Sold sonic racing and downloaded mario kart 64 instead
Posted 01 February 2013 - 02:34 PM
I think sonic racing was decent but mario kart 64 is better for when freinds round in my opinion, the weapons in sonic werent great and battle mode was crap, also when mates over as they dnt play alot was was to hard for them to race on plane and boat so wasnt much fun beating them.
Posted 01 February 2013 - 02:36 PM
Posted 01 February 2013 - 02:48 PM
Are you joking?
Not im serious i sold game for £25 i paid £30 for it but with money i preordered scribblenaults as got it for £26 and i downloaded mario kart 64 as have 4 pro classic contollers i find it lot more fun as the levels on sonic hard if dnt play alot plus battle mode crap
Posted 01 February 2013 - 02:49 PM
Personally my non-gamer friends love the game, they're pretty good aswell. It's a lot of fun to work together to beat expert challenges.
I guess it's your opinion, though I can't agree. No matter how good Mario Kart 64 was.
Posted 01 February 2013 - 02:49 PM

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Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:00 PM
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Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:05 PM
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Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:07 PM
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:09 PM
Personally, I like difficult games. If that's not your thing then why exactly would you play racing games? They are always competitive and thus ment to be hard. Being the best when the only difficulty around is "easy" doesn't really score points for the game in my book.
Edited by WaddleDee, 01 February 2013 - 03:09 PM.
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:17 PM
To be honest the only real arguments I've seen when people say Sonic Transformed is bad come down to "it's too hard".
Personally, I like difficult games. If that's not your thing then why exactly would you play racing games? They are always competitive, being the best when the only difficulty around is "easy" doesn't really score points for the game in my book.
I dont think was as fun becuase of it i was quite good but i have freinds over alot so play lot of 4 player games, such as nintendoland, bomber man games etc, but they just could never compete on sonic on the harder levels and the battle mode is pretty lame the weapons very pretty irresponsive in my opinion.
All though the game had loads to offer i put about 10 hrs in the game over the 2 months i had it and only made £5 loss on it
I also sold tant tank tank as no skill i sold sonic and tant tant tankfor a total of £47 and preorderd rayman and scribblenaults for a total of £56 so im happy
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:17 PM
I dont think was as fun becuase of it i was quite good but i have freinds over alot so play lot of 4 player games, such as nintendoland, bomber man games etc, but they just could never compete on sonic on the harder levels and the battle mode is pretty lame the weapons very pretty irresponsive in my opinion.
All though the game had loads to offer i put about 10 hrs in the game over the 2 months i had it and only made £5 loss on it
So.. why exactly do you play with your friend on a hard difficulty/level? That doesn't make any sense.
People are supposed to get better, that's why there are different difficulties and levels. So you're not destined to lose forever but get a chance to get better.
The weapons seem fine to me, they don't have such a huge impact (e.g blue shield in mario kart that'll stop you for like 10 seconds) and require you to aim which is exactly what they were aiming for. Mario Kart is rather slow so getting stopped by a shield is fine, but Sonic Transformed is way more fast-paced, if every weapon would leave you dead at the side of the road that would completely ruin the fast-paced vibe of the game.
Edited by WaddleDee, 01 February 2013 - 03:17 PM.
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:22 PM
So.. why exactly do you play with your friend on a hard difficulty/level? That doesn't make any sense.
People are supposed to get better, that's why there are different difficulties and levels. So you're not destined to lose forever but get a chance to get better.
The weapons seem fine to me, they don't have such a huge impact (e.g blue shield in mario kart that'll stop you for like 10 seconds) and require you to aim which is exactly what they were aiming for. Mario Kart is rather slow so getting stopped by a shield is fine, but Sonic Transformed is way more fast-paced, if every weapon would leave you dead at the side of the road that would completely ruin the fast-paced vibe of the game.
No i think the weapons are crap for battle mode i feel like your using a pea shooter but the weapons in mario kart 64 more responsive feel like got more control by the way dont like battles in more recent mario karts.
And my mates would just give up during a race as wnt get to the finish line
I honestly find mario kart 64 more fun and so do my freinds im not saying sonic a bad game but i just choose to play mk64 over sonic everytime that why sold it
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:24 PM
No weapons
No i think the weapons are crap for battle mode i feel like your using a pea shooter but the weapons in mario kart 64 more responsive feel like got more control by the way dont like battles in more recent mario karts.
And my mates would just give up during a race as wnt get to the finish line
More control? most of the items in Mario Kart literally get controlled for you. (red shell, bullet bill, blue shell, etc)
Though I really can't figure out what you mean with "more responsive". There's no delay in the weapon usage in Sonic Transformed at all.
If your friends decide to just give up in the middle of a race then they are just negative. That's not something you can blame on a game, it's a negative human characteristic.
That's like having to learn everything at an internship and just giving up and quitting school. Simply because you're not the best there ever was from the get-go.
Edited by WaddleDee, 01 February 2013 - 03:25 PM.
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:27 PM
More control? most of the items in Mario Kart literally get controlled for you. (red shell, bullet bill, blue shell, etc)
Though I really can't figure out what you mean with "more responsive". There's no delay in the weapon usage in Sonic Transformed at all.
If your friends decide to just give up in the middle of a race then they are just negative. That's not something you can blame on a game, it's a negative human characteristic.
That's like having to learn everything at an internship and just giving up and quitting school. Simply because you're not the best there ever was from the get-go.
In battle mode there no bullet bills or blue shells in mk64 and there lot more skill to battle like holding weapons and timing when to shoot and strageicly planting bananas so much more fun, i just think sonic weapons lack in battle mode
More control? most of the items in Mario Kart literally get controlled for you. (red shell, bullet bill, blue shell, etc)
Though I really can't figure out what you mean with "more responsive". There's no delay in the weapon usage in Sonic Transformed at all.
If your friends decide to just give up in the middle of a race then they are just negative. That's not something you can blame on a game, it's a negative human characteristic.
That's like having to learn everything at an internship and just giving up and quitting school. Simply because you're not the best there ever was from the get-go.
Also the game dont let them finish race i will finish then they got a time to make it to finish so often dont see a hole track
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:29 PM
In battle mode there no bullet bills or blue shells in mk64 and there lot more skill to battle like holding weapons and timing when to shoot and strageicly planting bananas so much more fun, i just think sonic weapons lack in battle mode
Also the game dont let them finish race i will finish then they got a time to make it to finish so often dont see a hole track
I don't think either of us have any good arguments on the items.. you say they're bad, I say they're fine so let's just leave it at that.
Mario Kart also limits the time you get to finish a race to 30 seconds. And once again, if they're unable to get close to the finish line, just lower the difficulty and let them get used to the game.
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:32 PM
Also sonic online is full of glitches such as smashing into invisible walls, even though your still on the course
I don't think either of us have any good arguments on the items.. you say they're bad, I say they're fine so let's just leave it at that.
Mario Kart also limits the time you get to finish a race to 30 seconds. And once again, if they're unable to get close to the finish line, just lower the difficulty and let them get used to the game.
Honestly have you had a fun intense game on battle mode of sonic? I never did even though tried alot, im a big battle mode fan of mk64 have been for about 15 years since it came out (not on the other mario karts) and cus the battle mode lacks for me on sonic i just dont played it so cut my losses on it.
All though like i said there is alot to do in sonic
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:35 PM
Also sonic online is full of glitches such as smashing into invisible walls, even though your still on the course
Also sonic online is full of glitches such as smashing into invisible walls, even though your still on the course
Honestly have you had a fun intense game on battle mode of sonic? I never did even though tried alot, im a big battle mode fan of mk64 have been for about 15 years since it came out (not on the other mario karts) and cus the battle mode lacks for me on sonic i just dont played it so cut my losses on it.
All though like i said there is alot to do in sonic
I've played between 15 and 20 online matches, never had that issue.
And yeah, I've had a fun and/or intense battle mode game in Sonic, the same can be said for everything else.
So, even if you don't like the battlemode.. we can still agree there's a lot to do. So why disregard the entire game simply because the battlemode isn't good? if that's the case you might aswell sell all your other games, cause most have a bad battlemode or don't have one at all.
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:41 PM
I've played between 15 and 20 online matches, never had that issue.
And yeah, I've had a fun and/or intense battle mode game in Sonic, the same can be said for everything else.
So, even if you don't like the battlemode.. we can still agree there's a lot to do. So why disregard the entire game simply because the battlemode isn't good? if that's the case you might aswell sell all your other games, cause most have a bad battlemode or don't have one at all.
Since got mario kart 64 downloaded didnt play once, and almost unlocked everything in campaign mode with my bro, and i got about 8 wii u games and wanted scribblenaults and rayman and thought might as well sell tank tank tank and sonic as dnt play i got £47 for them both and preordered the other to for £56 so financialy made sense
By the way waddledee im not arguing just stating opinion as you our, im happy with the choice i made as im glad your happy with sonic
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:46 PM
Since got mario kart 64 downloaded didnt play once, and almost unlocked everything in campaign mode with my bro, and i got about 8 wii u games and wanted scribblenaults and rayman and thought might as well sell tank tank tank and sonic as dnt play i got £47 for them both and preordered the other to for £56 so financialy made sense
Earlier you said you put 10 hours into the game. if that includes the time with your friends I highly doubt you unlocked everything in campaign mode.
But like I said in the first post, it's your opinion and you're entitled to have one. I just don't think you have constructive facts when it comes to things like your friends in the game and calling battlemode "crap". You're just saying it is cause it doesn't fit your needs in the game mode.
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:55 PM
Earlier you said you put 10 hours into the game. if that includes the time with your friends I highly doubt you unlocked everything in campaign mode.
But like I said in the first post, it's your opinion and you're entitled to have one. I just don't think you have constructive facts when it comes to things like your friends in the game and calling battlemode "crap". You're just saying it is cause it doesn't fit your needs in the game mode.
I played about 30 mins with mates and they like rather play mario kart, amd i honestly think battle mode is crap compared to mk64 just like think wii battle mode is crap, i unlocked every track and nearly every racer so had seen enough of sonic to say i preferred mk64.
I just think the weapons for sonic battle mode was very lackluster and battle mode is my fav thing about a kart racer, i thought some of the race courses were amazing to look at in sonic, but alot of people were hopless in planes, and i played online alot no battle modes ony racing, and there is alot of glitches on a few tracks unfortunatly, i also preffered being in the sonic kart compared to plane mode and boat, i respect sonic for trying be different with the way courses transformed, but i just feel the drifting in mk64 better and overall handling of a vechile that bit better.
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