3DS game suggestions?
Posted 27 December 2012 - 09:09 PM
*Ocarina of time 3D
*Mario Kart 7
I was considering getting Kid icarus and Snake eater 3D but all have had mixed reviews, i did try the demo for Snake eater but was quite disappointed with it's choppy frame rate and muddy textures. However i did get quite a kick out of the gameplay and wandering it was worth the purchase.
Since i have a fairly tight internet cap i am unable to download many game demos so your thoughts on any of your favourite games on the system are well appreciated.

This is where it ends
Posted 27 December 2012 - 09:42 PM
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Posted 27 December 2012 - 09:45 PM
Posted 27 December 2012 - 09:46 PM
Super Mario 3D Land, New Super Mario Bros 2, Paper Mario Sticker Star
I suggest these, as well as Kid Icarus Uprising and Mario Tennis Open (if you're a MAJOR sports game fan though).
Posted 27 December 2012 - 09:52 PM
Super mario 3D land, New super mario bros 2, Paper mario sticker star, Luigi's mansion dark moon, Tales of the abyss, Monster hunter tri G ultimate 3D uber whatever blah, you're set for life.
Those are the ones I played...
Add me on Wii U if you want to settle it in Smash
Posted 28 December 2012 - 04:32 AM
- Tales of The Abyss if you like the Tales series and/or can tolerate another remake. (As Nintendo 3DS is king of ports or remakes)
- Samurai Warriors Chronicles is pretty good if you like the whole Dynasty Warriors type feel. It has a whole friendship building deal so getting into a game which makes it a little different. Along with battles allowing you to switch between your hero and other generals on the map so not just one character in each battle like say Dynasty Warriors. Overall though the gameplay is a little slower than other games in this genre.
- Heroes of Ruin is fair if you can get past the odd over the head camera angle. Online multi-player parties in the none Nintendo style with server listings.
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survival Clock if you're fine with this addition, a fan of these series of games, or like a turn-based style of gameplay.
- Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning is pretty cool and works like it should. Unlike the last DS ported version Tale of Two Towns which would freeze all the time.
Upcoming Suggestions
- Etrian Odyssey IV in February if you like more retro dungeon crawler kind of feel in an RPG game.
- Fire Emblem: Awakening is suppose to be due February if you like that series.
You might want to mention those games are not out and/or localized every region yet.Luigi's mansion dark moon, Monster hunter tri G ultimate 3D uber whatever blah, you're set for life.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is due March 31st.
Luigi's Manson: Dark Moon I have no clue of a listed date.
Edit: I am basing my dates off US release dates for the record. Other regions could get it before or later.
Edited by UnholyVision, 28 December 2012 - 09:29 AM.
Posted 28 December 2012 - 08:09 AM
- Kid Icarus Uprising is you can get past the clunky controls. Then online multi-player is there Nintendo style.
- Tales of The Abyss if you like the Tales series and/or can tolerate another remake. (As Nintendo 3DS is king of ports or remakes)
- Samurai Warriors Chronicles is pretty good if you like the whole Dynasty Warriors type feel. It has a whole friendship building deal so getting into a game which makes it a little different. Along with battles allowing you to switch between your hero and other generals on the map so not just one character in each battle like say Dynasty Warriors. Overall though the gameplay is a little slower than other games in this genre.
- Heroes of Ruin is fair if you can get past the odd over the head camera angle. Online multi-player parties in the none Nintendo style with server listings.
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survival Clock if you're fine with this addition, a fan of these series of games, or like a turn-based style of gameplay.
- Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning is pretty cool and works like it should. Unlike the last DS ported version Tale of Two Towns which would freeze all the time.
Upcoming Suggestions
- Etrian Odyssey IV in February if you like more retro dungeon crawler kind of feel in an RPG game.
- Fire Emblem: Awakening is suppose to be due February if you like that series.
You might want to mention those games are not out and/or localized every region yet.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is due March 31st.
Luigi's Manson: Dark Moon I have no clue of a listed date.
Edit: I am basing my dates off US release dates for the record. Other regions could get it before or later.
Well he should know they aren't out yet... I just listed those because they look like good games to play in the future.
Add me on Wii U if you want to settle it in Smash
Posted 28 December 2012 - 09:05 AM
Posted 28 December 2012 - 09:21 AM
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