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Nintendo I am running out of excuses for you

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#1 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 10:17 AM

I am putting this rant here because the post is mostly game related, but it will have some hardware sprinkled in. My increasing anger and frustration with the Big N all started last night when I was forced to restart my career in NBA 2k13 for the third time due to freezing and loss of save data. I gave Nintendo a pass on that one because I figured that it could be an issue on the developer's side instead of a hardware issue. After that frustration I needed to fiddle with my internet settings, at which time the Wii U froze on me twice and had to be unplugged. The fact that this kind of stuff has still not been resolved is getting absolutely unacceptable. It is starting to make me wonder what Nintendo was doing in the year or so leading up to the release of this rushed out product. Which brings me to the games.

I would like to think that Nintendo was using that time wisely for the development of first party games, but the fact of the matter is that it only released two of those for launch, NSMBU2 and Nintendo Land. Seriously folks, how long of a development cycle could those two games have taken. Now we find out that Pikmin 3 has been pushed to a release date of "the first half of the year." Mark my words when I say that we will not see that game until summer. What in the hell was Nintendo doing in between the time of their last major Wii release and the release of the Wii U. That will make a minimum of 8 months between first party releases. That is totally ridiculous even by Nintendo standards.

I would also like to think that, perhaps, Nintendo was working on securing Eshop titles or working on their virtual console. The Eshop has been stagnant since release date, and the virtual console is non existent. These are things that should have been in a better state right out of the box. Again I ask what in the hell was Nintendo doing all that time.

I will say this much. Nintendo better get around to giving us firm release dates on some of their first party games pretty soon, and better yet, give us some actual dates on games like Pikmin 3, Bayonetta, and The Wonderful 101. If not I fear this ship is sinking like a damned stone. Sorry for the rant folks, but I want answers from Nintendo at this point. What was Nintendo doing for all that time???????
Currently playing: AC 3, ZombiU, BLOPS 2, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Nano Assault Neo, Halo 4, Darksiders 2, and Far Cry 3

Wii U ID------BeMore

#2 3Dude



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 10:20 AM

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Those firmware fixes cant come soon enough.



#3 Alph


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 10:25 AM

I hate the Wii U right now. I'm not impressed with it.

Hi, my name is Alph. I live on a planet named Koppai. I am famous for saving my planet from starvation. My best friends are Brittany and Captain Olimar, NOT Captain Charlie. I like surfing the KopNet and playing Kopetball.

#4 Abcdude


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 10:27 AM

I hate the Wii U right now. I'm not impressed with it.

Meanwhile you have 4 "favorite" wii U games in your signature, lol


#5 WaddleDee



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 10:30 AM

I have no comment on the rant, but just thought I'd drop this in here:

If your Wii U freezes and you have to pull the plug out, after you start it up again try restarting it once more as this seems to take away the repetitive freeze-problem.

#6 Alph


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 10:33 AM

Meanwhile you have 4 "favorite" wii U games in your signature, lol

Haha lol. It's just to keep track of what games are the best on there (to be honest, none of the games are outstanding).

Hi, my name is Alph. I live on a planet named Koppai. I am famous for saving my planet from starvation. My best friends are Brittany and Captain Olimar, NOT Captain Charlie. I like surfing the KopNet and playing Kopetball.

#7 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 10:34 AM

I have no comment on the rant, but just thought I'd drop this in here:

If your Wii U freezes and you have to pull the plug out, after you start it up again try restarting it once more as this seems to take away the repetitive freeze-problem.

Thanks bro I will.
Currently playing: AC 3, ZombiU, BLOPS 2, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Nano Assault Neo, Halo 4, Darksiders 2, and Far Cry 3

Wii U ID------BeMore

#8 Nollog


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 11:12 AM

I am putting this rant here because the post is mostly game related, but it will have some hardware sprinkled in. My increasing anger and frustration with the Big N all started last night when I was forced to restart my career in NBA 2k13 for the third time due to freezing and loss of save data. I gave Nintendo a pass on that one because I figured that it could be an issue on the developer's side instead of a hardware issue. After that frustration I needed to fiddle with my internet settings, at which time the Wii U froze on me twice and had to be unplugged. The fact that this kind of stuff has still not been resolved is getting absolutely unacceptable. It is starting to make me wonder what Nintendo was doing in the year or so leading up to the release of this rushed out product. Which brings me to the games.

I blame Nintendo for EA making bad ports too, why can't third parties have Nintendo fix all their games for them?!?!?!
(Developers fault, not Nintendo's)

I would like to think that Nintendo was using that time wisely for the development of first party games, but the fact of the matter is that it only released two of those for launch, NSMBU2 and Nintendo Land. Seriously folks, how long of a development cycle could those two games have taken. Now we find out that Pikmin 3 has been pushed to a release date of "the first half of the year." Mark my words when I say that we will not see that game until summer. What in the hell was Nintendo doing in between the time of their last major Wii release and the release of the Wii U. That will make a minimum of 8 months between first party releases. That is totally ridiculous even by Nintendo standards.

NintendoLand has been in development for a long time. Believe it or not, it's an original idea and those take a while to plan and make.
Graphic-heavy games are actually less time-intensive, as you can have graphic artists working on the textures while making the game code, halving the time.
No, this is Nintendo's standards from before the Wii, they always postponed games, look it up.
This close to launch of a their new console is just bad planning. If they were any other company they would have put it out and then patched it.

I would also like to think that, perhaps, Nintendo was working on securing Eshop titles or working on their virtual console. The Eshop has been stagnant since release date, and the virtual console is non existent. These are things that should have been in a better state right out of the box. Again I ask what in the hell was Nintendo doing all that time.

Yoshi, Mario3D, Mario Kart, Retro were busy, 3DS Games, X, etc.
They probably just had a skeleton team on the unimportant things like VC emulators and it's not really their fault games aren't coming to the eshop as fast as they are steam.
There's a million reasons steam, or even psn or xbl would get more games per week than the wii u.

I will say this much. Nintendo better get around to giving us firm release dates on some of their first party games pretty soon, and better yet, give us some actual dates on games like Pikmin 3, Bayonetta, and The Wonderful 101. If not I fear this ship is sinking like a damned stone. Sorry for the rant folks, but I want answers from Nintendo at this point. What was Nintendo doing for all that time???????

They were making games.

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#9 Blake



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 11:19 AM

Okay, for one, you can't hate Nintendo for a freezing issue. That's just ridiculous. I don't care if you lost all your game data, it is just a hardware problem, which is BOUND to happen in a brand new system.

Yes, the games aren't AMAZING, but again, it's a brand new system. You shouldn't have expected TOP NOTCH games a few months past launch. Games like Pikmin 3 are taking a while because it is for the good of the game. Remember that famous quote about rushed games from Miyamoto? Yeah, a rushed game is a bad game.

What in the hell was Nintendo doing in between the time of their last major Wii release and the release of the Wii U. That will make a minimum of 8 months between first party releases. That is totally ridiculous even by Nintendo standards.

Making the damn system. They don't just snap their fingers and suddenly they have a new console to release. It most likely took AT LEAST 2 months to produce all these systems...

#10 Plutonas



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 11:30 AM

Well, nintendo gave lots of promishes, but they fall into an orchistrated denial. I will give u a couple of reasons below.

The whole things goes to a total control, what u see, what u eat, who are u, where are u...

They want u to buy Microsoft and sony more, because these companies comply with their masters desires. I love that Nintendo denied to add things that violate ur privacy (in a big scale)...
Video game companies also merging each other, under the control of 1-2-3 maximum 4 companies (people), selling us IPs that can easily manipulate children minds... I may remind us, what happened with the medal of honor and the Taliban race... USA government intruded and demanded their own rules into the game! remember? If the game was just a "game", they wouldn't do that.

Nintendo still keeps up the oldish Nintendo respect to each funs, customers and that is annoying for some... I believe that's all about it... Not because wii U is weak or more powerful or alien architecture.

Example EA owns 20? 30? studios that once been individual game companies? They also have origin, that they got accused by german government of theft of personal information from its citizens. EA forced nintendo to amplify origin into wii U, imagine now a console with cameras on the gamepad, they could monitor u, without knowing!!! EA, since nintendo denied origin, backs up all the good stuff they were announcing before wii U release.... remember?

thats an example...

ps: I believe its in our hands to make them step back and give to nintendo a credit for it. Let the others rot, along with their masters (markets and goverments). Revolutionary statement.. lol

Edited by Orion, 07 February 2013 - 11:33 AM.

#11 Nollog


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 11:35 AM

Well, nintendo gave lots of promishes, but they fall into an orchistrated denial. I will give u a couple of reasons below.

The whole things goes to a total control, what u see, what u eat, who are u, where are u...

They want u to buy Microsoft and sony more, because these companies comply with their masters desires. I love that Nintendo denied to add things that violate ur privacy (in a big scale)...
Video game companies also merging each other, under the control of 1-2-3 maximum 4 companies (people), selling us IPs that can easily manipulate children minds... I may remind us, what happened with the medal of honor and the Taliban race... USA government intruded and demanded their own rules into the game! remember? If the game was just a "game", they wouldn't do that.

Nintendo still keeps up the oldish Nintendo respect to each funs, customers and that is annoying for some... I believe that's all about it... Not because wii U is weak or more powerful or alien architecture.

Example EA owns 20? 30? studios that once been individual game companies? They also have origin, that they got accused by german government of theft of personal information from its citizens. EA forced nintendo to amplify origin into wii U, imagine now a console with cameras on the gamepad, they could monitor u, without knowing!!! EA, since nintendo denied origin, backs up all the good stuff they were announcing before wii U release.... remember?

thats an example...

ps: I believe its in our hands to make them step back and give to nintendo a credit for it. Let the others rot, along with their masters (markets and goverments). Revolutionary statement.. lol


Also, this whole origin thing was just a rumour, and a rumour started by a website who haven't gotten a single rumour right yet, and are not at all trustworthy.
Also, Origin is on Wii U, as is UPlay.

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#12 Plutonas



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 11:36 AM

is it origin? It has the trademark of Origin? Nintendo made a statement after the roumor came out, that they dont thinking of using origin into wii U.

U wrong... UPLAY is ubisoft and its not Origin.... The EULA of origin says : the customer, has no right to lead the company EA/Origin to the courts by any means. And if a problem is created between the customer and EA/Origin, EA/Origin has the only right to take the final decision!... the thief will decide if he stole something. Sony EULA says that also...

Edited by Orion, 07 February 2013 - 11:43 AM.

#13 Nollog


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 11:40 AM

is it origin? It has the trademark of Origin? Nintendo made a statement after the roumor came out, that they dont thinking of using origin into wii U.

U wrong... UPLAY is ubisoft.

Origin is required for mass effect 3 on wii u.
UPlay is abailable as an app on the eshop.

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#14 Plutonas



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 12:20 PM

yes but Uplay is ubisoft.. so u are a bit confused. Maybe its ur choice if u add origin in ur wii U, but wii U interface, OS and features, are not controlled by origin.

But either ways, thanks for telling me that, I will never buy mass effect 3 on wii U...lol

But I want to be honnest, I ve used twice origin eshop, to buy a game... but this game does not require u to install origin in ur pc. (swtor and swtor expansion)

Edited by Orion, 07 February 2013 - 12:22 PM.

#15 Nollog


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 12:24 PM

yes but Uplay is ubisoft.. so u are a bit confused. Maybe its ur choice if u add origin in ur wii U, but wii U interface, OS and features, are not controlled by origin.

But either ways, thanks for telling me that, I will never buy mass effect 3 on wii U...lol

But I want to be honnest, I ve used twice origin eshop, to buy a game... but this game does not require u to install origin in ur pc. (swtor and swtor expansion)

How is that confusion?
They are similar platforms.
I was providing you with a second example of how NN is an open platform where third parties can put what they like on it.
Why would an account system need control over the console's user interface or featureset?

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#16 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 12:24 PM

I blame Nintendo for EA making bad ports too, why can't third parties have Nintendo fix all their games for them?!?!?!
(Developers fault, not Nintendo's)

Dude I said that Nintendo gets a pass on that one, but they don't get a pass when freezes occur in their own menus. That should be fixed immediately considering the number of complaints that they are reading on a daily basis. And by golly the speed to operate in those menus should have been fixed by now too.

No, this is Nintendo's standards from before the Wii, they always postponed games, look it up.
This close to launch of a their new console is just bad planning. If they were any other company they would have put it out and then patched it.

I'm well aware of the Nintendo standard. However, when Nintendo misses a three month "launch window" by 3-4 months or whatever it ends up being(Pikmin 3) I have to believe that the standard has sunk to a new low. It is interesting that you bring up releasing and patching because that is what Nintendo is doing with it's console presently, so it's not fair to say "any other company."
Currently playing: AC 3, ZombiU, BLOPS 2, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Nano Assault Neo, Halo 4, Darksiders 2, and Far Cry 3

Wii U ID------BeMore

#17 Nollog


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 12:29 PM

Dude I said that Nintendo gets a pass on that one, but they don't get a pass when freezes occur in their own menus. That should be fixed immediately considering the number of complaints that they are reading on a daily basis. And by golly the speed to operate in those menus should have been fixed by now too.

I'm well aware of the Nintendo standard. However, when Nintendo misses a three month "launch window" by 3-4 months or whatever it ends up being(Pikmin 3) I have to believe that the standard has sunk to a new low. It is interesting that you bring up releasing and patching because that is what Nintendo is doing with it's console presently, so it's not fair to say "any other company."

I've experienced two freezes, one in trine 2 randomly and other I don't even remember.
It's not been common for me so I don't see it as a problem for me.
If it's a problem for you your console is probably a little more faulty than mine, which is hard luck on your part.

They have postponed games for 2 years in the past, so I don't see 3 months as a big deal, I guess it's all about perspective.
They add in eshop etc. at launch for a good reason, to get people to connect to the internet. It's by design as far as I see it.

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#18 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 12:36 PM

Okay, for one, you can't hate Nintendo for a freezing issue. That's just ridiculous. I don't care if you lost all your game data, it is just a hardware problem, which is BOUND to happen in a brand new system.

If it was only once in a while I could see it, but I'm sorry it is excessive and needs immediate attention from them. I have bought many consoles at launch, and this one takes the cake on freezing hands down.

Making the damn system. They don't just snap their fingers and suddenly they have a new console to release. It most likely took AT LEAST 2 months to produce all these systems...

I hear you on this, but wasn't Skyward Sword their last major Wii release? It has been a very long time.

I've experienced two freezes, one in trine 2 randomly and other I don't even remember.
It's not been common for me so I don't see it as a problem for me.
If it's a problem for you your console is probably a little more faulty than mine, which is hard luck on your part.

They have postponed games for 2 years in the past, so I don't see 3 months as a big deal, I guess it's all about perspective.
They add in eshop etc. at launch for a good reason, to get people to connect to the internet. It's by design as far as I see it.

It is hard luck, and I really think mine has gotten worse since the last patch. When I first got it I was pretty happy with how mine had performed considering all the complaints I read on here. As far as perspective goes I guess I'm just less forgiving because of, not so much delays, but promises. Some are out of Nintendo's hands like Rayman, and some they have control of like Pikmin. I feel very sorry for the people that actually bought a Wii U for Rayman Legends because that is criminal of Ubisoft to not at least grant those folks a timed exclusive.

Edited by BobbyRiddle, 07 February 2013 - 12:30 PM.

Currently playing: AC 3, ZombiU, BLOPS 2, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Nano Assault Neo, Halo 4, Darksiders 2, and Far Cry 3

Wii U ID------BeMore

#19 Nollog


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 12:42 PM

I feel very sorry for the people that actually bought a Wii U for Rayman Legends because that is criminal of Ubisoft to not at least grant those folks a timed exclusive.

IKR, why are they not releasing a game which really should be finished at this stage?
They do it all the time in reverse.

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#20 Plutonas



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 12:52 PM

The roumor came out by an EA partner, and the rumor said, Origin is preparing wii U OS, based on origin. Now if the OS of the system and servers are controlled by nintendo and not "origin", origin cant get anything from u, except if u buy their games and they get specific data from ur play... eg saves, etc... If the OS of wii U was controlled by origin or UPLAY, then that was going to be a problem.

Now nintendo filters anything they DONT want origin and UPLAY to have... there is a difference between it. And if Origin or UPLAY control the OS of the system, then wii U was going NOT to be able play offline games... thats the difference.

So the rumor was mostly about, wii U must always stay connected be able to play (with Origin).

Can I make u a question.. If u DONT have internet access, can u buy and play mass effect 3? Or not. (ur answer is my point.... Thats why they "want to punish nintendo". I hope its more clear for u now.

Edited by Orion, 07 February 2013 - 12:59 PM.

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