I am not completely sure what you want to say with this sentence (with no intention of being offensive, I actually don't see the crucial point in your whole post at all), but for clarification: With "some people" I was specifically referring to "nl0...". And of course, this is just a rumour , one I personally regard as made up out of thin air.Also, we know that the rumor is that it's 20% less powerful, but the only thing they said to prove that was the GPU, and when we compared it ourselves, we found the Wii U to be superior.
@ Your point of a rushed our demo: Are you implying that, with more optimization, they could have run the very same demo (720p, 30fps) at - let's say - 60 fps?
Even then, you would have a stuttering framerate at 1080p and a bit AA. The framerate would be even lower (since entirely unplayable) for a real game with the shown quality. That is why I meant
the graphics of the "HD-Experience" are the absolute maximum of what can be achieved in a WiiU game.