- Wii U Forums
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: ~Edd~
Member Since 24 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Dec 31 2012 10:34 PM
About Me
I am a Male living in Ontario, Canada. i am Nintendo 3DS at 3DS Forums.
Community Stats
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- Active Posts 17
- Profile Views 13,627
- Member Title Spiked Goomba
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
Video Games, Sports, Music, School, Youtube
Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Street Fighter
Posts I've Made
In Topic: Wii U Demo Interface
07 October 2012 - 11:33 AM
Anyone know the name of the vid? I can't watch it.
In Topic: *NEW* Wii U Game Logo Requests for your profile pictures and sigs
25 September 2012 - 03:59 PM
Yeah, I don't know how to put it on,
In Topic: *NEW* Wii U Game Logo Requests for your profile pictures and sigs
25 September 2012 - 03:48 PM
Can I have another, but its really custom. So I hope it is not hard. Can it instead of saying Wii u forums, have it say Wii U Fan. But have the word Fan, be written in the font Forum uses. Also, can I have the background yoshi gamer, but instead of green, make it light blue and instead of Yoshi, I'd like the black Wii u and Wii u Gamepad. And Can it say RyuHoshi101, but can you make the u in ryu, the Wii u one? That's all. Thanks man!
In Topic: *NEW* Wii U Game Logo Requests for your profile pictures and sigs
17 September 2012 - 12:37 PM
Coming right up!
Here ya go
Oh God.....That's....wow.....Amazing....
In Topic: *NEW* Wii U Game Logo Requests for your profile pictures and sigs
14 September 2012 - 02:32 PM
Hey, can you make me a Zelda Signature, but not with saying wii u forums, just wii u. Can you make it with the blue case style?
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