...well isn't this place classy
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Member Since 21 May 2015Offline Last Active Jun 09 2015 05:06 AM
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Splatoon Is A Bad Unfinished Game
02 June 2015 - 12:57 PM
In Topic: Splatoon Is A Bad Unfinished Game
01 June 2015 - 04:00 AM
There are so many things wrong with Splatoon, it's just not even fun.
I'm not sure we're playing the same game
The only thing I could do without is the mandatory news breaks. But that, to me, isn't worth making a thread over... even if this is the internet after all, the apparent venue for such things
Everything else I want they tell me is coming in August and that is plenty soon for me. Much of my summers are spent off screen.
In Topic: Should Zelda U = NX Masterquest edition?
28 May 2015 - 07:32 PM
I guess I get why Iwata mentioned NX, but I'm just not as hyped up about an unknown device as some. I'm happy to wait until Ninty releases info to the gamers rather than a quick mention to stockholders.
With the hype a single mention has stirred, I have a feeling a lot who have already locked into what they predict the NX will be will be very disappointed. ...the drivers of this hype train are likely to be the same ones to derail it. Let's just enjoy our present home console and handheld and save the speculation for when we hear more than two letters about the device.
In Topic: Considering Hard Drives for my Wii U.
28 May 2015 - 04:28 PM
Wow, you got that for an excellent price. One USB port on your Wii U and it was good to go?
Yes, one USB port as it plugs into the wall for power. Makes the read and write times much faster than the passport i used to use or the thumb drive i attempted for a short time.
While I did luck out on a great deal, honestly, i would have even paid the $85 sale they're throwing right now
In Topic: Considering Hard Drives for my Wii U.
26 May 2015 - 05:41 PM
I use the 2TB version of this guy: http://www.amazon.co...ding=UTF8&psc=1
While it might be overkill on size(and, at least at the time, the max the U could recognize), it was on sale for $70 or $75 when I bought it a year or so ago. Works like a champ and doesn't tie up more than one USB port. Fast access too so much so that I don't notice a difference in speed whether it's pulling info from the internal or external drive.
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