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Member Since 28 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Sep 11 2011 05:39 PM
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- Active Posts 6
- Profile Views 5,436
- Member Title Goomba
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday December 5, 1995
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Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Portal, Mother
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Savings check! :P
23 August 2011 - 07:02 PM
Other than my extra money lying around, which I can probably add up to $100-150, I have a jar of quarters labeled "Wii U Fund" where I'm just reaching $30 in quarters!
In Topic: 7 things you didn't know about the Wii U.
28 June 2011 - 06:37 PM
Iwata said that more than one controller is theoretically possible, so maybe. I really just wanted to play someone in a game without screen-peeking.
In Topic: Golden Eye Might Be THE Nintendo FPS
28 June 2011 - 06:33 PM
I love Goldeneye, don't get me wrong but Nintendo can't rely on James Bond to save the day. They can't market a game based off a movie more then once and especially not a couple years next to each other. They need to either bank on third party developers to provide the FPS games or give an fresh idea to Retro Studios because let's face it, Retro is Nintendo's new favorite developer to hand games to and they make masterpieces.
In Topic: How backwards compatible is the WiiU?
28 June 2011 - 06:26 PM
I don't think that was Wii Sports or WiiU Sports, it was probably just a tech demo. Though Nintendo might as well make it a game and bundle for free with the console like Wii and Wii Sports
In Topic: Valve interested in Wii U
28 June 2011 - 06:09 PM
Valve makes some of my favorite games and being able to play them on a Nintendo console would be awesome, but the first thing they have to do before releasing a big time game is release a collection much like Orange Box or releasing a couple of their more popular games on a downloadable store.
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