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Member Since 25 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2014 06:07 AM

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In Topic: Help me diagnose my Wii U!

25 November 2014 - 06:07 AM

Ok thanks mate, I've been experimenting more with mine and if definately never comes on when I first boot up. Sometimes later but seems weaker than I would expect. Pretty sure a new fan is needed!

In Topic: Help me diagnose my Wii U!

25 November 2014 - 03:11 AM

In my experience anyone you get on the phone just gives the same troublshooting information as on the website. Is it in a well venitllated spot? Is the power supply plugged directly to the wall? Etc, etc. Well you better send it to us.


Are you able to confirm how the fan behaves on your Wii U?

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