned dungens.
bosses that are actualy hard, not jokes, with a stronger miniboss.
i dont care if there are 2 lava/normal dunges, but do feature the ones like the ice dungen.
id mix in some returning types of guys and some new ones, returning like gurons, new like make some up.

anyone notice how in skyword soward how the help person gave you % chances of things, but was never wrong, wished one of the 90% things came out as the other 10%. in reality the chances of it all being right would be around 0%.

Edited by tboss, 19 December 2012 - 05:17 PM.

#19 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 19 December 2012 - 06:54 PM

I want there to be a massive, completely interconnected world like Wind Waker: only use loading screens when going into buildings and in certain parts of dungeons. That made the world feel more real

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#20 Jgreenwell


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Posted 19 December 2012 - 10:34 PM

oh God, I hope not! easily my LEAST favorite Zelda game of all time. When I got my Wii, first thing I did was download OoT and MM from virtual console. I played OoT all the way through to the end, and loved it as much as I did back in '98! Majora's mask? Probably played for about a half hour. Haven't touched it since. Just a bad game. Nothing to do with Zelda continuity. Just did not feel like a "Zelda game".
I would rather them concentrate on an all new Zelda game. If they are going to remake one, then let it be the greatest of them all: Ocarina of Time!!

While MM is VERY different from the entire Zelda franchise, it is usually a fan favorite, and is well known for is creepiness, and bravery to try something new. And uhh, OOT has been remade like three times..

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