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Member Since 17 Sep 2011
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In Topic: What's the point of next gen consoles?

17 September 2011 - 04:30 PM

*Sigh*, More generic Fanboyism is at work here via generic "LOL, no" Comments.
Honestly, All of you need to get your Heads out of your ***** and think logically.

1.Apple Products are Extremely high Quality in both Design and Features, so there is no Doudt that a Potential Apple Console would be Beautiful in Both Design and Features.

2.Apple has a Dedicated Fanbase, and no, the Fanbase isn't full of "Apple Drones that would buy any and all products if it has the Apple Logo on it". I'm a Fan of Apple, and I buy their products because they are Very High Quality and they give me everything I both Need and Want from a Phone/Tablet. Yes some things are to be Desired, but they aren't very Big issues.

3. Look at Microsoft, They were a PC-Only Bisness. Now, Guess what, they are now in the Console bisness. Can Apple go the Same way, DEFINATLEY, There is no doudt in my mind.

And if iPhone/iPad gaming gets more and more popular, It would be a No-Brainer for Apple to Develop a Console of Sorts.

4. Apple Most likely won't need to Rely on First-Party software, but if they had to, they could easily Acquire a Games Developer/Publisher or even Set up their own Studio.

Now, I disagree that there "Isn't a point for Next-Gen consoles", as Consoles will continue to stick around for at Least 5 more Years. But, it remains true that Technological Progress has gave birth to many more (Far Superior) Options to Consoles.

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