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What's more important for the Wii U?

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Poll: What's more important for the Wii U next-gen? (27 member(s) have cast votes)

What do you think the Wii U needs?

  1. More games (9 votes [33.33%])

    Percentage of vote: 33.33%

  2. Better advertising (10 votes [37.04%])

    Percentage of vote: 37.04%

  3. More third-party support (6 votes [22.22%])

    Percentage of vote: 22.22%

  4. Other (explain) (2 votes [7.41%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.41%

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#1 BlueBlur


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 08:18 PM

With the PS4 and 720 on the way, what do you think the Wii U will need most to survive the competition?

Edited by The Wakasyamo Fan, 19 February 2013 - 08:19 PM.

#2 SPG


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 08:35 PM

3rd party support


#3 Joshua


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 08:41 PM

Both 3rd party support and games. Like all consoles, what will make or break them is the games.

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#4 Cozmo


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 09:27 PM

all of the above

#5 scotty79



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 09:30 PM

3rd party support
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#6 routerbad



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 10:33 PM

Better advertising. Considering the number of systems they were able to sell without advertising at all, I think it would have been much better for them if they had a marketing plan for it.

#7 Plutonas



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 10:37 PM

better advertisement... Wii u is the only legit console left for the consumer and that is very important.

#8 Klobb



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 11:58 PM

better advertisement... Wii u is the only legit console left for the consumer and that is very important.

How is Wii U the only 'legit' console? Could you please define what you mean by that?

If you think Smogon ban stuff

"Just because they can't beat it"

You clearly don't play OU

You clearly have no knowledge of the metagame

And you clearly don't deserve to have an opinion.

#9 Plutonas



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Posted 20 February 2013 - 12:01 AM

orbis and 720 will force gamers to stay connected 24h be able to play and via subscription plans (like 360). No used games anymore and cloud gaming In a point. No cloud gaming at this point, but in a couple of years, they will mostly release their games in their servers and stream them via it. Is that legit, a console? Or a satellite dish... lol

I hope am wrong!! We will know soon, after the sony show presentation.

I have to go now, job time... later

Edited by Orion, 20 February 2013 - 12:05 AM.

#10 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 20 February 2013 - 12:38 AM

I'll pick: "Other (Explain)"

It's practically every friggin' category on that list. Starting with the games themselves, a lot of people are whinging about the lack of games. I myself find this both reasonable and not so much. It's unreasonable because it does have some great games like Assassin's Creed III, Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed, Call of Duty Black Ops II, but it's also reasonable stand as they are ports of games that were available on other systems before the system released. Tie into it all that the more unique titles, like New Super Mario Bros. U, Nintendo Land and ZombiU haven't exactly been all that exciting, whether it's because of a lack of content, stale formula or just boring or cumbersome gameplay, in a feeble attempt to show what the Wii U can do. They lacked flush.

The advertising is also bad. Wii U geared itself to be the beast that finally brings together their first party powerhouses with the third party multiplatformer entries and the indie developer masterpieces. But even to the gamer audiences it doesn't feel like that, although that's not the problem. A lot of the advertising for the Wii U feels aimed at the casual targets, with any marketing for other titles on Wii U in stores is nothing beyond the boxart and perhaps a price drop aisle sticker. Heck, I think even the Vita had a more imposing advertising gig at this point in its' cycle. Then again, I know nothing of how high the priority of video game advertisement is overseas, though I'd imagine it's higher than here in Australia. Even my mates who regularly game on PC and consoles and probably have more industry knowledge than me had no idea that you don't need a TV to play most of the games, so there's something (at least for me) that says what the Wii U is perceived as.

The third party support is also lacking. I don't mind ports, but I do mind half assing. I like that we haven't received a terrible straight port (unlike Tales of the Abyss on the 3DS), but things like what Criterion has done for Need for Speed U, and Ancel's revolt on the Rayman Incident, give me hope that devs will come to their senses and actually bother with trying to make a game for the Wii U. Not a game that was made for something else, ported to the Wii U with a few extra bits of content and mechanic adjustments, but a Wii U game.

Finally, a massive one for Nintendo. Get out there and hunt for those customers, don't expect the Wii U to sell itself. I'm not even going to use the "It's Nintendo" argument because I don't honestly think that they work with that in mind. I haven't watched the whole industry for as long as a majority of you, but if I had to hazard a guess, they've become less aggressive with consumer capture over the years.

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#11 syks-1


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Posted 20 February 2013 - 02:11 AM

hard one as we defo need alot more quality games but on the other hand nintendos advetising has been TERRIBLE so that needs to be addressed too!!

#12 Gamejunkie



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Posted 20 February 2013 - 02:40 AM

orbis and 720 will force gamers to stay connected 24h be able to play and via subscription plans (like 360). No used games anymore and cloud gaming In a point. No cloud gaming at this point, but in a couple of years, they will mostly release their games in their servers and stream them via it. Is that legit, a console? Or a satellite dish... lol

I hope am wrong!! We will know soon, after the sony show presentation.

I have to go now, job time... later

First of all you don't know if any of that is true. Even if some or all of it is true that doesn't mean anything and doesn't make those consoles any less legit then the Wii U. To be honest I hate to say this but your comments come off as typical fanboyish not to mention you're just making assumptions.

To answer the question I would say there needs to be more prominent advertising and marketing as well as more third party support and quality 1st party games.

#13 Plutonas



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Posted 20 February 2013 - 03:11 AM

its not fanboism at all. Your just blind and u cant see the whole picture of it. What pushed the pc gamers to buy xbox360 and ps3 all these years, is the restrictions with DRM's in pc gaming. This generation of consoles, bring all this craps into them, except wii U, that plays with or without internet connection. Is that fanboism?

So, if you wish to pay bills forever be able to play ur orbis or 720, be my guest. That does not qualify for me. I want to play my games in physical form, with or without internet connection. And thats not fanboism at all.. I look my best of interest in my hobbies.. And wii U qualifies...

If wii U for example, brought all this things they registered (weather balloons, register our games first before we play, etc... I wouldnt consider it at all, as well).

so my predictions are, that many will reroll back to PC gaming but in piracy form (because of all these!!) But also many will find shelter into wii U.


Edited by Orion, 20 February 2013 - 03:53 AM.

#14 scotty79



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Posted 20 February 2013 - 03:57 AM

As someone who has bought many consoles and pcs I can safely say that drm does not bother me.It definitely wouldnt sway me to one console or another based on which would be easier to pirate for.The word legit being used for a console that wont have these drm features is probably the wrong word.You do come off as a bit fanboyish in this thread anyway.I just am sick of various members on here who probably have not been gaming as long as me telling me how blind I am for not being able to see the virtue of wii u.An under-supported and currently barren of games system.But hey no drm! As for the bills, I dont worry probably see having a properly supported console as pricesless at this minute in time.That will not save it from the attic unless things change.
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#15 Penguin101


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Posted 20 February 2013 - 04:05 AM

More third party support, especially now PS4 and 720 are coming soon, getting ports and support of next gen and current games is paramount. The more that's available on multi-platform (and exclusives) the more tempting it is for someone to buy, because now they don't have a £300 mario, metroid and zelda console (I'm exaggerating of course, there's a lot more first party titles that are awesome), but they don't have to go out and buy a second console because a great third party title isn't coming out on Wii U.

Secondly I think Nintendo are doing great with their lineup of first and second party games coming later this year, I can't wait for E3 to get a teaser of MORE games coming 2014. I reckon that Nintendo are going to win E3 this year if they give us, 3D Mario, Wind Waker HD, FREE DLC for Nintendoland (just hoping there is for second gamepad use), Smash Bros U, Mario Kart U and Yoshi's Yarn. Hopefully with a tease of Zelda U, Metroid (or new IP from retro), Starfox U. Hopefully Ubisoft will tease us with Zombi U 2 too (lol).

Edited by Penguin101, 20 February 2013 - 04:10 AM.

#16 Plutonas



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Posted 20 February 2013 - 04:10 AM

I play video games since 1984 and I dont speak about the virtues of Wii U, I speak about what companies do to gamers, with cheap excuses such as piracy, Because piracy is a promotion, I ve lived pc gaming from the very beginning with Hercules monitor (black and white, no gray at that age) and experienced piracy from its very beginning and drms from its very early beginning.. So I cant accept words like "fanboism" from u either...

So I insist, you dont see the whole picture of it, at all, from ur answer.... I dont know if you especially are blind (scotty79), they say " if u got the fly" because I didnt reffer to u at all, I answered to gamejunkie instead, because he called me fanboy... for things that I write, but he cant understand... Well everybody have his own reasons and I expressed my personal opinion. And that is all. All these drms in the consoles, for me is a total manipulation and a very very EXTREME bad thing for my gaming experience. They destroy the word "console" with it and that is my personal opinion. If you dont have problem with it scotty, as I said before, be my guest.

And no you cant say that I change platforms for DRMS (I never quitted pc gaming) if you mean that... And its the first generation of consoles who bring the DRMs into their platform. So I guess you are a fortune teller? medium? Because I havent changed console platform yet.. hahahaha (its to early to change platforms, I quited my 360, but not for DRM;s, but for the horrible service they have and the bad built quality of it, didnt felt like a console) and its the only generation that I avoided ps3..
It was extremely expensive and little support the first couple of years, didnt appeal to me. I used to buy all consoles in the past.

Me and my kind, are at war.

Edited by Orion, 20 February 2013 - 04:57 AM.

#17 Portal



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Posted 20 February 2013 - 07:49 AM

Advirtising. They've got the games, but no one knows about them. I think I've seen maybe 3 commercials on TV, and not exactly good ones.

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#18 Plutonas



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Posted 20 February 2013 - 11:11 AM

To be honest in my country there is no adverts at all, for any system ... As we are in "economic bubble" crisis, thats the reason people dont know about wii U!!! In my island we have 3 stores for video games (Dedicated), none have a wii U to grab and go... We all ahve to know about it and order it directly. frustrating.

Edited by Orion, 20 February 2013 - 11:26 AM.

#19 scotty79



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Posted 20 February 2013 - 12:48 PM

Anyway seems you will say what you believe facts or not.Gaming since 1984 ?That makes you around the same age as me?33?I would have thought at that sort of age you would have a less romanticised view of anything gaming related.The wii u tech is fantastic but that is where it ends for me.Mismanagement springs to mind,not proper 3rd party support and a very sparse looking release schedule are to blame.Anyway each to their own I dont owe the system anything it owes me 400 pounds.

Talk of drms welll whatever you think, I dont have a problem enabling drm if it enables the companies involved to see a more plausible return for their money and spend more on the product as a result.Nothing to hide and after I sacked my ps over the psn hack I have learned how to take steps to better protect my details.These are the times we live in.
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#20 routerbad



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Posted 20 February 2013 - 12:59 PM

Anyway seems you will say what you believe facts or not.Gaming since 1984 ?That makes you around the same age as me?33?I would have thought at that sort of age you would have a less romanticised view of anything gaming related.The wii u tech is fantastic but that is where it ends for me.Mismanagement springs to mind,not proper 3rd party support and a very sparse looking release schedule are to blame.Anyway each to their own I dont owe the system anything it owes me 400 pounds.

Talk of drms welll whatever you think, I dont have a problem enabling drm if it enables the companies involved to see a more plausible return for their money and spend more on the product as a result.Nothing to hide and after I sacked my ps over the psn hack I have learned how to take steps to better protect my details.These are the times we live in.

Actually the antipiracy techniques they often employ add to the complexity of the system and the R+D to create and implement those techniques incur costs that are passed on to the customer with the console sale and the game sale. Companies lose money on antipiracy tech, they either eat it while their products are still pirated by some, or they pass the cost on to the customer who didn't pirate. DRM is bad for people who pay for their products. It does very little to prevent people with ill will from getting what they want.

Nintendo can only go so far to ensure third party support. And by all accounts they have strong third party support, much of which has yet to be officially announced. Big publishers are going to be reticent at first because they answer to stock holders, not Nintendo, and frankly not you or me. Once they are satisfied that the install base will actually attach and buy games (the attach rate for the Wii was ridiculously low) they will jump on board and start talking about how they never had any doubt.

You talk about others not being realistic about gaming, but you are calling a system DOA after four months at market. Again with the double standard. I think it's safe to say that the PS4 will not be selling over 3M consoles after two months, but I'm sure third parties will be on board and people will hail it as a major success, irrespective of actual sales numbers.

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