This is Mario we're talking about, I'm sure it'll be great. Though, as much as I loved the Galaxy series (I truly loved those games), maybe it's time to get the creative juices flowing in rapids more & think of a new idea for Mario.
What I'm most curious about is the art direction for Mario, given that he's gonna be in a 1080p game. Will he look similar to Brawl with more detailed clothing while maintaining his cartoony look, or will they go the CGI-like route? In my opinion, I'm open to either of the 2 (but I'm sure they know what they're doing).
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Member Since 14 Aug 2011Offline Last Active Aug 26 2011 04:31 PM
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In Topic: Super Mario Wii U
19 August 2011 - 04:20 PM
In Topic: Phoenix Wright on the Wii U?
19 August 2011 - 04:16 PM
I can see the game being similar to its DS counterpart thanks to the touchscreen on the controller. As for the presentation, either 2D sprites in HD (if the devs are up to it) or 3D models. And for sure, full voice acting (with whoever was casted as Phoenix Wright in UMvC3 to replace Ben Judd).
In Topic: None of the big first parties at launch?
19 August 2011 - 10:45 AM
We already know Pikmin 3 is coming. They could always make New Super Mario Bros. Mii into a full game & release that at launch.
In Topic: Retro Studios are working on a Wii U game
19 August 2011 - 10:43 AM
Eh, let Retro do whatever they want. They're known for their quality games anyway, so best to let their creative minds flow freely.
In Topic: Should Nintendo Partner with Capcom once more?
19 August 2011 - 10:39 AM
The original Street Fighter 4 wasn't coded for character DLC. As for SSF4:AE, it IS DLC (for $15). The disc is mearly for those who did not buy SSF4. If you own SSF4, just go on PSN/XBLA & download the upgrade. Happy ending.Lets take for example this generations game Street Fighter 4, now 3 itterations of the same game with a few added people (which could easily have been DLC) I would say is milking a Franchise. Remakes of Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica for XBLA and PSN once again I would say is milking a franchise.
Anyway, I'm open to the idea, regardless of it's another Capcom-made Zelda game or Nintendo vs. Capcom (either by Ono or Niitsuma, since they're both open to the idea).
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