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Member Since 04 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 27 2016 03:26 AM

#314181 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 11 June 2015 - 01:29 AM

Well... Here's an attempt at a Porter-style feelsy wall of sound... I'm actually pretty happy with it.


So what do you guys think of this now?


Really good stuff, although the part that's in the first one sounds more porter like since he doesn't usually use portamento on his leads, but he does love that bell-like sound for them. So if if you're going for exact porter I would switch that up, but it sounds fine if you're not going for that. The same kind of goes for the kick, although I would have to mess around with it in FL and stuff to tell you what's really "wrong" with it and I'm super busy this week, so I can't, sorry :(

#313146 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 20 May 2015 - 10:27 PM

No one answers back on my tracks. Just tells me I still have a lot of work to do lol.

Ouch :(

Anyway congrats Hinkick, 100 subs in a day is pretty great stuff. Not to brag but i've experienced some pretty similar stuff. One time I got two subscribers in two days, but you know, no big deal. Not making it a competition or anything *sniff*.

#313080 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 17 May 2015 - 02:12 PM

Finally done with this song.



Name is cheesy I know but I think it fits.

That was pretty good. I liked the music, but i wll have to agree the name is a little cheesy :P

Congrats on 500 followers btw. Don't know how long you've been over that threshold, but congrats anyway. :)


Also here's a thing I'm planning to submit to balloon party. I don't know if you guys know what that is or not. Matrix might.

Anyway, I've had it kicking around my drive for a couple months now, but they don't need to know that :P eed to mix and master before it in, and I'm kind of dreading that. It's my biggest file with about 60 tracks. I don't even know how may instruments. 20-30 maybe? I think the most I have going at once is 18.

So yeah that should be fun >.>


#313016 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 14 May 2015 - 05:33 PM

I can't post mine because my desk is messy and i only have two monitors so I'm just a scrub in comparison to matrix's glorious three monitored self ;_;


But my parting words for the debate shall be this:


Another joins my ranks :3



Porter Robinson



And I wouldn't be surprised if Knife Party thought the same considering EDM Trend Machine


That's a huge portion of the biggest, most influential, diverse, and most creative names to touch electronic in the last 10 years. The tides are rising... soon you will be forced to admit I'm right. Not today perhaps, but soon


#312733 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 08 May 2015 - 05:17 PM


@Chime (**Prounoncing it like chaiym)
Well the lenght shouldn't be more than 5 min in an electro house song tbh. I meant putting in more breakdowns into what you already have right now. Define the different parts of the song clearer :)
This is just preference but your song is kinda holding the same emotion trough the whole song. I like to shift the emotion and feel of the song through the different parts of it. But still keeping it to like max 5 melodies. Repetition with different feels are very powerful.
Expressing different emotions in songs are mainly done through fundamentally switching instruments (go from hard lead to pluck for instance). Most often, the drop's main melody is teased in the breakdown (today it's most often in the buildup but you get it) but with a completely different feel in Electro House.


 You gaijin, you... (that reminds me though, I really have to get working on making a new alias...)

And eh, I don't limit my songs to a certain except under 10 minutes usually. I'm sure if you looked through even wolfgang and deadmau5' stuff alone you'd find electro songs over 5 min (I use those two because they're kind of the kings of old school electro house). Heck Strobe is over 10 minutes long which is generally unheard of in electronic music. Song length is of the things I worry about least when I make music. I usually make the whole thing and only really check the time when I'm done. That way I don't limit my creative process. I can always cut bits out if I really feel it's too long or think it's too repetitive. Turning a long song into a short one is pretty easier. The other way around not so much. Also i kind of had a trap breakdown thing going on for emotion changes, but i cut it out before I uploaded because i'm still not sure I like it and it's pretty rough.


Anyway speaking of Strobe, I was demonstrating to my mom today why I respect deadmau5' music but not martin garrix's, which involved listening to this:



It got me thinking. I think you can tll you've made a great track when you can play it with pretty much any instrument, or combination of instruments and still retain the same beauty and emotion with it.


And in case you're wodering this is what I was comparing it to...



Strobe would be a pretty high level piano piece. Animals is like grade 2 or 3 tops 


Why lol. Is it because joke accounts always upload really short stuff?

Oh hey, I don't know if you guys have heard of this kid called Gate, but his music is amazing so check him out yo :P

I specifically like these two songs because he changes the flow at the beginning so smoothly.




Those were really nice design wise. Didn't quite catch me aurally, although the second one came much closer to do so.

#312525 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 30 April 2015 - 05:30 PM

I think I've heard of him before... But yeah, I don't really know any theory...


I don't know about needing more bass... Maybe I need better speakers, but it sounds to me like about the right amount... And a lot of future bass I've listened to is actually very bass light... We'll see, though, Maybe I'll change my mind later on. :P

Well... RIP that project... Messed around with the project pitch and the whole thing crashed...  :(


Ah well, now would be a good time to upgrade to FL Studio 12... Anyways, here's the last export I did... Pretty much the same, but whatevs. It's a shame, I liked where this one was going.





I have heard of him. It's pretty gosh dang XD I don't know if you've heard this, but one of the artists I follow made a song inspired from Worlds https://soundcloud.com/pra2music/worlds-is-amazing I'm sure you can hear the similarities :P

I couldn't tell if you're talking about twitch or the Nero remix, so i'm gonna link to both.  Also linking so you can confirm whether or not you know Twitch, Matrix. Also also because both are really amazing and I want to share them as much as possible. Mainly that last one tbh. :P




The Porter Remix (aka Musical Viagra): 




Also I do hear the similarities, to worlds in that song for sure, though there are some production issues that stop it from quite matching up. These guys do a better job of recreating the style. Though they're working from stuff porter actually created so it's only really the production they've done better.



*posts link to my own soundcloud* (kidding lol)

#312176 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 20 April 2015 - 03:51 PM

I love Worlds :D Also, where did you get those vocals? They are nice lol

I don't know if you know who telepathics is (she's worked on a couple tracks with some semi famous people in the EDM community, most notably Nitro Fun (who is also her boyfriend I believe)) but she held a remix contest where she uploaded those vocals and said people could do whatever with them, royalty free. They were pretty rough (her mic is kinda crappy lol) but I can upload and post the original file and my EQ of it if you want. :)

And the contest winner if you're interested:

#311959 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 12 April 2015 - 11:47 PM

I think it's about time we share some artists/songs! :D


Here's a dude I discovered just a few weeks ago via Twitch... Second Flight! He only has around 300 followers on Soundcloud, so nothing big yet (no offence to any of us :P), but just listen to this beauty...



It's right up there with the likes of Laszlo, Au5, Volant, or whatever other big melodic dubstep/electro/glitch hop artists out there, IMO. It's just full of joy and great little details. It's always moving, always changing... The true sign of mastery, I think.


So yeah, I'm really looking forward to more of his stuff. What are some of you guys' favorite artists/songs that the rest of us might not have heard of?

Pretty good stuff. He did remind me a lot of Volant, but not as complex as his stuff. Idk i you've ever seen screenshots of hist porject files, but... 



...yeah. Pretty complex.


Also though i would mention how weird it is to hear Volant be mentioned beside someone like AU5. Been following him since like 5k subs on soundcloud under his first alias, maybe less. And he was on my radar months before that. Sorry just had to let the hipster in me out for a little.


But yeah, all the "unknown" artists I follow are actually pretty big these days, and you guys probably already know them. So this is the only guy  can think to post. Discovered him very recently when I "lost" to him in a remix contest like 2 weeks ago:


#311765 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 09 April 2015 - 05:47 PM


I liked that song Chaos.


Felt like calling some crappy people nearby me in life out today and verbally crushing their skulls beneath my boot, for being the soulless backstabbers they are.

A good thing I suppose, since it inspired me to try and finish up the master on that track I'm going to send to that label as an attempt to calm down. So here it is: :)

Can post a screenshot of the project file if you guys want as well.


It's nice but it's very empty. So here is some points I came up with ;)


1. Use the whole frequency band 20-20k.


2. More saturation on the basses could work wonders. Also some better waveforms for the basses would be nice. Kinda sounds like those synths that try to mimmick guitar sounds right now.


3. It's also a bit long for an electro track. Arrangement is very important.


4. Decrease the highs in the percussion but only in the side EQ not mid EQ. They will be sharp on some setups.


6. Maybe a longer tail on the snare? Right now it sounds like: thump ds thump ds. Its mostly style and preference but I think it should be more: thump dossss thump dosss


7. Could actually get some more brickwall




@Chaos ehh whateva just gibe the stems then xD




I really like where you're going with this. It's got some great ideas and sounds. But it really needs to be condensed, IMO. 8 minutes is a really long time to listen to one chord progression, or any electro song really. Looking at a song you really like and trying to somewhat copy its arrangement can really help. Also, I agree with Hinkik, it needs more stuff going on to fill in the empty frequencies. An arpeggiator can fill out some tonal stuff, and some white noise could give the highs more presence.

So do any of you guys like heavy dubstep? Cuz I do. :P So I tried making some.



Took me like two and a half hours... ;_;

So 'm pretty sure most of these things come down to my mastering, which is bollocks because this is only the second track I've ever really tried to master properly.Going to do some more research on that and try and fix it up before I submit.

Also I won't change the arrangement, though I might make a Radio Edit. I've done the intro, break, build, drop, bridge, build, drop, outro thing waaaaaay too many times, and am really bored of it at this point. I don't get any statisfaction rom making songs that way anymore it's much too formulaic.

Oh also it's not a snare at all, it's a snap/clap, and I like my claps very short :)


Also matrix that was a great sample. Kick is a little lost in the mix but since it's just a short hing you're doing doesn't really mater i guess lol


Also also: started working on a new track yesterday. Must've spent about half an hour, maybe more getting a good chord progression down. Started to build the song up for at least2 and a half hours. Clicked save annnnd...

My first ever corrupt file.

On the best chord progression I've ever made. Actually having trouble listening to music with similar elements now because it's "triggering" me.

#311679 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 07 April 2015 - 07:54 PM

You don't want the bell sounds or the awesome rain sample of awesome?

Thanks. I actually turned off all of the compression and EQ on the master channel for that song. I don't want to give out a free song just yet. I sent it into sunsetmelodies to see if they could possibly master it for me or something.


As for your track I think it has a nice arrangement, but I can't help but think that there is something missing. I want to say it's the reverb, but I'm not a pro at this kind of thing. You can post a shot of the project file if you would like to. I actually enjoy seeing how other people organize there music... because I don't organize mine at all. I don't know if you can tell by the screenshot I took of my song :P keep up the nice work though. I'm rooting for you to get signed!

Hmm I did use reverb, but very lightly and in small rooms because that way the bass from the synths don't drop out that much. Oh well. That's the prolem with trying to review pretty much any audio/song. Very little definite stuff you can point fingers at as "wrong". But thanks, means a lot. Will let you guys know if it does happen :)


Oh and here's the screenshot. It's actually a prettyy old song, so the way I organized is a little outdated lol.



#311503 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chime on 04 April 2015 - 08:01 PM

New around here. Mainly joined the forum to be a part of this thread tbh :P

Anyway I produce most genres.

My soundcloud, which only has 2 things on it rn

one of which is this, which I would say is a better example of my current style. skill lvl etc:

どぞう よろしく おねがい します。^_^

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