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Member Since 23 Oct 2011Offline Last Active Jan 27 2013 04:55 AM
About Me
I love Nintendo more then anything in the world. Nintendo has been the best thing since slice bread (as they say)... Anyway... One thing I love bout Nintendo is... The Legend of Zelda.. OMG Link is so Hot. Just thinking bout him makes me want to be a game character so I can be with him. -sigh- A boy can dream. The Legend of Zela is one of the best video game series EVER. Hands Down. Nothing and I say NOTHING will out beat Zelda.
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- Active Posts 141
- Profile Views 10,115
- Member Title Cheep-Cheep
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday January 13, 1994
Kakariko Village, Hyrule
Games, Internet, Drawing, Cooking, Link
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In Topic: Wii U Wishlist
27 January 2013 - 04:49 AM
We need a Kingdom Hearts HD collection of a least the first 2 games because Square Enix has made KH games on Nintendo handhelds and majority of the KH fans are Nintendo buyers, so they don't know the story much and this HD collection will be a great way relive the old KH, also show the Nintendo buyers the beginning of KH and also make new people into the series. If this is the only thing we get from Square Enix its fine to me cause y'know I love Kingdom Hearts, but don't have any sony console
In Topic: How do you think the Wii U mii characters will look like?
23 March 2012 - 08:31 PM
the same as the wii and 3ds, but you can have more hair styles, face paint (make-up), have more colours for hair and eyes, have customize voice, instead of just having top and pants and dresses. they should have a verity of clothes and you can change the desgin of clothes and colours, chanage body mass (so you can make your mii strong),
with mii plaza, they should have more then just the palza. wii plaza can have different veritys of towns and it can be like the sims were you can run you mii's life and when you play mii games (wii sport, mii play etc) you can win different types of stuff for your mii (furniture, clothes, things for your town etc)
with mii plaza, they should have more then just the palza. wii plaza can have different veritys of towns and it can be like the sims were you can run you mii's life and when you play mii games (wii sport, mii play etc) you can win different types of stuff for your mii (furniture, clothes, things for your town etc)
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