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PS4 wont play Used Games.

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#21 MatrixChicken


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Posted 09 January 2013 - 10:16 PM

Yeah, it's not really piracy... Gamestop buys them, thus making them their property to sell. Otherwise, as mentioned before, why couldn't we be forced to pay a royalty to whatever company when we sell our used games?

It just doesn't make sense.



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#22 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 09 January 2013 - 10:21 PM

I still can't belive game companies are still considering this, what a joke.

#23 storabajskorven



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Posted 10 January 2013 - 12:38 AM

Of course it's not piracy. If I buy a used sofa/car/house, guess what? The manufacturer of the sofa/car/house doesn't get anything! It's the same thing. If the "used-market" ruins the "new items-market" (wether it's for furniture or video games), then the solution is not to criminalise used items and call it "piracy".

#24 UnholyVision



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Posted 10 January 2013 - 12:41 AM

I still can't belive game companies are still considering this, what a joke.

Why wouldn't they? Every company even GameStop or say Game Crazy is not your friend. Only a company out to get your money. Why would the whole idea of the developer and/or publisher complaining they want the money be any different or considered a joke? It is called capitalism in either of the companies defense.

Now if it is like most pc software. Then there will be key gens popping up all over.

Oh no key generators!!!! Problem is it does not matter what approach they take, someone is going to use said software regardless. Only real way to stop piracy in terms of downloading software as frequently is making it all on a cloud server. Likely if that was all there was you would then hear, "This hacker hacked our server today to have illegal access to said files stored on the cloud. Now the game files are up for pirating". If not that it will be credit cards and personal information to possibly obtain a game by those said means. Yes this would be harder to do (security wise), but even your big companies like Microsoft, Sony, et cetera get or have gotten their networks hacked with information stolen. Then some identity thief can go out and buy a PSN, Live Point, Nintendo Point, Steam, et cetera service card and get the game through those means even. Being if they were smart enough to not tie it to an account & were doing it for say games. Not like your going to stop people ready to steal things.

Here's whats wrong with that. 1. You cant rent games. / 2. You can't return games. / 3. You cant trade or borrow games with your friends.

You are describing PC gaming in a nut shell and you really hear no one complaining about it. This is just going to end up being your consoles future.

Renting of games is good as dead. Why is renting dead, because all the local shops are basically closed down & game rentals are all ran by one company that is not even local to most all people using the service. You can't just walk in take a game up to the register to rent it and play it that day. Nope time have a credit card (possibly debit card if in the western world) and wait a week or more to get your hands on the game. Considering we are not able to digitally stream rentals on consoles. Nope that would be using the cloud so silly console gamers would protest it out of ignorance.

One of these days everything will be digital and the so called naysayers will be all, "Digital is wonderful. What did we do without it. Don't take our DD downloads of game away and replace it with cloud streaming DD". It will just flip yet again similar to how people protested DLC years ago. I knew plenty of people that were all, "Oh I need an expansion pack as it is better to own the extras physically than digitally". Then a few years pass and DLC is basically accepted by everyone killing off expansion packs. (Heck even popular games like Halo 2 made DLC expansion pack discs to rack those people in) I mean you can even say this about services such as Steam. People disliked the hell out of it when it was first coming out. Now all you see is a majority of people going, "I love you Steam". Some will reply and say well, "Steam lives and breaths because of sells". Yes, sure they are more popular because of sells, but not the only reason the live on. You have plenty of other DD services (GamersGate, GMG, GoG, et cetera) that just live on regardless of being the most popular racking in that money. If they were not surely they would be out of business by now, because a lot of them do not either provide as great of sells or not as often. Really what keeps Steam more popular in most cases is the interaction with other users.

Stray this towards the topic of piracy and losing money. Companies complain about losing sells, put crap DRM on games, and the carp happens either way. They pay out for DRM's on top of crap that get cracked in no time. When all they had to do was release the game digitally only, with no third party DRM and still get the same results or possibly some better in case of the anti intrusive DRM people. (I know people whom pirate games with DRM just for the sake of it. I don't really condone said actions, but they do it and never give a company money unless there is nothing in it but say Steam). With all that being said, these console DRM's are usually never as bad being as it is not really up to the other companies so one DRM to fit all similar to Steam DRM. (Unless you're Nintendo) Meaning all these people have to do is release all digital and just shut up about it. The funny thing is just about everyone whom protest digital would by all the games digital only up. Being as you have people with this following mindset, "Well I buy all physical, but when it is digital only I buy it no problem". Considering that, their already halfway there to do it and the fact digital media is very close to retail sells so why not just go all digital. Give all the heavy cash cows a digital only release and people will eat up the consoles regardless. (Not to mention if you want GameStop dead in used games, this would be the way).

Let me guess, people will say, "Well it will be bad for business via retail". Not necessarily, they could always do the same thing with Steam powered games and release a box for the shelf with a code inside. Once that is said people will say, "Well you mentioned other DD services on the PC. Consoles don't have those options. There is not as many options on consoles so people will not buy the games". Yes they will and if they don't like one service they will hop right over to the other consoles for that companies DD service. It is as simple as that. Not to mention not many die hard followers of a brand just transfer over. Plenty of people eat the companies carp with a big old grin on their face so why not digital. Once again a person will reply, "No they won't people will not take a companies crap". People waiting in line for a PS3 for 800USD regardless of the game line up and people whom think, "Oh Zelda I must have" buy and put up with Nintendo just to play their games. Heck some people buy a console for one bloody game only. I know a person that only owned Halo 3 and nothing else. He now owns Halo 4, but two games for a console he bought full launch listed price to just play one game. Not to mention people pay for Live to even play some of the same bloody games on any other consoles you can play online free of charge. Blind company loyalty is a big thing, Now it will be, "Well I made all my friends on this console so that is why". Yet you could just as easily make or have made just as many friends on the other console. (Can you tell I have been down this road of conversation before? These ordeals on digital, piracy, and whom needs the biggest check to cash in the bank happen to much).

#25 cannonshane


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 01:24 AM

Didn't they say the same thing about the ps3 lol

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#26 Skywalkman-GB



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Posted 10 January 2013 - 02:13 AM

are you guy serious lol, of course the developers get their payment on first sale of a game!, the game has been purchased and reserves the right to resell it if he wants, why would the reseller have to pay the developers a second time lolm makes me laugh some pointless disscussions on the net

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#27 Mewbot


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Posted 14 January 2013 - 03:01 AM

Well, if they do that they could possibly be hammering the last nail into their own coffin...
With the way Sony has been going at the moment I wouldn't be surprised if they did this and then the PS4 is the last console they ever make. Too bad, I like Sony slightly more than Microsoft (mainly because they don't charge for their online).

If Microsoft does this as well you can expect them to survive because of the massive amount of cash they have stashed away, but with two out of three of the biggest hardware manufacturers getting rid of used games completely then Gamestop (called EB games in Australia :D ) could possibly go bankrupt (because of what happened to GAME I don't think Gamestop could be doing that well either).


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#28 unleashedknight



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Posted 15 January 2013 - 02:34 PM

Buy the new game. I hate used games.

What if you buy a game you dont like, wanna trade games with friends, borrowing games, renting them?

#29 UnholyVision



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Posted 15 January 2013 - 11:56 PM

What if you buy a game you dont like, wanna trade games with friends, borrowing games, renting them?

If you look at a game and not one-hundred and ten percent sure of a purchase you can always wait it out. Prices drop in time and sells happen. I have gotten some games from 5 - 20USD new after waiting a month or more. It is the wise thing to do to research the game your purchasing a little before jumping into it at full price.

Trading & borrowing of games with friends depends on your friends. Some of the people I know can't take care of nothing. Speaking for myself I still am not a fan of trading or borrowing with people even if they took care of things. I do not buy high priced games on impulse.

Renting as I replied to you before is dead. It is not instant like Netflix so many people do not really care to sign up for a service at like 22USD for a single game rental a month. That I do add has to be shipped to you through the mail. You can easily just buy the game online & possibly more at that price to get the same exact service of being mailed to you to have no monthly fee.

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