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Member Since 31 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2014 09:28 PM

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They make sense to try and keep

31 August 2014 - 09:30 PM

They will drop out and if down pension is to alleviate poverty they make sense to try and keep those children in school and is simply more thing to you why should somebody die from something they can save them from in now Firmativ  maternal health program each year we pay for about seven to eight hundred woman to Lupe to take them to clinics all will pay for all the services that is necessary who overdid past  years now yep cause and thousands up a lot your baby ‘sin Cocoa there was a woman who had lost a baby previously because she didn't have a medical attention and couldn't deliver the baby alive it made so much difference for her to have a lot of your support this time around she had had at pair of twins the materials they have aren't even allot 




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