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Downloading MH3U Demo & F-Zero - 30p !

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#21 Structures


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 12:19 PM

yeah it literally seems impossible to kill it with a bow it does like no damage and its easy to miss, with the longsword it still took a while but it wasnt as bad

i really hope underwater fights are a rare thing in this game

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#22 Gaymer


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 12:42 PM

yeah it literally seems impossible to kill it with a bow it does like no damage and its easy to miss, with the longsword it still took a while but it wasnt as bad

i really hope underwater fights are a rare thing in this game

Hate to break it to ya, but they aren't. There are a lot of underwater fights. I've played Tri on Wii, lol.

#23 3Dude



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 01:29 PM

ha ha ha.

Always love hearing newbies struggle. Now matter how much you read, how many screens you look at, or how many videos you watch, nothing but playing can describe monster hunter. Monster hunter has one of the highest entry barriers in gaming.

Theres no way a newcomer could hope to beat the monsters shown here, particularly with the hilarious weapon selection.

Whats that demo? you are giving me a water element based weapon, with element enhancement bonuses? You shouldnt have...

Oh, the monsters are resistant and immune to water element? Oh capcom you sly troll you.

Ill give you guys some pointers

the switch ax, hammer, light bow gun (ludroth royal shot i think) are worthless... unless you are me. They are heavily dependent on high damage via Water element, which the monsters are more or less immune too.

the gunlance and great sword are lightning element, which the monsters arent particularly vulnerable to.

The b button with a direction dodges. Some weapons can break an attack animation to dodge. You must master this mechanic if you ever hope to get anywhere.

The r button runs, and runs super fast when a big monster is around. Pressing b while fast running does a dive, you are completely invincible during the dive.

Start with sword and shield.

When you first start, there are two chests, a red and blue one.

Go up to the blue chest and press a. There are a bunch of items, many you dont need for the demo.

Grab the health and food items, and the ez trap, ez bomb, large bomb, and small bombs.

Place the ez trap, and get the monster to charge into it, quickly place large bomb, ez bomb, and small bombs, your knuckleheads may add bombs of their own.

BOOM a massive chunk of the monsters health is gone, and many of its parts now broken.

Edited by 3Dude, 21 February 2013 - 01:57 PM.



#24 Andy


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:24 PM

Trust me, don't let a demo scare you off of the game. Before I first played Tri on the Wii, a friend of mine lent me a promotional demo disk with 2 or three monsters on it. I got my butt handed to me so many times by the Great Jaggie in that demo, it was pathetic. :P
Once I got my own copy of the game, however, and went at it with my own weapons and items, I was absolutely glued to the game. Don't let a bit of bad luck with a demo scare you off of this thing.
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#25 ChrisTerror



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 09:48 PM

I'll agree that Monster Hunter does have a really high learning curve. 3Dude pretty much summed up some of the basics, but most of your learning will be hands on, Monsters have weakness's, hit locations, vulnerabilities, immunities, patterns, ect. Some wep's will be totally useless to a rookie and you might think they suck but put them in the hands of a vet and watch the monster go down in record time. The demo was a super tiny fraction of what is involved with the overall progression of the game. The weapon crafting, armor crafting, potion making, upgrades, ammo crafting, mining, fishing, bug catching, and so much more that all are involved with progressing. People were not joking when they say they have put in 500+ hours into a monster hunter game. its hard, you will rage, but this is one of the rare games that really feels rewarding when you finally take a monster down.

#26 Hunter



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:58 AM

It's not really the difficulty for me. To me, it just felt like i was playing an outdated game. The thing that puts me off the most are those damn load screens, so many load screens! This is 2013, right?

#27 3Dude



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 05:04 AM

It's not really the difficulty for me. To me, it just felt like i was playing an outdated game. The thing that puts me off the most are those damn load screens, so many load screens! This is 2013, right?

Ha, yeah, yeah its 2013. And in many ways, the game is a monument to the past. But... while frusterating, it does things, it enables things, skills, gameplay, that modern gaming has more or less sacrificed in its march forward. Its why it has the following it does.

However that has nada to do with loading screens, just imagine them being twice or three times as long! they used to be XD.

Mh4 actually appears to be adressing that issue with much larger areas and an adventure game design vs the traditional arena one.

If you dont want to wait that long to get a taste of what it would be like.... Go check out dragons dogma, its basically a modernized (with the good and bad that comes with it) monster hunter with stream lined action controls that work very well. Im actually very glad they made this ip, since we basically get both 'modern' and classic monster hunter gameplay now. And dd was just plain awesome sauce (rouge baby, yeah!)

I am a wii bit jealous at the giant divide in production values between the two 'sister' franchises, as dd was the biggest budget game capcoms ever made, and monster hunter is a very modestly budgeted franchise... But, if it got the dd treatment theyd have to change everything about it to make it more appealing to the mass audience to garner enough sales to recoup the extra money spent, and the change would break my heart.

Edited by 3Dude, 22 February 2013 - 05:08 AM.



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