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Member Since 30 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2011 06:13 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Super Mario Wii U

31 August 2011 - 02:44 PM

That would be so cool

Thats awesome it would be cool if they made Super Luigi. Luigi is epic

In Topic: ROB returns?

31 August 2011 - 08:52 AM

It would be cool if R.O.B appered in a new puzzle game but it sould be like R.O.B broke down and something like toads have to go in R.O.B and fix him. Its not quite R.O.B but it would still be fun

Not quite a R.O.B game but it would be cool if like toads had to srink themselves and go in to R.O.B and fix him, it would be a hard puzzle game with R.O.B just c being there

In Topic: Should Nintendo make an open world game?

31 August 2011 - 08:36 AM

Ya that sounds like a really good idea thanks

In Topic: Let's Talk IPs!

31 August 2011 - 08:26 AM

«Caten and the Castle of Sen» So basicly Caten a new elfish thing lives in the castle of Sen. Like Infamous, your actions decide where your good or evil. You would be able to vist the village in the day and the blackmarket at night. You have two friends at the very begining of the game Bin and Celshie. If you do more bad missons and actions(like visting the blackmarket) Celsnie will like you more and encourge you to do them and Bin will start dislikeing you and disagree with the plan.On the other hand if you do good missions and good deeds Bin will encourage them and like you more as a friend, Celsenie will dislike it and think your lame and boring. later in the game you be able to ethier join gangs and the villins and capture the castle or join the kings army and defend against the gangs

Its just an idea

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