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Member Since 17 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 23 2011 07:48 AM

#36896 Hello everyone! It's Gamerfan :)

Posted by Brian6330 on 17 October 2011 - 03:13 PM

Welcome to the forum!

I, myself, am from Switzerland :P
*Is really liking diversity that's coming to this forum*

Judging by your avatar; you really like the Mario sports games. am I right?

Are you looking forward to Mario Tennis on the 3DS (if you have one)?

What's your favorite gaming home console, handheld, video game genre and video game series?

I'm a big fan of Kingdom Hearts, many Nintendo franchises, Sonic the Hedgehog and Minecraft.

Do you play any games on your PC? Looking forward to any game(s) this year?

Anyways, I'll see ya around!
Take care and don't be afraid to ask if you have a question about anything.

Edit: Nice to see that you took my advice and joined the forum :D I hope you're here to stay ;)

#36892 Hello everyone! It's Gamerfan :)

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 17 October 2011 - 02:36 PM

You live in Egypt? That's a very unique place. Hopefully it won't get too hot! Anyways, welcome to the Wii U Forums! Make sure to follow the rules! You might also want look at the Newcomer's Guide. It will explain a lot of things to you, such as why we are guides, how things work around here and much more! Don't worry, it will only take 5 minutes to read both of these. You can also chat with other users in the Chat. If you need any help, you can contact either us Guides or the mods: Feld0 and AMAC. Hope you're happy here! (No, trust me. This forum is AWESOME!)

#36837 Hello everyone! It's Gamerfan :)

Posted by Caius Casshern Sins on 17 October 2011 - 11:28 AM

Whoa a Wii U fan from Egypt, that is sweet. i am from New York City but currently living in Ohio. My family however are not American but instead Nigerian. It is nice to have some diversity in the forums. Welcome fellow Gamer.

#36814 Hello everyone! It's Gamerfan :)

Posted by Katana on 17 October 2011 - 10:49 AM

Welcome to the forum and have fun...!!!

#36809 Hello everyone! It's Gamerfan :)

Posted by Crackkat on 17 October 2011 - 10:44 AM

from egypt? nice, im from lebanon so welcome to the forum from another arab ;) (but i live in england) either way i hope you enjoy yourself and hope to see you around :)

#36806 Hello everyone! It's Gamerfan :)

Posted by Jonke on 17 October 2011 - 10:38 AM

Welcome Gamerfan! I'm Jonke, big Yoshi fan, also quite new on this forum. Other then my fandoms, I play pc games like Starcraft/heroes of newerth. I'm currently studying to become a computer engineer(alot of work z_z) anyway I'm looking forward to see you in our discussions soon.

#36788 Hello everyone! It's Gamerfan :)

Posted by Andy on 17 October 2011 - 07:35 AM

Welcome to the Wii U forums, Gamerfan. I'm Andy, the forum's biggest Zelda fanboy, and one of the guides here. As a guide, it's my duty to great new members, and answer any questions about the site to the best of my ability. So feel free to ask me anything. If you encounter any problems with the site, I'd recommend speaking with the site admin Feld0, or the site moderator AMAC. If you have any problems with a guide or a post in this section, speak with the lead guide Brian6330, as he possesses moderator powers over this section of the site. If you have yet to read the Newcomer's Guide or the Forum Rules pages, I shall provide you with the links to them here
There are 9 different sections to the site, along with a chatroom that you can find the link to at the top of any page of the site. The first section is introduction central, where new members introduce themselves, and where you can go if you won't be able to be on for a while and would like to let us know ahead of time. The second is Wii U Hardware, where you can go to discuss different aspects of the Wii U itself, such as secs, uses for the controller, online system, etc. Second is Wii U games, where you can go to talk about games that are coming or you hope may come to the Wii U. The third is General Gaming, where you can talk about games and systems that are not related to the Wii U. Fourth is Wii U news, where you can find news updates from Wii U Go and Wii U Blog(You will need to go to the sites in order to comment). Next is The Cafe, where you can have general conversations that don't exactly fit into other sections of the site. Then there's The Museum, where you can share with us any artistic/musical/poetic talents you may have. After that there is Site News and Feedback, where you can go to make any suggestions or complaints about the site, or sign up to be a guide. Last but not least, there is Roleplay and Forum Games, where you can go to enjoy roleplays and other games such as Ban the Last Poster or Count until a mod/admin posts. I hope you find this information helpful, and that you enjoy your time on the forums.

So, What games are you looking forward to? Personally, I can't wait for Skyward Sword(pre-ordered since 2009), Monster Hunter Tri-G, Monster Hunter 4, Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Luigi's Mansion 2, Sonic Generations, Kid Icarus Uprising, Paper Mario, Resident Evil: Revelations, Metal Gear Solid 3D, Kirby Returns to Dream Land, and Sly 4.

#36935 Hello everyone! It's Gamerfan :)

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 17 October 2011 - 06:47 PM

Hey there, son!
If you could bring your baby brother around here more often, it'd make monitoring both of you easier for me.
(inside joke)

Well, I don't need to introduce myself. After all, you're used to calling me mom.

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