Your concept for the iQuo is really cool, Jade, but I'd love to see what that e-ink screen looks like from the top. The ability to carry the console itself around the house is very interesting and unique, but I don't think it's very safe to move it around with a spinning disc and hard drive inside. Also, I have strong doubts about the possible battery life of the thing, if it's really going to be as freakishly powerful as the rumours say.
Still, props for the excellent concept. I got your email, and added it to the big mockups page on the blog.
P.S.: Next time, can you please only post your images once, and the link to them from the other relevant threads? Thanks.It makes it easier to see everyone's feedback on them when it's all on the same thread.
Hi Peter. Thanks for the feedback! Sorry about the multiple posts, I will take this in to consideration for next time.
I'm planning on doing a few images or perhaps a video of the e-ink screen.
I also had concerns for the safety of the console due to it's portability, but if you made it correctly and used the right components like an anti-shock disc drive and a hard drive with out moving parts, which are all possible - I think it'll be robust enough.
If my idea for a system cooling unit was incorporated, then the majority of the battery power will be consumed by the surround sound speakers and LED lights on the underside of the console. E-Ink uses microscopic amounts of energy and same with a hard drive with no moving parts.
I personally believe that the actual purpose of a conventional "video game console" needs to change. The gaming console hasn't really evolved since conception:
- You put it in a cupboard
- Plug it in to the back of a TV
- Load a game into it
- Power it on... And that's it!
These are the only times a person directly interact with it. I view this as a opportunity to change the gaming console as we know it today.
There sits all this incredible technology, doing nothing more than what is expected of it. By removing the console from the cabinet, placing it in the center of a space, and making it completely wireless and portable (let alone including an e-ink touch panel), I visualize a home gaming console finally exceeding its expectations and potential in an unconventional manner.