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#1 Dragon



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 11:34 PM

What he says is true.

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#2 Mewbot


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Posted 14 January 2013 - 03:14 AM

I see what he means, I have noticed this a lot of times actually.

I hate all the people claiming that they like all companies, but then they give you flack for defending Nintendo.

When they are defending Microsoft or Sony NOBODY cares! Even if they are defending the most stupid idea ever (*cough*Sonygettingridofusedgames*cough*) as long as they are defending Mocrosoft or Sony then it's ok. As soon as it's Nintendo it's damage control.

I agree 100% with everything this guy says, thanks for posting.

Edited by R00bot, 14 January 2013 - 03:21 AM.


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#3 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 14 January 2013 - 03:47 AM

I wish Sony and Microsoft the best for the future I'm just not interested in them anymore, I love Nintendo and I love my Wii U it's the most fun I've had with a console for a long time and I can't wait to get a 3DS XL, but I know games ARE going to miss the Wii U and for those games that do miss the Wii U I'm building a Gaming PC.

#4 Lupaie



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 03:57 AM

The goes for Apple vs Android fans. I myself are a big fan of Nintendo and Apple because I like their philosophies. They way they design, the way they create and the way they innovate. I also like Xbox though and I really gave Android a chance. Yet one thing I noticed:

- Whenever there is an Android/Samsung Post/Newsitem mostly Androidfans reply. I almost never see people there that start to bash the Android topic. Yet whenever there is Apple News it immediately is an open door for Android fans coming in stating that Apple sucks, the OS is old etc etc.

Whenever I am happy with my product, I don't feel the need to bash others. Mostly I only want to 'make' my owned products a bit better and want to contribute with ideas, news and tips. So maybe the bashers are not too sure about their owned systems and by shouting they only try to convince themselves?

Anyway, here is a nice film about this topic you might be interested to view:

I really like this guy! And he is right!

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#5 Occult Satanist

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Posted 14 January 2013 - 07:47 AM

I like all consoles and all consoles have there flaws...but at the rate sony is going they are going to get beat into the dust

The only thing I can see that looks rather bleak for the Wii U's future is that a lot of well known and cherished game developers are avoiding selling their product for the system

Edited by CAPU-CHU, 14 January 2013 - 07:48 AM.


#6 3Dude



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 07:53 AM

I like all consoles and all consoles have there flaws...but at the rate sony is going they are going to get beat into the dust
The only thing I can see that looks rather bleak for the Wii U's future is that a lot of well known and cherished game developers are avoiding selling their product for the system

People need to stop confusing developers with publishers.



#7 Lupaie



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 08:24 AM

People need to stop confusing developers with publishers.

You're right but in this case it's not that important. We all get what he's trying to say, no?

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#8 3Dude



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 09:07 AM

You're right but in this case it's not that important. We all get what he's trying to say, no?

No, its EXTREMELY important. His entire statement and intention is COMPLETELY false because of this.

Big name PUBLISHERS are shunning the wii u.

The DEVELOPERS that MADE those publishers what they are today NO LONGER WORK FOR THOSE PUBLISHING COMPANIES.

This is true of both japanese and western devs. This not good garbage gen has resulted in the biggest exodus of talent in gaming history.

It was no coincidence some of the biggest names in gaming were looking to ditch publishers and find alternate funding and then kickstarter suddenly appeared.

Said developers, now free of idiot publishers, however, are lining up on nintendos platforms.



#9 Lupaie



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 09:18 AM

You are ri

No, its EXTREMELY important. His entire statement and intention is COMPLETELY false because of this.

Big name PUBLISHERS are shunning the wii u.

The DEVELOPERS that MADE those publishers what they are today NO LONGER WORK FOR THOSE PUBLISHING COMPANIES.

This is true of both japanese and western devs. This not good garbage gen has resulted in the biggest exodus of talent in gaming history.

It was no coincidence some of the biggest names in gaming were looking to ditch publishers and find alternate funding and then kickstarter suddenly appeared.

Said developers, now free of idiot publishers, however, are lining up on nintendos platforms.

You are right once more, but it's the big budget games we also want and they are what person X relates to. I do hope indeed that the talents that left the big studios will work games on WiiU too. I follow a lot of ex-Rare devs and most of them are currently working for iOS games and some for Xbox Live/Windows Phone. Out of all recently ex-Rare spawned studios none of them are developing for 3DS, Vita or WiiU. :( But hey, there are more developers :) Thanks for your insights!

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#10 3Dude



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 09:31 AM

You are ri
You are right once more, but it's the big budget games we also want and they are what person X relates to. I do hope indeed that the talents that left the big studios will work games on WiiU too. I follow a lot of ex-Rare devs and most of them are currently working for iOS games and some for Xbox Live/Windows Phone. Out of all recently ex-Rare spawned studios none of them are developing for 3DS, Vita or WiiU. :( But hey, there are more developers :) Thanks for your insights!

You can stop following rare devs, they were near worthless when nintendo sold them.

Rare or more importantly, the people behind the name, have actually changed studios several times, leaving the ip's behind, selling the name and blockbuster ip's (and leaving behind the large majority of personell who dont make up the core group) to big name publishers, who quickly run the ip's into the ground with sub par releases, and starting over and doing it again.

The last time this happened was the switch from Ultra: get into the game to Rare. It will never happen again, the core group of people who actually made the games worthwhile have all left the gaming industry. I believe the founders are actually doing land development now.



#11 Lupaie



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 09:39 AM

You can stop following rare devs, they were near worthless when nintendo sold them.

Rare or more importantly, the people behind the name, have actually changed studios several times, leaving the ip's behind, selling the name and blockbuster ip's (and leaving behind the large majority of personell who dont make up the core group) to big name publishers, who quickly run the ip's into the ground with sub par releases, and starting over and doing it again.

The last time this happened was the switch from Ultra: get into the game to Rare. It will never happen again, the core group of people who actually made the games worthwhile have all left the gaming industry. I believe the founders are actually doing land development now.

There were enough talented people at Rare, even now. Mismanagement does not make the employers less talented. I have hosted a leading Rare fansite for a couple of years and am in close contact with some people at Rare and with some of those people that left. Still talented people :) They just had not a chance to show it since, for a couple of years there was no vision at Rare/Microsoft. I really hope those little studios can make a comeback.

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#12 3Dude



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 10:02 AM

There were enough talented people at Rare, even now. Mismanagement does not make the employers less talented. I have hosted a leading Rare fansite for a couple of years and am in close contact with some people at Rare and with some of those people that left. Still talented people :) They just had not a chance to show it since, for a couple of years there was no vision at Rare/Microsoft. I really hope those little studios can make a comeback.

If you host a fansite dedicated to rare you owe it to yourself to observe their history, and the pattern they follow, with Ashby computer and graphic, ultimate: play the game, and finally rare.

The same core people have refounded 'rare' three times, each time making hit games, blockbuster ip's and games that defined platforms. The Ashby computer and graphics crew IS the rare you are talking about. They are gone now.

When Tim and Chris stamper left in 2007, the rest of the crew followed, but this time, a new rare wasnt reborn. They left gaming completely, thanks to the worst generation in gaming history.

Edited by 3Dude, 14 January 2013 - 10:04 AM.



#13 Lupaie



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 10:18 AM

When Chris and Tim left some guys founded a new studio. But most of them were newer guys. Some of the first crew left Rare inly a year ago. I now gave up on them though, Rare is now a soulless production company runned by the Microsoft bullies. I still have some hope for Chris Seavor and the likes. Maybe misplaced... A man can hope. I still wonder though, In the Nintendo era they really shined....was it Nintendo's doing after all?

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#14 Nollog


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Posted 14 January 2013 - 10:31 AM

The goes for Apple vs Android fans. I myself are a big fan of Nintendo and Apple because I like their philosophies. They way they design, the way they create and the way they innovate. I also like Xbox though and I really gave Android a chance. Yet one thing I noticed:

- Whenever there is an Android/Samsung Post/Newsitem mostly Androidfans reply. I almost never see people there that start to bash the Android topic. Yet whenever there is Apple News it immediately is an open door for Android fans coming in stating that Apple sucks, the OS is old etc etc.

Whenever I am happy with my product, I don't feel the need to bash others. Mostly I only want to 'make' my owned products a bit better and want to contribute with ideas, news and tips. So maybe the bashers are not too sure about their owned systems and by shouting they only try to convince themselves?

Anyway, here is a nice film about this topic you might be interested to view:

I really like this guy! And he is right!

Apple are silly.
And they buy all their popularity, despite having an inferior product.
I think that's why most people dislike Apple.
Also, nothing they have done has been innovative, they just copy stuff people haven't heard of yet and claim they made it because they can pay to make it popular.

Damage control is silly on youtube.
There's lots of people who absolutely mother dog about Nintendo all the time and claim damage control on anything not negative.
They're ignorant, and this guy's video won't change any of them.

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#15 Lebon14



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 01:58 PM

No, its EXTREMELY important. His entire statement and intention is COMPLETELY false because of this.

Big name PUBLISHERS are shunning the wii u.

The DEVELOPERS that MADE those publishers what they are today NO LONGER WORK FOR THOSE PUBLISHING COMPANIES.

This is true of both japanese and western devs. This not good garbage gen has resulted in the biggest exodus of talent in gaming history.

It was no coincidence some of the biggest names in gaming were looking to ditch publishers and find alternate funding and then kickstarter suddenly appeared.

Said developers, now free of idiot publishers, however, are lining up on nintendos platforms.

You are right. The best exemple I can come with is Rare. When they were purchased by Microsoft when Star Fox Adventure came out on the GameCube, all the talent that made this developper so great just quitted. Rare, today, is just releasing BS. BK:N&B, I haven't played it though, from what I've heard, has been a disaster. In the recent months, some of the old developpers from Rare (that quitted) came back together to create a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie (the twitter is here).

Huge success commercial games today lack that punch that old games on old console brought. It's no wonder that so much indie game devloppers are sprouting up left and right such as Renegade Kid (the first one that came to mind). It's no secret that, today, that publishers and big developpers are only looking for MONEY. All they want is MONEY. They'll release the same thing over and over again, every single year. There's no innovation. No wonder why big names quit. They're sick and tired of doing the same thing over and over again.

Back on topic, I agree with Shokio. I have arrived at the same conclusion myself. Additionaly, I see that Nintendo fans are more open-minded than the MS-Sony fans clan. Most of the time, Nintendo fans will have the other clan's console and play all of them but will still prefer Nintendo, of course. However, the MS-Sony clan will probably have the XBox and PS3 but not the Nintendo console out of bias. And the story goes on and on.
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#16 3Dude



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 05:20 PM

When Chris and Tim left some guys founded a new studio. But most of them were newer guys. Some of the first crew left Rare inly a year ago. I now gave up on them though, Rare is now a soulless production company runned by the Microsoft bullies. I still have some hope for Chris Seavor and the likes. Maybe misplaced... A man can hope. I still wonder though, In the Nintendo era they really shined....was it Nintendo's doing after all?

Nah, it wasnt just nintendo, they made some generation defining games as ultra. It was Chris and Tim. Their vision and leadership were vital.



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