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Member Since 09 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 05 2015 04:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Pending charges are making me nervous

04 January 2015 - 08:07 PM

I think the nintendo store just has issues with gift cards, I tried to use mine. I wouldn't recommend using them on most online purchases. I tried to put $20 into my account from a visa one and the transaction didn't go through, but the $20 is being held. Just got off the phone with customer service today and he pretty much said as long as it doesn't process for 10 days, the  money will return. Since yours was a digital download, I doubt the multiple charges would stay, but its best to call the number on the card and figure out their policy on held transactions.

In Topic: Hey guys! NSFW!

13 September 2014 - 12:32 AM

Yeah, boy meets world used to be another one of those types of shows for me, and recently, disney made a new show called girl meets world about the daughter of 2 of the main characters from the first series. Tried to watch it and after 2 minutes had to turn it off...but, as far as those type of shows go, drake and josh had some pretty funny jokes and characters

Also, trying to get back on topic, I found a picture of a guy using force on some poor girl while another guy watches


In Topic: Hey guys! NSFW!

12 September 2014 - 09:12 PM

Honestly, looking back, it was a pretty bad show, at least the earlier episodes, some of the jokes got pretty funny later on and nowadays they are usually referenced when mentioning boobs or Oprah by mostly early 20 year olds on tumblr who watched the show when they were teenagers...boobs because their little sister Megan called them boobs and pulled pranks on them and Oprah because, josh loved oprah

In Topic: Hey guys! NSFW!

12 September 2014 - 12:44 AM

Tried to find a good compilation video, but you really have to have seen the show

In Topic: Your Top 5 or 10 DS Games

11 September 2014 - 10:01 PM

Unfortunately, i only owned 1 ds game when I had my ds lite before it was stolen, so I've been somewhat trying to play catch up since I got my 3ds, so some of the lamer games on my list may not be fantastic, but I think are worth checking out

A scifi adventure game that kinda has a metroid like atmosphere, the main character always felt kinda like running around as samus in the zero suit, but the gameplay is nothing like a metroid game. It was also released on gba, and if you emulate it, it's pretty much the same experience

Dementium: the ward
A horror game that has you running around in first person at a mental hospital. As far as horror games on the ds go, it's pretty fun, but it always feels weird to play in public, so it felt unnecessary to even have it as a portable game...

Kingdom hearts 258/2 days
As a big kingdom hearts fan, I enjoyed this game for the story, I'm happy that the cutscenes at least made it into the hd edition, and it just made sense that way considering the gameplay didn't feel all that spectacular. I've also played recoded and apart from some interesting gameplay, I feel like that one can be skipped entirely

Elite beat agents
Probably one of my favorite portable rhythm games, not so much for the songs which range from meh to pretty good, but I have a lot of fun with the game play and I really really REALLY want another one released globally on 3ds or wii u...

Not quite a top 5 list, but more like a 4 games I had fun with list...though I think elite beat agents would definitely make my top 10

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