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A video that Nintendo official released, 10 minutes after ps4 announcement

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#21 taz546565


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:11 PM

i don't know what too say about this really is this really it is this where wii u is going.

wii u premium, new super mario bros u, darksiders 2, call of duty black ops 2, zombiu


blue 3ds xl, resident evil revelations, zelda ocarina of time

#22 Andy


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:17 PM

i don't know what too say about this really is this really it is this where wii u is going.

Considering that to my knowledge that Nintendo has a trailer for just about every game on or coming to the Wii U or 3DS on their YouTube channel, I'm not looking too much into this. Likely just a coincidence that Disney got the trailer to them around the time the PS4 conference was going on.
Posted Image

#23 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:38 PM

What is it? lol, My laptops broken, I'm on my Wii U, can't see the vid :(

#24 Jeremygts



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 03:23 PM

Wow... One freaking game from Disney and everyone assumes this is the direction Nintendo wants to go. Maybe it was just a coincidence this video was released after the Sony conf?

What makes me want to puke is how gamers are labled as "hardcore" or "casual". Well my 7 year old plays more games than anyone i know. Can beat alot of games with out help. I do not let him play M games due to him being 7, but in my eyes, using the standard label of "hardcore" and "casual" with the time he plays and how good he plays id say hes a hardcore.... he dont play freaking mickey mouse or crap like that but E-T rated games. T = depending on the content. Now me i play FPS,i play RPG, i play mario, zelda, metroid, donkey kong. I dont think im a hardcore gamer.. im just a freaking dude who loves video games... Oh yeah he can beat Punch Out Wii without defeat... atleast the contender mode not title defense hes hardcore!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for my rant but im sick of the doom and gloom.

#25 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 03:38 PM

Wow, Disney makes a game for the wii u, a 3rd party Dev, and everyone takes a carp on them because its a kiddy game. IT'S FREAKING DISNEY! What do you expect, grand theft auto?? This isn't where the wii us going, Xbox had kinectables and no one doubted their violent audience. Just be thankful we have a good looking 3rd party exclusive that might be more fun then the graphic style lets on.


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#26 umegames


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:14 PM

Wow, Disney makes a game for the wii u, a 3rd party Dev, and everyone takes a carp on them because its a kiddy game. IT'S FREAKING DISNEY! What do you expect, grand theft auto?? This isn't where the wii us going, Xbox had kinectables and no one doubted their violent audience. Just be thankful we have a good looking 3rd party exclusive that might be more fun then the graphic style lets on.

I dont understand why people over 18 NEED more violent games....really...what is wrong with people? getting upset because a game doesn't kill people. people need to grow up and get their life together. make me sick how hungry people are for killing and violence. is playing a disney game, which by the way, has characters from movies im sure over 90% us "grown ups" own on dvd or blu-ray and love, really a problem???

#27 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:35 PM

See, nintendo makes their press conferences interesting!



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#28 Zok



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 07:17 PM

Lol lol lol

#29 Gamejunkie



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Posted 23 February 2013 - 07:22 AM

why lawl.. hahaha its true, if u check the time of upload and the viewings.. its fresh!

What's your point. I don't see how this is in the least bit relevant to the Sony press conference.

#30 xile6



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Posted 28 February 2013 - 03:18 PM

So hum disney gta lol.

It looks ok, but i tihnk ill pass on this one.
youtube ch. http://www.youtube.com/user/xile2010/
xile06 "N" ID
Cod bo2, AC3, Zombiu, NSMB, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, Smash Bro wiiu,
Preorders : ..
Plan to buy : -

#31 PedanticGamer


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Posted 01 March 2013 - 06:46 AM

I dont understand why people over 18 NEED more violent games....really...what is wrong with people? getting upset because a game doesn't kill people. people need to grow up and get their life together. make me sick how hungry people are for killing and violence. is playing a disney game, which by the way, has characters from movies im sure over 90% us "grown ups" own on dvd or blu-ray and love, really a problem???

A problem, of course not, but the lack of any strong third party support for the core gamer is currently non existent  Some people also want more game experience, a more mature gaming experience does not mean there is violence. For example Journey is a mature experience and has no stabbing or shooting or similar. Nintendo hasn't really brought anything out for the core gamer and the best that they have managed that isn't better on every other system it has been released on is zombiU, a game that is so buggy at times you can die in a loading screen, incredibly short on content and variation, clearly originally designed for last gen hardware, and sold at full price.


Also it is not a NEED, it is a want, a want that has lead some to buy the wiiU and now it looks like said support is going to be minimal at best. Also as for your comment i'll reword it to suite you "really...what is wrong with people? getting upset because a game kills people. people need to grow up and get their life together. make me sick how hungry people are for not killing and violence". In any case you do understand that violence in a  film, a book or game is not real violence yeah? You do also understand that people for as long as history has been recorded have enjoyed violence? If your answer to the prior two questions is yes, then i'm lost for words at how spurious your post was.

Edited by PedanticGamer, 01 March 2013 - 06:50 AM.

#32 umegames


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Posted 01 March 2013 - 11:57 AM

. In any case you do understand that violence in a  film, a book or game is not real violence yeah? You do also understand that people for as long as history has been recorded have enjoyed violence? If your answer to the prior two questions is yes, then i'm lost for words at how spurious your post was.

yes i understand, you will have to remain lost for words however.

#33 alan123


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Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:17 PM

what is it ?

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