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PS4 to be paired with Kinect rivalling ‘dual camera?

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#1 BlueBlur


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 07:10 AM

Sorry if im carpeting, but i felt this article deserved it's own thread ^o^

Ahead of the PS4 release date, latest reports have suggested Sony’s next-generation console will launch alongside a Kinect rivalling ‘dual camera’.

Said to be an evolution of the existing PS Eye, the tantalisingly teased PlayStation ‘dual camera’ has been tipped to launch as a PS4 exclusive, with the Kinect-esque add-on to see gamers offered motioned based gaming options as well as a selection of interactive system controls.

““Dual Camera” appears to be an evolutioned HD Eyetoy instead of a Kinect device, based on the features offered right now,” PS4 leaks courtesy of gaming blog VGLeaks have suggested. It is claimed that the Kinect rivalling PlayStation 4 peripheral will launch with a pair of wide-angle cameras, each playing host to a HD capable 1280 x 720p image resolution.

Helping ensure that the leaked ‘dual camera’ will allow PlayStation 4 gamers to make us of video calling capabilities, the as yet unconfirmed device has been rumoured to feature a four microphone array working at 48 Khz, a feature that would also make console-based voice commands a possibility.

Whilst it has been reported that the PS4 bound ‘dual-camera’ will be able to recognise users and log them in to their specific accounts without any user input, it is also believed that the peripheral will come boxed with every PS4 console sold.

“In the gaming field it supports head and hand tracking as new game inputs,” latest reports on the newly leaked PS4 ‘dual camera’ have suggested. “Currently it’s not clear if this device will support body tracking in the future as Kinect, but it’s almost sure that it will be bundled with every Orbis (PS4) system.”

With Sony recently confirming that it will hold a PlayStation themed launched event in New York City on February 20, PS4 rumours have kicked into overdrive in recent weeks.

Far from the first time that an evolution of the PS Eye has been tipped to appear alongside the PS4, further reports recently added: "Alongside the console, Sony will also introduce a new, improved iteration of its PlayStation Eye peripheral, which remains compatible with the PlayStation Move controller. Move will be available at launch, but it’s not clear yet whether it will be bundled with the hardware.”


#2 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 07:14 AM

And people still rag on Nintendo for there gimmicks. Obviously Microsoft and Sony don't find them to gimmicky.
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#3 Keviin



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Posted 11 February 2013 - 07:41 AM

This would be 10x more gimmicky than the Wii U gamepad.
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#4 Pjsprojects


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 07:45 AM

Well we have the Kinnect thing and the Move/eye gizmo and they get used once in a blue moon! The WiiU screen is a much better idea!

Edited by Pjsprojects, 11 February 2013 - 07:46 AM.

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#5 routerbad



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Posted 11 February 2013 - 07:50 AM

Thus adding to the overall cost of the console, where are those $400 rumors now? I've always thought the PSEyeCam was a useless gimmick, and that won't change. Interesting that when Nintendo does it VG media call it a gimmick, when Sony or MS do it, it's groundbreaking and innovative.

#6 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 08:50 AM

First they copy Nintendo and now they copy Microsoft! Why does Sony always act like lemurs?

And people still rag on Nintendo for there gimmicks. Obviously Microsoft and Sony don't find them to gimmicky.

Great point. Thats why people need to think before they speak.

Thus adding to the overall cost of the console, where are those $400 rumors now? I've always thought the PSEyeCam was a useless gimmick, and that won't change. Interesting that when Nintendo does it VG media call it a gimmick, when Sony or MS do it, it's groundbreaking and innovative.

And thats why I told someone here last night you cant trust mainstream media.

Well we have the Kinnect thing and the Move/eye gizmo and they get used once in a blue moon! The WiiU screen is a much better idea!

Im not saying the Kinect/Eye games are all bad. Hell, I even used to have a kinect when I had my Slim 360 and I enjoyed it alot. Im just saying a game console would be better off if they dont over do it. I even admit the Wii overused motion controls. There is such thing as good gimmicks and bad gimmicks. To me the Gamepad is a perfect gimmick. Practicality always triumphs over impracticality.

Edited by FallenSaturn, 11 February 2013 - 08:42 AM.


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