Member Since 22 Oct 2011Offline Last Active Feb 07 2013 10:28 AM
Wow, Ive been gone for a couple months now. Just got on because of the bday emails im getting from here xD Thank you everyone! :)
Updated 12 Jul · 0 comments
About Me
Name's Obed (You can call me by that if you want), I am a Nintendo fanatic and enthusiats (shocker!). I am not perfect and I dont expect anyone to be. I apologize if Im a little too negative sometimes, but I assure you I only do it to avoid getting overhyped. I am a fan of Nintendo's games, including their newer ones. I love the new Pokemon too. I love being/ feeling nostalgic sometimes, but Im not blinded by it.
I dont get on here that much, but you could hit me up on Twitter! Im always on there!
I welcome any Nintendo fan! I dont judge. 
YouTube Channel

Systems I own:
-Nintendo 64
-Nintendo GameCube
-Game Boy Color
-Game Boy Advance
-Nintendo DS*
-Nintendo DS Lite*
-Nintendo DSi
-Nintendo 3DS
*= Broken/ Malfunctioning, need to get fixed
oh and I also have a PS1, but it's missing a few cables.
Future Consoles (Based on priority):
-Wii U
-Game Boy Advance SP 2.0
-NES Jr.
-Game Boy
-Game Boy Advance Micro
-Virtual Boy
-Game Boy Pocket
-Game Boy Light
-Nintendo DSi XL
-Wii Jr.
I dont get on here that much, but you could hit me up on Twitter! Im always on there!

YouTube Channel

Systems I own:
-Nintendo 64
-Nintendo GameCube
-Game Boy Color
-Game Boy Advance
-Nintendo DS*
-Nintendo DS Lite*
-Nintendo DSi
-Nintendo 3DS
*= Broken/ Malfunctioning, need to get fixed
oh and I also have a PS1, but it's missing a few cables.
Future Consoles (Based on priority):
-Wii U
-Game Boy Advance SP 2.0
-NES Jr.
-Game Boy
-Game Boy Advance Micro
-Virtual Boy
-Game Boy Pocket
-Game Boy Light
-Nintendo DSi XL
-Wii Jr.
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 75
- Profile Views 8,510
- Member Title Spear Guy
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday July 12, 1993
Nintendo (I'll go into detail later)
Scott Pilgrim (Just got hooked recently)
*I'll add more laterz* -
Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Kirby