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Addressing the Wii U’s Sales, Problems, and Future

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#1 BlueBlur


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 07:45 AM

The Wii U has had a rocky start to say the least. The latest NPD numbers were released and the Wii U is not selling well. The Wii U only managed to sell 57K in the month of January. I actually see this as a positive,Nintendo didn’t have any notable software in January and 57,000 people decided to get one for $300 and up. Nintendo has their work cut out for them, but by no means is Nintendo doomed. I will address the Wii U’s issues entirely in the article below

The Wii U Needs more Games at the Moment
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Like i stated earlier, I’m surprised the Wii U even sold 57K units in the month of January. The system was released in November in the US and has not had many new releases since then. No major releases from Nintendo or other 3rd party game developers. No updates to the OS, No fully functional Virtual Console on Wii U, Rayman Legends being delayed, with so many negatives, I really am surprised it sold that much. Mustering up 57K with no software and bad press is impressive. The Vita has been out longer and only moved around 30,000 units in January.
The US Economy is bad Right now
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Comparing the sales of the Xbox 360 in January of 2006 to the Wii U in January of 2013 is irrelevant considering the economy at both times. The employment rate and economy was much better in 2006. The Wii U is going to have some bad months due to the economy and lack of software to drive system sales.
The Wii U’s Graphical Abilities are NOT the Reason it is not Selling
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The Wii U has not been pushed to the limit yet nor have graphics been a focus at Nintendo since 2001. Nintendo’s handheld systems have always been underpowered or weaker than its competitors. The Wii was not much stronger than a GameCube. The 3DS is nowhere near the Vita graphically. The Wii U’s graphics are good enough. Nobody has pushed the system yet though, and Nintendo’s first party games like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 look fantastic on Wii U. I doubt the Wii U would have better sales right now if it had better specs. The Vita is proof of that. You need software to beat the competition and the Wii U lacks that. Plus, if graphics were the most important factor for a product selling well, then high-end PC’s would be only thing selling.
Everybody who has wanted the Wii U has NOT Bought one yet
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This is another thing I hear a lot. ‘All the people who want the Wii U have already bought one’ If that was the case, why is it even selling 57K? It should be selling zero units if that was true. There are many consumers waiting for games that they want or a possible price cut. All you have to do is look at the forums. Even Nintendo based websites have people who have held out because there waiting for a Metroid, 3D Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest, Bayonetta and other games to come . People have always purchased Nintendo hardware for Nintendo’s exclusives. Things don’t change now because the Wii U isn’t selling as well as Nintendo would have hoped. If the sales stay at 57K after Mario Galaxy 3 or Mario Kart come out, then we have a problem. The Wii U is around 3 million units sold. I can guarantee you Mario Kart will sell more than 3 Million units on Wii U, proving there are still more people who want the Wii U.
Didn’t we Already go over this with the 3DS?
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I remember all the 3DS doom articles. How it was destined to be outsold by the Vita. How smartphones and tablets will render it DOA, how Nintendo should have made it more powerful. Yeah those seem like a distant past don’t they? All Nintendo did was cut the price, release Super Mario 3D Land, and Mario Kart, then sales skyrocketed. You need games to sell a system. The Wii U is no different from the 3DS in this regard. When Nintendo releases Mario Kart and their new 3D Mario game for the Wii U this year, don’t get mad if I write another article like this one.
Calling Nintendo’s IPs Rehashes is BS
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Nintendo gets a lot of hate from gamers for their use of franchises like Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon. However, this is complete and utter BS. Nintendo’s use of Mario and Zelda are appropriate considering the popularity of those franchises. Mario Galaxy is the highest reviewed game of all time. New Super Mario Bros Wii and DS are some of the highest selling games ever. Nintendo would be stupid to not release more Mario games, they are a business after all. Zelda is hardly a rehash. They follow a certain formula, but each game is different from one another. Zelda II is not like Link to the past, and Spirit Tracks is different from Ocarina of Time. For Nintendo to not release these franchises somewhat often would be a business killing move. The focus on those franchises by critics is appalling considering how much new content Nintendo brought to the table. Games like Xenoblade, The Last Story, Pandora’s Tower, Fluidity, Dillon’s Rolling Western, Pushmo, Crashmo, are all from Nintendo.
I hear critics bash Nintendo for not bringing new franchises, yet they have failed to play Xenoblade or the Last Story. Kid Icarus Uprising might be an old franchise, but that game is essentially a new IP. The Gameplay in it is all new outside of some of the characters. The biggest thing to takeaway from Nintendo’s first party IP is there good. Most of their games score really well and are unique. How many 3D platformers are like Mario Galaxy? How many games are like Pokemon? How many games out there are like Animal Crossing or Pikmin? Now, how many games have you played on the Xbox 360 and PS3 involve a Rambo-type guy, shooting everything with a gun, that uses a cover system, and has regenerating health? The industry rehashes the same old shooters with different characters in their place and calls them new IPs.
I’m glad Nintendo makes Classic Style Games
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Nintendo is as old school as old school gets. There games don’t have all the modern gameplay designs the PS3 and 360 fans love. Nintendo doesn’t do auto jumping in their 3D platformers like Uncharted and Enslaved, or conveniently placed exploding barrels right next to waves of enemies. Cover systems with the typical white guy, (Dead Space 1-3, Uncharted 1-3, Resistance 1-3, Killzone 1-3, Halo 1-4, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Mass Effect) holding a gun is not Nintendo’s MO. Do they get hate for that….. yeah they do. However, I like the way Nintendo makes games. It seems like everybody in the world loves COD, but I think its crap. Does it make it crap? No, it just doesn’t suit my taste. The same goes for Nintendo’s games.
I’m looking forward to Shin Megami x Fire Emblem, Xenoblade 2, Zelda, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, The Wonderful 101, and Bayonetta 2 far more than Battlefield, COD, Uncharted, or any regenerating health based shooter. The industry is turning shooter only market. Nintendo doesn’t do shooters so gamers hate them for that. I’m just glad Nintendo still makes and believes in Japanese style games.
Saying Nintendo is Going to end up like SEGA is Asinine.
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I’ve been hearing this a lot lately. Anybody who claims Nintendo will go the way of Sega after this generation fails to understand the circumstances that caused SEGA’s downfall. SEGA had multiple failed hardware releases. The 32X, Sega CD, The Sega Saturn, The Sega GameGear and Sega Nomad were all failures. Sega failed to transition Sonic to 3D well. Sega failed to build franchises as big as Smash Bros, Metroid, Zelda, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Donkey Kong. Sega’s franchises never reached the status of Nintendo’s top-tier IPs. Sega also never had the market leader in the handheld space to help their console market. Nintendo is nowhere near Sega’s level of desperation with the Dreamcast. So if your one of those people saying that, please research Sega’s downfall to find out the real way Sega failed.

What can Nintendo do to Reverse their Fortunes?
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March is going to be a big month for the Nintendo and the Wii U. They have to sell more than 150,000 units with big name titles like Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, The Amazing Spider-man Ultimate Edition, and Need for Speed Most Wanted. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has a console bundle that should help Nintendo sell Wii Us. While Spider-man and Need for Speed are not system sellers, they can help the Wii U get its much-needed third-party support.
The Wii U Spring and Summer updates need to deliver. The Wii U’s OS is a bit slow. It takes quite some time to load between apps. Nintendo needs to sure that up and add better functionality to the Wii U apps like Nintendo TVii. The Summer update should bring over the full Virtual Console to the system. That can help the Wii U feel more complete and give potential buyers more incentive to purchase the console or upgrade from their Wii’s. Nintendo needs to add a universal achievement system integrated with MiiVerse as well.

E3 is going to be big for Nintendo. They need to show off a lot of new games. Retro Studios should have Metroid ready to go by then. Mario Kart and Mario Wii U should be playable and fun. The Legend of Zelda WindWaker HD could see a playable demo and more exclusive features. Shigeru Miyamoto will have his new game ready to show off, as well as ‘numerous’ other third-party companies. Fans should also expect more collaborations like Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem and the Wonderful 101. High profile games like Watch Dogs and Rainbow Six should come to Wii U as well.

Nintendo has a lot of good things going for it in Japan. Nintendo needs to convince or help Capcom fund Monster Hunter 4 for the Wii U and 3DS. Nintendo also needs to get Square Enix to release a proper Dragon Quest title for the Wii U, not this MMO BS. Smash Bros coming for the 3DS and Wii U should help sales of the Wii U in Japan too.
Microsoft is none-existent in Japan, and Sony spends a majority of their resources in the Western Markets. Nintendo needs to stick to their strategy to bring JRPGs and action games to the Wii U to continue to dominate the Japanese market. Japan is still a major player in the games industry. Look at how much money the 3DS makes in Japan. Dragon Quest VII almost sold 1 million copies in its first week full price. Animal Crossing New Leaf is selling out of its mind in Japan at full price. Digital sales of Animal Crossing are near 1 million units, that is almost pure profit for Nintendo. Anybody who says the Japanese market isn’t important isn’t looking at Nintendo’s profit margins for the 3DS.
This Generation is a Marathon not a Sprint
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Its far too early to count out the Wii U. Let Nintendo release their games this fall, and lets see how the sales are. Till then, I will be taking the troll and doom articles with a gain of salt.


#2 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 08:03 AM

Very good read thank's for posting, I agree.

#3 Alph


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 08:51 AM

A good read.

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#4 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 19 February 2013 - 09:20 AM

You should be the next Reggie. I love your optimism and your intelligence on this matter. Excellent post.


#5 scotty79



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 09:28 AM

Some people really cant see the wood for the trees,the article well written as it maybe does not hold water with me.For a variety of reasons.

How can the sale of only 57k units in January be seen as a positive?
(outsold by both ps3 and xbox)

The bad press has been warranted and justified
(dont even get me started definitely not nintendo bashing)

The economy and employment are affecting wiiu sales?!
So by that measure seeing as the ps3 and xbox both outsold it 7 years in can we assume that those consoles are more popular with the unemployed?

Everybody who wants a wiiu has not bought one yet as they are waiting for games they would like to play
And waiting,and waiting,and waiting and listening to apologies from nintendo about same

Assurance that mario kart will sell more than 3 million units on the wiiu.
Nothing can be assured in a year with another console release,also today the times newspaper in the uk ran a piece suggesting that the ps4 will be priced around 300 pounds
http://uk.gamespot.c...out-300-pounds.if this turns out to be true or in the same region pricewise then I see huge problems shifting wiiu in the numbers necessary to assure anything regarding sales.

Didnt we already go over this with the 3ds?
No the 3ds does not face the same kind of competition as the wiiu will/has

Nintendo gets a lot of undue hate for their zelda,mario and pokemon "rehashes".
Probably because owners of hardware like me who spent money assured of "unprecedented partnerships" with 3rd parties now see that all that is on the horizon is the above suspects plus a few others.While the 3rd party games fall by the wayside.

I hear critics bash Nintendo for not bringing new franchises,yet they have failed to play xenoblade,last story also mentions kid icarus uprising as new franchise.
Where can I buy these titles for my wiiu please?I mean the article is about the wiiu right?Also goes on to criticise the ps3 and ms for having "a rambo-style guy" shooting things with regenerating health.Rehashing the same formula all the time.Er yeah right how about I get a job as creative director for kirby,mmm how will I ever come up with an idea for a new game?I know maybe open my laundry cupboard and make a title out of the first thing I see.Or if its becoming really to obvious we can just switch kirby for yoshi and use the same fabric related graphical ideas.Lets see Kirbys towel terror,thermal vest of doom,yoshis y- front yarn etc.Please

Nintendo is as old school as it gets and the other consoles have shooters with cover,exploding barrels and "typical white guy"?!
Orly?lol its becoming farcical at this stage,I think Im detecting a slight,yes slight bias in this article.As for the old school thats great just a shame the virtual console on my wiiu no worky right.If you are big into the old school then surely you would know that the snes was the most hands down old school system with all types ofgames.Among them more classics than any other system I owned.With titles like contra,turrican,street fighter all titles with hold on..a sterotypical white "rambo-style guy!Im just making the point that given a minute I could name games like these on any consle system ever yet you see them as a stick to beat ms and ps with.

Nintendo is no where near as desperate as sega was with the dreamcast?
Ok maybe financially I will give you that,but they took a risk and built the best console ever to bring a company down,light years ahead in certain areas but ultimatley didnt sell well enough to keep sega afloat.That aside wouldnt it be nice to see nintendo take a risk?As opposed to never taking any and oh stuff the 3rd party we will still have the 1st party nintendo fans to rely on.That is not going to expand their market share.Also ms seem t be going after the wii users in a big way with durango.So not safe to assume that the number of wii sales is/was nintendos market share.

March is going to be a big month for the wiiu
I agree as Im currently unsure as to whether to just bite the bullet and put it up for a while until something I want to play comes along.Also the release schedule for wiiu looks threadbare and devoid of triple AAA multiplatform titles.Also will know tomorrow if the space I keep it in could be better utilised with a ps4/orbis.

Nintendo is destroying the sales chart in japan
Agree totally but not with any of its wiiu available titles.Also been gaming 25years and seen the japanese market become less influential on the rest of the worlds gaming habits.I mean in the 90s if I played anything it came from either japanese publishers or ideas.Not so now the market has changed and continus to do so.A lot of the bigger companies realise that commercial success in gaming does not hinge on japanese success.Im glad that many on here like japanese style games but to be honest I and others like me have been there and done that.

Sorry if this whole thing seems bad tempered I just fail to see how everyone is convincing themselves nothing is wrong when the console is making the exact same mistakes it made with the wii (as regards third party support).Things will be a lot tougher for nintendo this time and the lanch line up and the current batch of things on the horizon alone wont save the wiiu.Granted nintendo are not at risk financially as a company but I fear for the wiiu.Up against newer tech from big players who are prepared to take risks, something nintendo werent prepared to do.
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#6 Shogo


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 09:47 AM

"I hear critics bash Nintendo for not bringing new franchises, yet they have failed to play Xenoblade or the Last Story"

Really? It took "Operation Rainfall" to try to convince Nintendo to bring these games to the West because Nintendo itself didn't believe in them in the first place. By the time they were released in the West it was too late... nobody cared.

"Nintendo is destroying the Sales Charts in Japan"
We talking about the Wii U right?, last weeks figures show they sold only 12.9k Wii U units, that less than the 7 year old PS3.

And this weeks sales aren't any better, they worse... 10.7k units. The 3DS is doing fine though. But I'm talking about the Wii U. The 7 year old PS3 is selling better than the Wii U. And there isn't a single Wii U title in the top 10 software list.

Edited by Shogo, 20 February 2013 - 06:46 AM.

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#7 alan123


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 02:18 PM

i think a lot will depend on what Sony come out with tomorrow regarding the PS4, if it is cheap, powerful & out this xmas the Wii U will be finished i think.

#8 BlueBlur


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 03:54 PM

i think a lot will depend on what Sony come out with tomorrow regarding the PS4, if it is cheap, powerful & out this xmas the Wii U will be finished i think.

We're only three months in and we have no idea how Nintendo's third-party talks are really going, so i'll wait untill E3 before i believe the Wii U is doomed.

As for the PS4 being cheap and powerful... 3Dude might disagree Posted Image

#9 MorbidGod


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Posted 20 February 2013 - 08:04 PM

Some people really cant see the wood for the trees,the article well written as it maybe does not hold water with me.For a variety of reasons.

How can the sale of only 57k units in January be seen as a positive?
(outsold by both ps3 and xbox)

The bad press has been warranted and justified
(dont even get me started definitely not nintendo bashing)

The economy and employment are affecting wiiu sales?!
So by that measure seeing as the ps3 and xbox both outsold it 7 years in can we assume that those consoles are more popular with the unemployed?

Everybody who wants a wiiu has not bought one yet as they are waiting for games they would like to play
And waiting,and waiting,and waiting and listening to apologies from nintendo about same

Assurance that mario kart will sell more than 3 million units on the wiiu.
Nothing can be assured in a year with another console release,also today the times newspaper in the uk ran a piece suggesting that the ps4 will be priced around 300 pounds
http://uk.gamespot.c...out-300-pounds.if this turns out to be true or in the same region pricewise then I see huge problems shifting wiiu in the numbers necessary to assure anything regarding sales.

Didnt we already go over this with the 3ds?
No the 3ds does not face the same kind of competition as the wiiu will/has

Nintendo gets a lot of undue hate for their zelda,mario and pokemon "rehashes".
Probably because owners of hardware like me who spent money assured of "unprecedented partnerships" with 3rd parties now see that all that is on the horizon is the above suspects plus a few others.While the 3rd party games fall by the wayside.

I hear critics bash Nintendo for not bringing new franchises,yet they have failed to play xenoblade,last story also mentions kid icarus uprising as new franchise.
Where can I buy these titles for my wiiu please?I mean the article is about the wiiu right?Also goes on to criticise the ps3 and ms for having "a rambo-style guy" shooting things with regenerating health.Rehashing the same formula all the time.Er yeah right how about I get a job as creative director for kirby,mmm how will I ever come up with an idea for a new game?I know maybe open my laundry cupboard and make a title out of the first thing I see.Or if its becoming really to obvious we can just switch kirby for yoshi and use the same fabric related graphical ideas.Lets see Kirbys towel terror,thermal vest of doom,yoshis y- front yarn etc.Please

Nintendo is as old school as it gets and the other consoles have shooters with cover,exploding barrels and "typical white guy"?!
Orly?lol its becoming farcical at this stage,I think Im detecting a slight,yes slight bias in this article.As for the old school thats great just a shame the virtual console on my wiiu no worky right.If you are big into the old school then surely you would know that the snes was the most hands down old school system with all types ofgames.Among them more classics than any other system I owned.With titles like contra,turrican,street fighter all titles with hold on..a sterotypical white "rambo-style guy!Im just making the point that given a minute I could name games like these on any consle system ever yet you see them as a stick to beat ms and ps with.

Nintendo is no where near as desperate as sega was with the dreamcast?
Ok maybe financially I will give you that,but they took a risk and built the best console ever to bring a company down,light years ahead in certain areas but ultimatley didnt sell well enough to keep sega afloat.That aside wouldnt it be nice to see nintendo take a risk?As opposed to never taking any and oh stuff the 3rd party we will still have the 1st party nintendo fans to rely on.That is not going to expand their market share.Also ms seem t be going after the wii users in a big way with durango.So not safe to assume that the number of wii sales is/was nintendos market share.

March is going to be a big month for the wiiu
I agree as Im currently unsure as to whether to just bite the bullet and put it up for a while until something I want to play comes along.Also the release schedule for wiiu looks threadbare and devoid of triple AAA multiplatform titles.Also will know tomorrow if the space I keep it in could be better utilised with a ps4/orbis.

Nintendo is destroying the sales chart in japan
Agree totally but not with any of its wiiu available titles.Also been gaming 25years and seen the japanese market become less influential on the rest of the worlds gaming habits.I mean in the 90s if I played anything it came from either japanese publishers or ideas.Not so now the market has changed and continus to do so.A lot of the bigger companies realise that commercial success in gaming does not hinge on japanese success.Im glad that many on here like japanese style games but to be honest I and others like me have been there and done that.

Sorry if this whole thing seems bad tempered I just fail to see how everyone is convincing themselves nothing is wrong when the console is making the exact same mistakes it made with the wii (as regards third party support).Things will be a lot tougher for nintendo this time and the lanch line up and the current batch of things on the horizon alone wont save the wiiu.Granted nintendo are not at risk financially as a company but I fear for the wiiu.Up against newer tech from big players who are prepared to take risks, something nintendo werent prepared to do.

Did you read the post?
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#10 scotty79



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 12:13 AM

Erm yes and reference just about every "point" made in it.
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#11 Hunter



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 12:35 AM

The economy and employment are affecting wiiu sales?!
So by that measure seeing as the ps3 and xbox both outsold it 7 years in can we assume that those consoles are more popular with the unemployed?

I couldnt be bothered going through every point you made so i just decided to pick out the dumbest.

No one is saying PS3 and Xbox are "more popular with the unemployed". The point being made is that they are a lot cheaper then the Wii U, therefore when someone is going to buy a new console they will look at the price more than anything.

#12 scotty79



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 01:22 AM

Really so the difference between a 250 pound wiiu or a 175 xbox is enough to explain the 57k sales in january.Yeah right and your calling what I say dumb!These consoles also sold more than wiiu to people who likely know they will soon be replaced by a newer model.

EDIT: In fact the premium 32gb wiiu can now be had in the uk for 229 pounds and the wiiu basic even cheaper

Edited by scotty79, 21 February 2013 - 01:23 AM.

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#13 Hunter



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 01:33 AM

Really so the difference between a 250 pound wiiu or a 175 xbox is enough to explain the 57k sales in january.Yeah right and your calling what I say dumb!These consoles also sold more than wiiu to people who likely know they will soon be replaced by a newer model.

EDIT: In fact the premium 32gb wiiu can now be had in the uk for 229 pounds and the wiiu basic even cheaper


Premium Wii U used- £249.99
Xbox 360 250gb used-£139.99

Basic Wii U used-£205
Xbox 360 Arcade used- under £100 (the best price varies daily)

Pretty big difference. Youve also got the fact that Xbox has been out much longer so has a lot more games.

Edited by Hunter, 21 February 2013 - 01:34 AM.

#14 scotty79



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 01:51 AM

zavvi have been selling the wii u black premium all week at 225 price gone back up to 275 this morning

Cheapest like for like premium xbox bundle on same site zavvi is 199.99.Both items brand new
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#15 TheSparrow87



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 10:17 AM

These consoles also sold more than wiiu to people who likely know they will soon be replaced by a newer model.

I think you overestimate the knowledge of people who purchase consoles. Most of the people who will one day buy PS4 had absolutely no idea its just been announced, the gaming community that comes to forums and gaming news websites is a lot smaller compared to those who don't. Don't know how many watched the sony event, but on IGN it was about 75k, lets be nice and say a total of 1 million people watched it, ps3 sold over 75mil consoles. Most people don't know or care when a new console is being released.

#16 routerbad



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 10:35 AM

Really so the difference between a 250 pound wiiu or a 175 xbox is enough to explain the 57k sales in january.Yeah right and your calling what I say dumb!These consoles also sold more than wiiu to people who likely know they will soon be replaced by a newer model.

EDIT: In fact the premium 32gb wiiu can now be had in the uk for 229 pounds and the wiiu basic even cheaper

Urm, thats the standard price for the thing. And, you overestimate the knowledge level of quite a few people who know very little about the industry. I just sold someone on getting a Wii U yesterday because he had no idea it was a new console. He knew a PS4 was coming out, but there is no release date, and he thought they were going to support it for 10 years before releasing a new console, as they promised. People who bought a PS3 or X360 in the last two years will not be buying brand new hardware at $500+. They have only recently started investing in the previous generation. Sony and Microsoft aren't worried about that though, because they will still be part of the ecosystem for another couple of years with full priced titles coming out for both of the older systems.

Edited by routerbad, 21 February 2013 - 10:40 AM.

#17 MorbidGod


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 05:34 PM

Erm yes and reference just about every "point" made in it.

Then you should know the author doesn't think the Wii U sales are good. Only in comparison to what the author expected, which was 0 sales for Jan. So again, did you read it?
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#18 scotty79



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 10:39 PM

yes especially the part that says he takes 57k sales as a positive
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#19 Structures


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 10:47 PM

this is just what happens when a console is the first of its generation and has a name that makes it seem like an addon to the wii. this generation has gone on so long that people stopped thinking of the next generation 3 years ago, until recently people havent talked about an "xbox 720" or ps4 in years. with the name wii u it was hard to get the point across that its next gen, when i told my friends about the wii u they looked so confused and i had to explain to the its a next generation console as the wii was to the gamecube and the ps2 to the ps. this next generation has just started because a second 8th gen console is finally announced. once the ps4 is being advertised in stores alongside the boxes of the wii u which will overshadow the last gen consoles only then will people actually realize that its the next gen of consoles.

TL;DR: this gen has gone on too long and people dont think next gen when they see the name wii u

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#20 MorbidGod


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 03:35 PM

yes especially the part that says he takes 57k sales as a positive

Again, only in comparison to what he expected thrm to sale, which was less.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

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