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Member Since 22 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2015 10:55 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Open world Western game on Wii U (2016 release)

10 March 2015 - 06:32 AM

I don't really understand any benefit to showing off a game so early in production. Like, if anything this will hurt any hype people would have for the game.

I'd rather game developers just wait until it's actually decent to look at and not when it's only in pre-alpha.


At least with Star Fox being shown off early I can kinda understand since Nintendo is trying to get people excited about the Wii U's future, but this?

No real point in it.


EDIT: Also, developers of UCraft. That's a big hype killer too.

In Topic: new Splatoon gameplay!

10 March 2015 - 06:27 AM

Splatoon is what happens when pure joy is encapsulated inside of a single game disc.


...s'pretty cool.

In Topic: Playtonic working on Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor (mentions Wii U)

25 February 2015 - 07:32 PM

Man, I have waited for a game like this for what feels like forever. We practically didn't have a single classic-styled 3D platformer the whole past generation other than the Mario Galaxy games, looking forward to this one!

In Topic: Unannounced Wii U Game... Disney..

24 February 2015 - 03:35 PM

Those characters look like they were made with some kind of online character-creator.

In Topic: Poll edition: desires for next Nintendo console

23 February 2015 - 09:01 AM

  • Nintendo needs to drop the Wii name, we've seen how detrimental it was to the Wii U (plenty of people still don't know what the Wii U is, "is it a new console or an accessory?").
  • Keep it cheap, the mass market does not like shilling out tons of money for a new system. Take notes from the original Wii, it was cheap and came with a great party game that people continue to play even to this day.
  • Design the system around the kind of games you plan to bring to it. With the Wii U, there's been virtually no interesting use for the GamePad because Nintendo kept saying "we'll eventually get interesting ideas with it." Make your launch games the perfect examples of why this new technology is the future, similar to what Wii Sports did for the Wii Remote.
  • New IPs. It's already obvious that Mario's face can no longer sell an entire system, even with a 2D Mario game. We need new games that don't feel like retreads of old ground or else people won't see a reason to upgrade. Look at the Wii U, basically all the games on it (while a lot of them are actually quite good) are sequels that aren't breaking any new ground. Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze (love this game, but it's nothing brand new), Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario Bros U, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Pikmin 3 and more are all just sequels that don't use the GamePad in new enough ways to make them must-have exclusives.
  • Have an account system... dear god, have an account system. The Wii U's virtual console is a mess because not only are there not even a quarter of the games from the Wii's virtual console, but in order to play them on the system I have to re-buy them. When I buy a game from Nintendo, I want to be able own it for every system currently and beyond. Why should I re-buy a game just to play it on the 3DS, can't I just have it solidified onto my account forever? Sure, you can transfer you're old games onto the Wii U, but you have to go through the long process of going to Wii Mode just to play them, and then you can even use the new features like Restore Points and playing on the GamePad.


I do like the Wii U because it actually has a lot of enjoyable games, but a lot of that stems from the fact that I'm a big Nintendo fan. Obviously I'm going to like the games whether or not they're sequels or remakes because I love their games, but in order for Nintendo to reach mass market success like with the Wii, they're going to need to bring completely new experiences we haven't see on other systems. That doesn't mean getting rid of Mario, Zelda, and all their other franchises, it just means making new games for them that explore new ideas never before seen.

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