Okay, what really happened was that I went to a mate's place on the 30th out west in Liverpool. It was his Gran's 60th or something or other ANYWAY! We sang Karaoke while drinking and I had a go at some random Viet song I couldn't sing but everyone thought it was funny because I don't know Viet and everyone had a jolly time. We stayed up til 5 in the morning, talking about life and playing card games (turns out I'm the shifty guy in poker). And then, just as the sun was rising... we went to sleep...
Monday 9:15, Living Room, Whoop Whoop
Well, turns out my Asian friend, who we'll call Cabbage because well, he's Chinese (I bet you were expecting a cabbage) is a heavy sleeper and I don't think he'd notice if the world was ending in that state. Seriously, 35 degrees and sleeping like a brick in a doona on a hardwood floor. I knew I should've taken the bunk bed. Well, my good friend lives across the road from a maccas. I walk over there (because there's nothing like maccas bacon and egg when in the middle of somewhere but not somewhere you know so it's nowhere) and get something for us to eat since everyone is still sleeping. Guy scoffs his meal and is in brick mode again after 2 minutes. Seriously, you eat FRIGGIN BACON AND DO THAT?! Ah well, I should go to sleep too.
Monday 12:30, Living Room, Whoop Whoop
Well, it's time for me to go home and... what's that? A dude (that we shall call Curry) is coming over to cook dinner. Sorry Dad I'll be staying one more night... Dad? Dad? Daaaaaaaaaaa oh wait my phone's dead. Who's got a Samsung charger?.... NO ONE? FFFF! Oh well, let me use your phone Cabbage K cool staying one more night.
Monday 5:15, Living Room, Whoop Whoop
That's my third red card? I can play FIFA 10 for chips
Monday 11:15, Liverpool Station, Whoop Whoop
Curry is an apprentice chef who really, really likes to cook for all his friends. He works in a restaurant at Sydney's only casino, Star City. He was supposed to leave at 6 but since someone didn't show up yet, was told to wait for 10 minutes. Didn't finish until 9, and the combination of that and train trackwork means that at this time we're off to pick him up from Liverpool Station... AT NIGHT! How epicly fun. Doesn't look like he'll be cooking dinner tonight, and since the person who owns the place (who we shall call Lamb) doesn't have reception, we won't be seeing the fireworks either.... PUB TIME!
Tuesday 2:XX, Generic Pub A, Whoop Whoop
Crawling from the pub was an ass. Why does Lamb live so far away from it. Goddamn. Well, we managed to get to his place intact, stayed up til 5 again talking and playing cards and then we fell asleep, this time with Curry snoring. Poor Cabbage didn't want to sleep between two guys on a hardwood floor, but he sleeps like a brick when prompted so it didn't matter.
Tuesday 10:00?, Living Room, Whoop Whoop
We were supposed to wake up at 10. I think we were supposed to wake up at 10. I think that clock says 10. It's says 10 right. Right? GODDAMN GUYS WHY ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING?! CAN'T YOU TELL THAT TELLING THE TIME ACCURATELY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN SLEEPING?! I don't think it says 10. No it does.
Tuesday 12:15, Living Room, Whoop Whoop
Oh sweet! Nothing like four player Halo 4 to make the day fun! And with Broken Fried Rice with chicken wings as well?! AWWWWW YEEEAAH!
Tuesday 3:40, Living Room, Whoop Whoop
This is probably when the most intense game of Golf (card game) was ever witnessed. First to 100 ends the score session. I came in at 90, 50 points ahead of second last at the end of the 4th round. 5 people, who seriously have no way to reach 100 before I do.... You know it's a good day when you get 2nd place OH YEAH! But Curry was cheating so I was first. I know he was.
Tuesday 7:30, Living Room, Whoop Whoop
Well Curry, you picked the dandiest time to start cooking. I'm supposed to go home after this, but it's a little late now. Gonna have to end up listening to you snore again.
Tuesday 10:30, Living Room, Whoop Whoop
I'm used to a spicy Mongolian Lamb with bean sprouts, something you skipped entirely. Goddamn Curry, I hate it when... wait what's that? You're making chocolate mousse? I LOVE YOU!
Stay tuned for part 2. It gets better hurr