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How the Wii U will handle against the new Consoles?

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#21 emmonsh


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 02:31 AM

Get the next XBox if you want the best titles available for next generation, and use the Wii U for games released on all platforms until then / exclusives. It's saddening because I wanted to just be able to get the Wii U and not have to get the next XBox, but developers seem like they can't be bothered to port their games over to the Wii U. Will they continue with that trend? Black Ops 2 did terrible on the Wii U compared to the 360 sales. If it costs them more to port it/produce it for the Wii U than they'll make back in sales profits, why should they bother? Gaming industry is TIGHT right now, especially with mobile - they are looking to make the most profit possible and their bottom line is truly all that matters.

I just feel underwhelmed with what Nintendo has brought to the table, while I think Microsoft will bring their A game and clean shop. Then again, I thought Nintendo was bringing their A game as well. Maybe this will be the last "generation" of consoles as we know them. Sad times for being a gamer.

wow you must have insider info. to know that there will be no support. the 64 was by far heads above everything out there and you had a hell of a time finding games for awhile. im so glad I know some1 who knows all the developers. must be my lucky day. great time to be a gamer

Edited by emmonsh, 29 December 2012 - 02:32 AM.

#22 taz546565


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 02:38 AM

what a load of old rubbish there's never been more money in games they are bigger business than movies don't worry consoles are fine no need for doom and gloom.

Edited by taz546565, 29 December 2012 - 02:39 AM.

wii u premium, new super mario bros u, darksiders 2, call of duty black ops 2, zombiu


blue 3ds xl, resident evil revelations, zelda ocarina of time

#23 Alex Atkin UK

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Posted 29 December 2012 - 06:05 AM

So its a coincidence that most of my favourite developers went out of business over the last few years then? Or that the bigger developers have canned innovative new games in favour of cranking out sequels?

I certainly have some serious concerns about the future of gaming, especially if they are using mobile free to play as a guideline for the future.

I agree with chapter-based free to play, where you get the first part of the game for free then pay for the rest. This is the very business model which got John Carmack where he is today and its similar to how Xbox Live Arcade works anyway, by giving you a trial of ALL games by default. This is also still going strong on PC with Steam often having "play this game for free" weekends, it would be great to see something like this on consoles.

However the "other" meaning of free to play, what is happening on mobiles, just plain sucks.

Games like Theme Park where instead of concentrating on the design and popularity of the park, the only concern is on making as much money as quickly as possible. If you don't, you run out of money and they expect you to BUY more with real world money to continue playing. Its really no fun at all.

So its perfectly understandable to have concerns about the future of gaming. There is certainly a good reason to moan about the Wii U not getting games, as anyone who bought it hoping to use it as their main console is SOL, at least for now. But then again, its common sense to know that any new console will only get lip service early in its life, because the big bucks are on well established platforms.

Edited by Alex Atkin UK, 29 December 2012 - 06:10 AM.

Sheffield 3DS | Steam & XBOX: Alex Atkin UK | PSN & WiiU: AlexAtkinUK


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#24 Coggit


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 06:13 AM

i fear not well. For the previous generation, PS3 and the 360 dominated over Nintendo. At the moment the Wii U is all shiny and the first next gen console, so developers are going to be jumping at the chance to get their games on it to show off. I worry that the game pad could be the eventual "downfall" (perhaps and exaggeration :P) of the Wii U, because when the PS4 and the 720 is released, developers are going to begin focusing on them, and then the question is this: Is it going to be worth the developers time to incorporate the gamepad into the Wii U version? I worry that it won't be.

I hope I'm wrong of course... but yeah...

#25 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 29 December 2012 - 06:21 AM

I read somewhere that graphics can't go beyond 1080p, and that next generation consoles will have bigger games with better framerate, and crisper, but we'll never have another n64-gamecube or Xbox-Xbox360

Wait what? Pc games already run beyond 1080p their has been pc games running at 4k I believe (not on high) ,now this generation we probably won't go beyond 1080p.

Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 29 December 2012 - 06:24 AM.

#26 dyatir


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 08:00 AM

I won't get the PS4 because of Sony's financial issues so the future of the PS4 is very dangerous.

#27 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 08:39 AM

This console has only been out for just over a month people, hellllllllllllooooooooooooooooo!!! what about the untapped potential? You people are to quick to judge, did you see the Xbox 360 when it first came out? It was basically an Xbox in a new case, untill Gears Of War showed us it's true potential, and that toook a while, just have some patience and wait, God people are getting whinier every bloody day.

#28 TigerKraw



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Posted 29 December 2012 - 09:14 AM

It would be interesting to see some innovation with the next Sony PS & Xbox, Will they do a mad scramble like they did with the Kinect & Move to catch up with the Nintendo Wiimote,

Now that Nintendo has the Controller with the built in touch screen, will Microsoft & Sony bring out something similar?

Brute force CPU power and High end graphics cards may not be enough to call it next generation, as we reach the limits of 1080p full resolution TVs

Do we have to buy next generation monitors or TV's to use it,

Maybe next generation panoramic surround 3D, something like a mini version of the Holo deck from Star Trek would fit the bill

Though the Wii U already has a new app that lets to look at a video in panoramic view with your touch screen controller, if they could incorporate that into a game, that would be interesting.

2013 will be an interesting year for the Wii U and all new consoles, Bring on 2013 :)
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#29 syks-1


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 09:21 AM

I disagree that it took untill gears of war to show the 360 was next gen...i bought it at launch because every game nearly on it blew the original xbox(which i had) away!..perfect dark,project gotham,kameo,call of duty 2 just to name a very small few of the games that looked/ran far beyond the consoles that came before it.i was even amazed by donkey kong ffs lol

I would say it took untill gears of war to push the console to its limits but not to show it was ahead of the older consoles.

#30 GAMER1984



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Posted 29 December 2012 - 09:29 AM

I disagree that it took untill gears of war to show the 360 was next gen...i bought it at launch because every game nearly on it blew the original xbox(which i had) away!..perfect dark,project gotham,kameo,call of duty 2 just to name a very small few of the games that looked/ran far beyond the consoles that came before it.i was even amazed by donkey kong ffs lol

I would say it took untill gears of war to push the console to its limits but not to show it was ahead of the older consoles.

Gears of war was the first game on an engine to show significant improvement and blow peoples mind. That's almost a known fact about this gen. Yes other games looked better and you could tell the console was more powerful. But gears was the first mind blowing game of this gen.

#31 syks-1


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 09:47 AM

Gears of war was the first game on an engine to show significant improvement and blow peoples mind. That's almost a known fact about this gen. Yes other games looked better and you could tell the console was more powerful. But gears was the first mind blowing game of this gen.

lol thats what i just said,gears of war was the first game to really push the 360 but it wasnt the first game to wow at all,all those games i mentioned and lots more blow the original xbox and ps2 away in every way,i remember getting home after queing for 1hr at launch and slipping in perfect dark..WOW..i played untill the sun came up.

The 360 DID show it was cappable of ALOT more than the older consoles straight out the gate,gears of war just showed the full potential of the system.

#32 Scumbag



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Posted 29 December 2012 - 10:17 AM

I think the WIi U is in a good position to deal with the 720 or PS4. The leap in graphics and physics from PS3 to PS4 will be nothing like the big difference we saw between PS2 to PS3.

Nintendo knows this which is why they went down the new gameplay route with the GamePad and socialising via MiiVerse.

Everyone knows about the huge chance that Xbox 720/PS4 will use game discs ONLY playable on one console, no more trading in or buying used games on those platforms BUT we still can with Wii U.

Within a year or so the Wii U will have some great games, content and more innovative gameplay. By the time the next Xbox or Playstation come out they will have to play catch up with Nintendo. The Wii U was made not to compete with current gen but to take out the next offerings from Sony and Microsoft.

I'm loving the GamePad, Pro Controller, free online, free video chat and the great exclusives coming only on Wii U, I have no reason to consider another console for a long time!

#33 KarlMarx1818



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Posted 29 December 2012 - 10:42 AM

Within a year or so the Wii U will have some great games, content and more innovative gameplay. By the time the next Xbox or Playstation come out they will have to play catch up with Nintendo. The Wii U was made not to compete with current gen but to take out the next offerings from Sony and Microsoft.

This must be what Nintendo are relying on. Just holding my breath now that some eye popping games come to the Wii U soon.

#34 syks-1


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 11:33 AM

I love the wii u and hold some faith that it WILL surprise and shock me in the future,remember that tech demo of the bird flying around the garden? WOW,i know they were using a more powerful cpu back then but i think the graphics card hasnt been changed.

#35 dyatir


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 11:56 AM

I want the wii u because of the exclusives and for the multiplatform I mostly use my PC.

#36 Desert Punk

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Posted 29 December 2012 - 12:46 PM

I think the PS3 is destined for quite a long life and Microsoft now own the IP of the 360 unlike the original xbox so Microsoft can sell the 360 for quite a few years yet. I personally feel the wii u will get its own unique games from Nintendo plus multiformat versions of 360 and PS3 games which will still be produced for 2-3 years yet.

The wii u is not going to compete on a technical level with the next gen Sony and Microsoft systems and in fact in some areas is struggling to compete with the current gen models. The only thing it really brings to the table which is superior to current gen is 2x the main memory and more high speed video memory. It's a gpu centred design. I think if any 2D platform games come out for the new Xbox and Playstation that is where the wii u will be competitive.

The dual screen aspect of the wii u plus brilliant Nintendo games is the appeal of the wii u I think. The wii u is a low cost console to manufacture and its likely if the wii u is not a runaway success and it looks like the wii u while successful may struggle to compete with the numbers of the original wii long term the wii u may drop in price when the other consoles are launched so it won't be competing with those models head on. I don't think Europe has been as good a launch as the USA or Japan so its most likely Nintendo will drop in price here first I think.

The wii never competed with the 360 or PS3 on a technical level but still managed to outsell them with a unique control system, family friendly image and a neat small stylish console.

I'm loving the console myself and although disappointed with the specs a bit it was really what I was expecting. I much prefer the user interface to the ps3 and 360 and the gamepad is a brilliant feature. It's a shame Nintendo didn't make the cpu much more powerful though, feature a slightly better gpu with more high speed memory. I think if the wii u fails it will be because of under-specing the console and pricing slightly too high. The basic model really needed to be £199 in the UK and I also think the marketing was poor in the UK.

It's clear the wii u is a very cheap to make console which its likely the new Sony and Microsoft offerings won't be so Nintendo will always be able to easily undercut them on price and remain profitable. The issue is the wii u will not be capable of the same games as the newer models are capable of so is exactly in the same situation as the wii compared to the 360 and PS3.

#37 thunderspider


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 01:32 PM

I think the PS3 is destined for quite a long life and Microsoft now own the IP of the 360 unlike the original xbox so Microsoft can sell the 360 for quite a few years yet. I personally feel the wii u will get its own unique games from Nintendo plus multiformat versions of 360 and PS3 games which will still be produced for 2-3 years yet.

The wii u is not going to compete on a technical level with the next gen Sony and Microsoft systems and in fact in some areas is struggling to compete with the current gen models. The only thing it really brings to the table which is superior to current gen is 2x the main memory and more high speed video memory. It's a gpu centred design. I think if any 2D platform games come out for the new Xbox and Playstation that is where the wii u will be competitive.

The dual screen aspect of the wii u plus brilliant Nintendo games is the appeal of the wii u I think. The wii u is a low cost console to manufacture and its likely if the wii u is not a runaway success and it looks like the wii u while successful may struggle to compete with the numbers of the original wii long term the wii u may drop in price when the other consoles are launched so it won't be competing with those models head on. I don't think Europe has been as good a launch as the USA or Japan so its most likely Nintendo will drop in price here first I think.

The wii never competed with the 360 or PS3 on a technical level but still managed to outsell them with a unique control system, family friendly image and a neat small stylish console.

I'm loving the console myself and although disappointed with the specs a bit it was really what I was expecting. I much prefer the user interface to the ps3 and 360 and the gamepad is a brilliant feature. It's a shame Nintendo didn't make the cpu much more powerful though, feature a slightly better gpu with more high speed memory. I think if the wii u fails it will be because of under-specing the console and pricing slightly too high. The basic model really needed to be £199 in the UK and I also think the marketing was poor in the UK.

It's clear the wii u is a very cheap to make console which its likely the new Sony and Microsoft offerings won't be so Nintendo will always be able to easily undercut them on price and remain profitable. The issue is the wii u will not be capable of the same games as the newer models are capable of so is exactly in the same situation as the wii compared to the 360 and PS3.

I think the PS3 is destined for quite a long life and Microsoft now own the IP of the 360 unlike the original xbox so Microsoft can sell the 360 for quite a few years yet. I personally feel the wii u will get its own unique games from Nintendo plus multiformat versions of 360 and PS3 games which will still be produced for 2-3 years yet.

The wii u is not going to compete on a technical level with the next gen Sony and Microsoft systems and in fact in some areas is struggling to compete with the current gen models. The only thing it really brings to the table which is superior to current gen is 2x the main memory and more high speed video memory. It's a gpu centred design. I think if any 2D platform games come out for the new Xbox and Playstation that is where the wii u will be competitive.

The dual screen aspect of the wii u plus brilliant Nintendo games is the appeal of the wii u I think. The wii u is a low cost console to manufacture and its likely if the wii u is not a runaway success and it looks like the wii u while successful may struggle to compete with the numbers of the original wii long term the wii u may drop in price when the other consoles are launched so it won't be competing with those models head on. I don't think Europe has been as good a launch as the USA or Japan so its most likely Nintendo will drop in price here first I think.

The wii never competed with the 360 or PS3 on a technical level but still managed to outsell them with a unique control system, family friendly image and a neat small stylish console.

I'm loving the console myself and although disappointed with the specs a bit it was really what I was expecting. I much prefer the user interface to the ps3 and 360 and the gamepad is a brilliant feature. It's a shame Nintendo didn't make the cpu much more powerful though, feature a slightly better gpu with more high speed memory. I think if the wii u fails it will be because of under-specing the console and pricing slightly too high. The basic model really needed to be £199 in the UK and I also think the marketing was poor in the UK.

It's clear the wii u is a very cheap to make console which its likely the new Sony and Microsoft offerings won't be so Nintendo will always be able to easily undercut them on price and remain profitable. The issue is the wii u will not be capable of the same games as the newer models are capable of so is exactly in the same situation as the wii compared to the 360 and PS3.

I disagree it will be the same situation. The Wii is a Gamecube with overclock, and more RAM, the Wii U is new, the GPU is more advanced than the current consoles, the games that is out now, are basically straight ports. I'm not saying it will be at the same level of power of the new ones, but a game made from scratch will be better, but this will appear 1 or 2 years from now. The new Sony and Microsoft consoles, will be more powerful, but to be like the difference of the seventh gen, they will need 12gb of ram, a Cpu and Gpu about ten times or more than Wii U, and i don't know if they will put this level of difference.

#38 GAMER1984



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Posted 29 December 2012 - 04:29 PM

It won't be the same situation as Wii vs PS360. The Wii was so outdated it couldn't even run engines like unreal 3, anvil engine, and cryengine. Engines like cryengine 3 and frostbite 2 were developed to run or take advantage of dx11 type hardware. Now those engines have games running on Ps360 which have DX9 capable hardware. We know the Wii "STARTED" with a DX10.1 capable GPU that's "BEFORE" nintendo customized it with whatever features. So seriously why is this even a discussion? Wii U will be able to run whatever game next gen a developer wants it to. But it won't get a lot of games just because its a nintendo console and publishers don't have faith that an audoence is there for their games. Its as simple as that it has nothing to do with hardware and if you hear that from a developer you should question them as a developer because they are making obvious excuses.

#39 thunderspider


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 05:14 PM

It won't be the same situation as Wii vs PS360. The Wii was so outdated it couldn't even run engines like unreal 3, anvil engine, and cryengine. Engines like cryengine 3 and frostbite 2 were developed to run or take advantage of dx11 type hardware. Now those engines have games running on Ps360 which have DX9 capable hardware. We know the Wii "STARTED" with a DX10.1 capable GPU that's "BEFORE" nintendo customized it with whatever features. So seriously why is this even a discussion? Wii U will be able to run whatever game next gen a developer wants it to. But it won't get a lot of games just because its a nintendo console and publishers don't have faith that an audoence is there for their games. Its as simple as that it has nothing to do with hardware and if you hear that from a developer you should question them as a developer because they are making obvious excuses.

It won't be the same situation as Wii vs PS360. The Wii was so outdated it couldn't even run engines like unreal 3, anvil engine, and cryengine. Engines like cryengine 3 and frostbite 2 were developed to run or take advantage of dx11 type hardware. Now those engines have games running on Ps360 which have DX9 capable hardware. We know the Wii "STARTED" with a DX10.1 capable GPU that's "BEFORE" nintendo customized it with whatever features. So seriously why is this even a discussion? Wii U will be able to run whatever game next gen a developer wants it to. But it won't get a lot of games just because its a nintendo console and publishers don't have faith that an audoence is there for their games. Its as simple as that it has nothing to do with hardware and if you hear that from a developer you should question them as a developer because they are making obvious excuses.

That's a very good point, i also think that Nintendo will not have all the support, independent of the power.. i think they need to put a lot of effort in their exclusives, third partie exclusives, like bayonetta, and some multi plats.

#40 rschauby


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 06:16 PM

You don't need to worry about the Wii U, it will be fine. Unless PS4 or Xbox720 deliver a Gamepad then the Wii U will always have a HUGE advantage. The Gamepad and Off-TV is almost as revolutionary as the Wiimote & motion controls.

If all the Xbox and PS4 spec rumors are true, then the machines will cost over $500. They will NEVER be able to deliver what the fanboys are claiming at the sub $400 price they think.

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